March 28th, 2025

Lyrics of the national anthem should remain as they are

By Lethbridge Herald on March 25, 2023.


I read recently in the Lethbridge Herald that singer, Jully Black, changed the lyrics of Canada’s National Anthem from “O Canada, our home and native land” to “Our home on native land” when she sang before the NBA celebrity basketball game in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

The fact isthe only time the lyrics can be changed is by or through the Government of Canada’s Legislation in the National Anthem Act R.S.C. (Revised Statutes of Canada) 1985, c.B-2, an Act respecting the national anthem of Canada. 

The words and music of the song “O Canada,” as set out in the schedule, are designated as the national anthem of Canada, and are hereby declared to be the public domain. 

Furthermore, the national anthem is copyright of intellectual property and exclusive legal right that protects original works of authorship. This right includes production and original literary or musical work. In Canada Copyright Certificate is issued by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO).  When the anthem “O Canada! Our home and native land!” is sung, this means all people born in Canada call Canada home and they are natives here. I was born in Saskatchewan, a province in Canada, and I am considered a native of Canada, as well.

I wrote a song for the Millenium year 2000 but changed ‘Millenium’ to ‘Communion’ because the next Millenium will not occur for another 1,000 years, and I wouldn’t likely be around by then. My song “Celebrate” was  copyrighted on June 29, 1999.

Paul Jones


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Paul, you are out of synch with the spirit of wokism steamrolling Canadian culture. It allows for revisionist history, making villains of national heroes, creating “facts” to forward a new reality and wiping out inconvenient truths with the stroke of a pen.
Black was merely pushing the limits again. After all, what significance is there to a NATIONAL anthem when our own PM sees Canada as a post nation state to be held up as an. example of who knows what to the world at large. Perhaps we should all be singing ” We are the World” ?


Changing the national anthem doesn’t threaten to erase history, it only threatens a symbolic imbalance of power in our country, which is something worth toppling.”


wondering how far back do we go so as to determine divine ownership of any piece of land


2015…to be more precise, the day BlackFace was annointed.


Sure, turn it into Trudeau hate thing. Keep chasing your tail.