February 23rd, 2025

Enough NDP on Page 1

By Lethbridge Herald on May 13, 2023.


We at this home are almost persuaded to cancel our subscription to this paper for it’s blatant support of the NDP party! No matter what the issue may be you give the NDP candidate from the west side of your city preference to what she might think on the front page. Even if the UCP rep has exciting news regarding your city you see fit to hide it in the back pages. Shame on you.

You should be neutral in your printing and not show your bias! The prime example is today’s edition where on the front page Smith declines comment on Pawlowski”s conviction” you indicate in the very last line that this issue is in the hands of the Alberta’s ethics commission, so of course she is not going to comment.

 You print the negative comments of Notley, another example of NDP bias on your front page. 

For now we will let it slide, but time will tell.

A. Mitchell


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Fedup Conservative

Want to bet you are another easy to fool senior that my senior friends and I see hurling sarcastic comments at anyone not as dumb as them, and believing the lies these phony conservatives , Reformers, feed them?
Would you rather see the paper filled with praises for Danielle Smith, praising criminal Convoy Truckers and having her picture taken with them, comparing us true conservatives to Germany Nazis for daring to get vaccinated when after 4 shots we got Covid and it likely would have killed us and some of our senior friends if we hadn’t had the shots ? Are you going to let her privatize your hospital and allow the owners to charge you User Fees to access them, as she has been suggesting in her videos, while she continues to help the rich steal your oil and tax wealth to try to buy votes?
As true conservatives who spent countless hours volunteering for the Lougheed and Getty Governments and watched them collect proper royalties and taxes and run this province properly, like Lougheed did and Norway and Alaska are doing we aren’t dumb enough to want this idiot Danielle Smith as our premier, so why aren’t you trying to help us stop her with articles proving how dangerous she is, or aren’t you man enough to handle the truth?


So, we have seen it time and time again in our media, “the NDP fart…and the it is the UCP that stink”…. So true that in particular, NDP, Shannon Phillips is parading around and up to her “Shannon-agans” calling “press conferences” over hapless matters, and our paper licks it all up, right wrong or indifferent! What ever happened to “investigative reporting”? A couple years ago, we had a news reporter, Lara Faminov and she did some impressive digging and reporting on key issues at City Hall. Her reporting was factual, current and unbiased…she was “cutting edge”. Guess what, she never lasted long in Lethbridge, did she get pressured out or so how intimidated? Regardless she was gone shortly after her stories in the happenings at the SCS!

Here’s a “tip” for the Lethbridge Herald. Why not give the readers a story on how East and West NDP are placing signs on and directly in front of residential properties without permission or request from the owners, screwing signs into fences along U-Drive unbeknown to home owners, not to mention the fact that they erected signs on public property BEFORE the Writ was dropped! Or, how about a nice update on how Ms. Shannon Phillips self initiated lawsuit against City Lethbridge City Police Officers/current and former/ is going, what her statement of claim is for and the allegations? I can imagine we will hear “crickets” from the Herald on these points of interest!


MLA Shannon Phillips has filed a $400,000 lawsuit against several members of the Lethbridge Police Service, claiming illegal searches of police databases were an invasion of her privacy intended to cause her psychological and emotional harm.

The lawsuit, filed by Calgary lawyer Michael Bates, names three officers and one civilian employee in connection to the searches, alleging the actions amounted to a breach of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

“Phillips has suffered and will continue to suffer loss and damages,” including pain and suffering, loss of reputation, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the court filing made last week in Lethbridge.


not sure what is your issue with her claim? do you actually support a police state? or, do you support a police state but only when illegal acts support your preferences?
if there are damages to be paid, it is my feeling that the perpetrators should pay, and not the public purse.


I agree HaroldP and the total costs to the taxpayer could be close to $1 million once it is all said and done.
The NDP has zero respect for the taxpayer, downtown business or the citizens, proven many times with this frivolous lawsuit and the opening of the SCS and allowing it to continue after seeing our city’s reputation destroyed internationally and our downtown business community badly damaged.
The NDP has nothing in their platform to show that they will continue the hard work of the UCP, and by comments made plan on opening another SCS in this city and increase the non-profits.
Time to lock up downtown. Galt Gardens is a cesspool and downtown looks like a warzone with the hotel remains and garbage and addicts everywhere.
My property taxes will not be burned up for addicts to slowly commit suicide on our streets while destroying the lives of so many innocent people. I am moving out of this city because I believe people are just stupid enough to put the NDP back in power.


You’ve clearly never been downtown – “a warzone”? I pray you never have to actually say a warzone, because downtown is downright pleasant.
Regarding you moving… do you promise?


Been in more than one warzone and I am fully aware of the acitivities downtown. Galt Gardens had garbage strewn all over the grass, tables were covered with empty food containers and clothes all over and on the ground. People doing drugs in several areas and if not doing them, passed out or doing the meth dance.
Looking at the hotel the addicts burnt and the filth in the park, is what warzones look like. All you need to add are some burned out vehicles and armour!
Go back to BC!


“Garbage strewn all over” = “Warzone” – even if it were true that downtown had more garbage than any other part of the city, you have a very rosy picture of warzones apparently.

I’m not from BC so I can’t go back, but I’ll give you a much simpler assignment. Go downtown. Maybe eat at one of the patios. Walk around for a bit. I know you’re scared, but you’ll be fine.


I would suggest you go to an optometrist!
We stood and watched about a dozen people on the street fighting last night. 2 opposing FN gangs on 6 street south between 5th ave and 6th avenue. 4 police units and 2 ambulances and a fire rescue truck on scene, with video to prove it!
You are the one that needs to get out and look!
I fear God alone. I walk ‘through’ Galt Gardens past people doing drugs. Some people only see what they want to see while they are high and everything is ‘wow dude’.


