February 23rd, 2025

Campaign signs have no business on public property

By Lethbridge Herald on May 12, 2023.


 Why do we allow political campaign signs on public property? This property should be neutral ground. If not, the group with the most signs gets the most visibility. 

Why would we as taxpayers allow for this situation to occur? On private property, people can display signs if they so wish. 

As for billboards in the city and other public spaces, it should be even distribution. Not a question of who has more money. 

I realize that the situation can get complicated, but I am annoyed to see signs (mostly of a single party) lining Scenic Drive, University Drive etc.

In my opinion, there should be none on such road edges or in other public spaces belonging to the city and citizens.

Steve Urquhart


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I agree, no signs on public property. What an eye sore.


Even the monstrosity sized orange things on private property should be disallowed as well. What an eyesore.


The big blue ones with Nuedork on them are far uglier


Perhaps more blue signs fill public spaces because there are less voters willing to place a blue sign on private property.

Southern Albertan

…kind of sounds like sour grapes re: orange signs. It is known that signs are an indication of the financial health of a political party and used for name recognition which is very important…the AB NDP has raised $1 million in just the past month or less….sort of speaks volumes.

Southern Albertan

And this:
“The Horror! Danielle Smith’s news conference is interrupted for about 50 seconds by 3 mild-mannered protestors! Meanwhile the NDP raised another $1 million in the first 10 days of campaign, and has a gender balanced full slate of candidates with 44 women and 43 men.”


Speaking of “signs” ORANGE signs by both East and West were erected along 4th Ave and also 13th street BEFORE the official Writ was dropped. These were date stamped captured on my camera and reported to Elections Alberta. Guess what, very many orange signs are posted on the back of fences facing U-Drive and without permission or knowledge of the home owner…guess what, many orange signs are hammered in on blvds just on the edge of personal property to suggest the illusion of them being on private property! Guess what, I call this the expected “Shannon-Gans” we have had to tolerate for 8 years! May 29th…. no more!

Last edited 1 year ago by HaroldP

There will not be anyone to refute you. We all know the BS the NDP pull. When accused of board members of unions who were cozied to NDP shut sown the affiliation page. Slimy.


Hate to break it to you Harold the West side loves Shannon and the literal parachute candidate the UCP got to run after the exit of the nominated one has quite a job ahead of her.


Yeh by 255 votes to a no name first time candidate. Delusional you are.