February 23rd, 2025

We need to support a more welcoming community

By Lethbridge Herald on May 26, 2023.


Research shows that sexual and gender diverse (gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, two-spirited, queer, intersex, asexual +) people who experienced higher levels of family/friends support were less likely to report having suicide ideation, lower levels of depression, and lower misuse of alcohol and drugs compared with other sexual and gender diverse people from families that had lower levels of family/friend acceptance and support.⁣⁣

⁣⁣Change may start with an individual, but progress is paved when people stand together, proud and strong. 

Thanks to the brave and tireless efforts of sexual & gender-diverse advocates and allies alike, Lethbridge is a more welcoming and compassionate community. But we still have a ways to go.⁣⁣

⁣⁣Many sexual and gender-diverse people continue to face harassment, discrimination, and violence simply for being who they are. Inequality has no place in our society. 

Lethbridge becomes stronger every day that we choose to embrace diversity.⁣⁣

⁣⁣If we are to build a truly responsible and respectful society, then we all must stand up and help foster a more just, humane, and understanding community. As Albertans and as Canadians, we can’t wait for this happen on its own; we need to make it happen right now, and we need to start in our homes, schools, & communities.⁣⁣

⁣⁣Actively supporting sexual and gender diversity is a commitment to being open-minded, accepting of sexual and gender diversity, supporting each other, and creating a welcoming and safe community for everyone.

Tyler Gschaid


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John P Nightingale

Nicely put.

Last edited 1 year ago by John P Nightingale
Fedup Conservative

You bet they will they are so set on being the American Republican Party of the north and are trying to copy them..

Fedup Conservative

What scares me is what we are hearing more and more of. Doctors and nurses are waiting to see if Smith is elected, and if she is they are gone. Why would they stay with all the stupidity she is promising?


What communities actually need is full support for all foundations and charities that fully support all members of society and not just the needs of special interest groups . Are we a united community, or are we just a collection of special interest groups ? Food for thought !!


What are you talking about? What special interest group needs are being elevated above the community as a whole here?

Dennis Bremner

The needs of nonprofits, church groups, addicts whom are mislabled as homeless, for profit purposes only are elevated! Whom suffers the consequences of that elevation are; taxpaying downtown businesses, taxpaying downtown residents, and our society as a whole. As their foothold increases so does the affected area. We compromise our safety and security by elevating Criminals, who are fed, clothed, sheltered at taxpayer cost! In return, they mug, B&E and destroy what has been built over 100s of years.
Do not look for answers from Politicians, they are contributing to that elevation by providing funding “ONLY” if it is put in our city.
So we have 3 groups who profit immensely, and pay NO taxes to this city! We have 2 groups who pay ALL THE TAXES and suffer the consequences of that imbalance. So why have politicians, it would appear chaos can go unchecked, with or without them? Any other questions?

Last edited 1 year ago by Dennis Bremner
Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

You mean who not whom.


Apologies Mr. Bremner, but you seem to be lost. There are plenty of recent letters where your unhinged rant might fit, but this one is about LGBTQ acceptance in our city.

Last edited 1 year ago by YQLDude