February 24th, 2025

Announcer volume too loud

By Lethbridge Herald on February 9, 2023.


The ridiculous loud volume from announcers at the Lethbridge Hurricanes games should be investigated as there is no other reason than that the person doing the job is in love with the sound of his own voice! Patrons should have the right to converse with each other between periods without having to yell at each other to be heard and there are young kids at these games with ears that are more sensitive! Maybe Occupational Health and Safety should do an investigation about this. 

Don Aos Sr.


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I agree Don, I stopped going years ago and this was one of the reasons. To have to literally yell at the person next to you during periods is ridiculous. Further, blaring music at every stoppage was very annoying as well. Most nights went home felt like my hearing was abused at a s—y rock concert. No way to discuss a previous play or how the period worked out or what the Canes may have to come with in the next period. All drowned out by senselessness

Bill McDonald

You are absolutely correct Don. We are Canes season ticket holders and love going to the games. But the noise level of the announcer is ridiculous. You can’t visit during intermission without screaming at your neighbour and you are correct that there are young children attending that is dangerous for their hearing.
I have emailed the Enmax and they say it is a Canes issue so I would suggest we send concerns to the board of the Lethbridge Hurricanes. Their email is….board@lethbridgehurricanes.com
And of course, Go Canes!


Tony D is loud and very obnoxious as the announcer. They need a strong/calm voice such as – either Pat S or Rosie.