February 24th, 2025

The older generation of Canadians won’t turn their back on those who need help

By Lethbridge Herald on January 20, 2023.


After reading Michael Adam’s article in the Dec. 31 Globe and Mail on diversity and how we Canadians are embracing it, I found it necessary for this 78-year-old to express himself.

I have seen a lot of changes in the years after I found myself engaged in activities to support myself and later my family. Fortunately, I did not have a traditional or religious upbringing to impair my thinking patterns.

Diversity has always been a natural ingredient of my moving forward. In small-town Alberta, my high school teachers included one Pakistani, one East Indian, two Australians and a Czechoslovakian. I knew nothing about anything other than school, hockey and girls and I am still learning how to deal with girls. I was surprised later in life when I found out about the mistreatment my governments (federal and provincial) awarded our Indigenous peoples. I have not turned my back or covered my ears and I believe that 90 per cent of Canadians are of the same ilk.

We Canadians have put learning from our mistakes ahead of tradition – our national identity is now framed in diversity and diversity means opening our doors to immigrants – Asian, African, South American, as our forefathers and foremothers did for Europeans many years ago.

We need to do more – and we will because we are Canadians with hearts that watch and receive – Canadians with a Charter of Rights and a legal system that is receptive to change. My generation teaches by example and we achieve with patience and we will not walk away from anyone or country that needs help – even our American friends – if they can find the humility to ask for help.

Grant R Harrington 


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old school

The mistreatment ,alledged or real has not been accurately reported on . Somehow, for some reason it has been blown out of proportion. Much blame is misdirected, fingers pointed in one direction. I’ve been told many times that when I point one finger at you, three are pointing back at me👉🤔. There is much responsibility on both sides for much of what has happened.

pursuit diver

I think he missed the part about the early settlers, in mid 1800’s in southern Alberta, where men were tortured, dismembered and women and children were being raped, tortured and killed, which could have been why the settlers were so afraid of them they wanted to find ways to bring them into their ways and lifestyles of living.
Mistakes were made on both sides that both sides regret! Canadian taxpayers have paid dearly, since money doesn’t drop from the skies or grow on trees, spending over $22 billion per year last few years for the Indian Act for general payments and supports, increasing to over $25 billion per year this year.
Let us not forgot the over $65 billion that has been paid out or is in the process being paid out to the indigenous for various agreements regarding the residential schools, water issues, land claim issues, etc. which is above and beyond the annual $25 billion.
This is all for about1.3 million people, with only about half taking FULL supports from treaty/Indian act monies, since many do not live on the commmunity and work.
This far surpasses the budget per capita many provinces had to survive.
Canada supports for our indigenous surpasses any other country in the world, by far, yet we are told they want more!


good thoughts – thank you for a positive message. the great majority of those coming here for a new life are giving it – working very hard toward building a better life; they know too well how worse it can be for people. as for our american neighbours, just so long as they are not asking us to support their wars of subjugation the world over.

Last edited 2 years ago by biff

The Ottawa Mohawk women stated in Lethbridge to Sacpa meeting their official term ” they are the Landlords and we are the tenants and we will pay forever ” so be it to the policians.
The OKI sign should be planted on the reserves and the no trespassing signs be removed if not remove the OKI sign rom the Corporate City of Lethbridge this is our land granted by the Government Of Alberta.