I fear God alone… haha, oh brother, we’ve got a tough guy over here, scared of nothing but God and apparently garbage.
I’m downtown everyday, but sure, let’s see your video tough guy. You claim it’s a warzone, prove it. Then let’s see some during the day – someone forgot to tell the people packing the patios at the Owl and Telegraph that it’s a warzone! Those poor kids, most aren’t even wearing their bulletproof vests! Some even rode their bikes – I guess their tanks were in the shop?


Right- I can really show you it here! You really are a smart ass who would wet their panties and run screaming like a girl if you were ever under fire.
You were right about one thing–someone cleaned up all the garbage on the grass and tables yesterday or today and the 50-60 addicts/homeless who were there for days were down to 10-15.
I walk that area daily! Maybe I will see you and stop you on you scooter and show you what you miss! You see what you want.
You are a waste of time and only know one thing, attack so you make a great NDP fit in well with Phillips and Miyashiro!


Sorry I guess you must be confused about sharing the video. I assumed you were young enough to understand the internet given your choice of insults (wet my panties.. really? All the time in the world and that’s what you settled on? That’s the insult of a man who’s been under fire, yes sir).
So to help you out, right now you’re using this thing called the internet. It can be used to share words, but also pictures and videos. So if you want to chronical your adventures in the warzone that only you can see, you could create a youtube account and put the videos there! It’s free and easy!
Honestly though, that probably isn’t healthy. Instead of finding the worst in everything you could be enjoying your time downtown, like the vast majority of people who spend time there. Is this really making you happy? Pretending I’m a scooter riding panty wetting BC transplant who wants nothing more than to bring in the NDP, and then raging at me online?

John P Nightingale

Are you suggesting the claim is unsubstantiated?

Fedup Conservative

With A. Mitchell being from Claresholm and we are told that Rural Albertans are still supporting these Reformers, maybe they need to wake up and listen to what doctors, who worked under a privatized health care system in Europe have been telling us for years. Privatization of health care will never work in Alberta, or Canada for that matter. Our populations are scattered around too much. How are rural Alberta’s Health Care facilities going to recruit doctors and nurses when they can make a lot more money working in private -for profit hospitals in the cities, like Smith wants to create? These Reformers don’t care whose lives they put at risk, they proved it during the Covid Pandemic, didn’t they? Rural Albertan’s lives will be put at risk as the doctors state.
Isn’t it true that there are 43,000 people in Lethbridge who don’t have a family doctor? You are living proof of what the doctors are saying? Of course watching the UCP treat our doctors, nurses and teachers like third class citizens ;and driving them out of the province like Ralph Klein did likely has a lot to do with it. They don’t want to work in Alberta under these morons. I helped 9 doctors and at least two dozen nurses relocate out of this province when Klein was kicking them around, and not one wanted to go. .

Fedup Conservative

With A. Michell being from Claresholm , and while we continue to be told by pollsters that Rural Albertans are still supporting Danielle Smith maybe they need to wake up and listen to what Retired doctors, who had worked under a privatized health care system in the U.K. have been saying for years. Privatization of health care will never work in Alberta and Rural Albertans will be put at risk of losing their lives. There is no way doctors and nurses with stay working in rural settings if they can make a lot more money working in private for profit hospitals in the cities, why would they? Aren’t you having enough trouble recruiting them as it is?
Is the story true that Lethbridge has 40,000 people who don’t have a family doctor


Another goofy comment by fed up. The number you quote was prior to 17 doctors arriving in Lethbridge. Don’t let me screw ip your BS and rhetoric. CBC reported twenty years ago about doctor shortages across the country. So take your misinformation and go bull s—t with your oil patch friends at Hortons.


And the fact that in 2021 more doctors stopped practicing in Alberta than the previous 4 years combined after the UCP ripped up the master agreement was just a coincidence, right?

Fedup Conservative

Sure they treat our doctors, nurse, and teachers like third class citizens and when they leave, because of how they have been treated, they convince these weak minded easy to fool seniors that they are heroes for spending millions of their tax dollars trying to recruit foreign doctors and nurse because Canadian ones aren’t dumb enough to want to work in Alberta, under these fools.


Wrong. A doctor living in our neighbourhood retired early so he could enjoy his property in Montana, keep his property in Lethbridge and buy another property in Comox. You’re full of it that they left because of a contract. AB surgeons make between 556k and 594k a year. Tough life and crying about the big bad government.

Fedup Conservative

Poor buckwheat he can’t find any support, most people aren’t as dumb as him. He enjoys being treated like a moron and willing to let these reformers financially destroy him. I will never forget the fools who hurled their sarcastic comments at me and my friends when Klein was destroying us. They didn’t want us to try to put a stop to what he was doing to us, yet some ended up with massive monthly long term health care fees for a loved one and all of a sudden they claimed they hadn’t elected him. We had a good laugh about how stupid they were. They were just like these ones letting the Reformers make fools of them. In the true conservative world people call them Traitors for not helping us protect what Lougheed created for us, that would have made all of us rich, like it has in Norway and Alaska.

Fedup Conservative

Do you honestly think 17 doctors are going to fix the problem for 43,000 people?

Southern Albertan

Perhaps, by now, A. Mitchell, et al, have read The Herald’s opinion piece, “Complaints about election bias unjustified,” which, is exactly right.


You smell that? I love the smell of UCP whining in the morning. It smells like… victory.

Fedup Conservative

Are you certain you didn’t mean NDP? It proves how ignorant you are doesn’t it? I guess you love being treated like a moron. We don’t. We don’t support Reformers.