December 23rd, 2024

Take Back Alberta is really in charge of running the province now

By Lethbridge Herald on June 2, 2023.


So the people have spoken! The UCP has been re-elected, and we have a Premier; but just who is it? We may believe it is someone called Danielle; but I beg to differ! 

 Let me explain. First off, the new UCP has a new name! Radical, you say? Well just who is it that is “leading” this new party? 

The old party was called the United Conservative Party, but is it? It appears that there are severe divisions in the party! In fact it could more accurately be called the Ultra Conservative Party!

 We have heard from a number of Conservative supporters that we should vote for the party, and not for the leader. Does this presage a removal of Danielle? The obvious answer seems to be, “Yes!”

 But who is going to replace her? The answer is“no-one”; the party already has a leader! He helped Danielle get to the position she holds now. The real power is in the hands of David Parker! He and the “Take Back Alberta” cabal (or consortium, if you wish) have orchestrated this election, and will continue to push their agenda in the next four years. David is our de facto premier!  There are those who will say that I am dreaming, and that my comments are “hogwash.” 

If you have doubts, then I invite you to do some research and find out what the “Take Back Alberta” supporters have advocated in the recent past: such as opposition to the mandatory vaccination during the Covid period, and see how similar Parker’s views are to the many positions that Danielle has espoused, i.e. a Sovereign Alberta; an Alberta pension plan; and a provincial police force, to name a few.

 Rest assured, dear reader, the TBA consortium/cabal has an agenda, and now they have an elected “leader” to help bring their desires to fruition!

 I fear for the Alberta I once knew! Woe is me! 

E.E. Balay


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agree the opposition to mandatory Covid may ave been over the line but everything else you suggest is already being done in Quebec. So what is the problem for Alberta to mirror Quebec???


disagree with regard to mandatory vaxes. agree in that alberta is mirroring quebec. do not like the idea, but it sure has worked out well for quebec. they get many billions each year in govt handouts, despite having hydro, minerals, and a strong economy. heck, they even get to flout human rights in the name of self preservation. ridiculous, as is the ucp and the take back alberta ilk.


govts cannot have the authority to impose mandatory vaxes, not in a free society. take what you will, but forcing “meds” on another is the roots of big brother.
as for your second observation, quite right indeed. quebec has whined and threatened its way into a position of preeminence in our country like no other place. they rake in many billions year over year via transfers, despite their economy being well placed with mining, manufacturing, forestry, business, hydro. and, they get to undermine basic human rights of those that are not pure laine quebecois, with unconscionable laws (thanks to the ridiculous notwithstanding clause…what a waste of space is our charter of rights and our flawed constitution) that reduce and limit all others to second class status at best, all under the pretense of self-preservation. so, yes, the take back alberta dweebs are likely acknowledging that because a sense of exceptionalism works for quebec, it will work for alberta.

Last edited 1 year ago by biff

I beg to differ. Governments do have the right to impose mandates on health issues and restrictions etc. As the saying goes “those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it”, case in point ALL the past pandemics of years and centuries past. From the black death of the middle ages, to small pox, polio and the spanish flu. History has shown that goverments in any and all countries have imposed mandates both in vaccines and movement of the populations world wide not just local and it has worked. I would hope it would continue dispite the fringe who will not follow the rules and regulation and claim it in the warped use of “freedom”. Not surpising it is the fringe who will use missinformation, threats, violence and intimidation on the silent majority in an attempt to make elected leaders bend to their will, yet are the first to jump the que and or demand healthcare rights over others who do follow said mandates etc. When they meet pushback, they cry foul and loss of “freedom” while waving and disrespecting our flag. They want their cake and eat it too. The theory of letting mother nature (herd immunity) run its course is not only dangerous but unsound as it would have to be in the case of Covid 10X worse than it was and one can only imagine how the health care system would have suffered. Example: Had the world population been as it is now back in the middle ages, and travel was as easy as it is now, while the knowledge of how virruses was unknown like then, one can only imagine the death toll. But then as is now, the fringe would yet again blame the government and state the government was incompetent all the while demanding their own health care needs be met first.
As for the comment about Quebec, think of them as being the fringe who demand the Canadian majority bend to their will by threats of intimidation and separation and pacified by the rest of Canada with money and industry. Their whine is typical similarly to the fringe anti vax and anti mandaters while the silent majority let them run roughshod in the dillusion vision of “ freedom”.


i appreciate your reply. while the leaders of a society should be able to govern best ways forward for the whole, the limit must be at the bodies of each, including the mind/conscience of each, and the right of each to interact with another consenting adult. again, this all is limited by the necessity that we respect the rights of others. thus, we agree to drive but we must respect rules of the road in order to endure safety – there is nothing in that that violates the right to one’s body/conscience/consent. the right to take vaxes and meds and recreational substance is fundamental to rights and freedoms; but, a third party imposing any of that is contrary. using covid as an example, you have right to vax, others have right to say no – for whatever reason they choose, including conscience and right to their body, and that must be without third party consequence; with third party consequence, that freedom is subverted. as i have so often said, i was vaxed for a myriad of viruses that are basically static – such as measles, and never ever needed force another to take those vaxes in order to be “protected.” my taking a vax for covid might help another, but that is not your right; however, it is your right and my responsibility, to ensure that if i am infected with a contagion to stay away from others. that all said, if i could make it happen, i would criminalise all experiments/trials/torture on all sentient life forms, save for consenting humans. it is repugnant that a person can feel so superior. the extent of this crap is massive as is it gross.
i cannot argue with your reference of human history, but, just to say, human history is pretty much a mass lesson in how stupid and ignorant we are. just because we have a history of doing things, does not mean they are just or correct. and i will ditto that for much of how we treat each other, and the life forms and the planet today…which will again be another chapter in our ignorance, smugness, and self service.

Fedup Conservative

So you want to see seniors paying 15% income tax and corporations paying taxes up to 25.75% and a sales tax of 9.975% what a wonderful idea. Bet you haven’t talked to anyone from Quebec or bothered to do any research, have you?

Southern Albertan

“Who is ‘Take Back Alberta’ and What Do They Really Want? Meet the council of Christian Nationalists, Wexit separatists and disgruntled rural Albertans leading an insurgency inside Alberta’s UCP.”
“Slate of candidates backed by anti-mandate group with ties to border blockade elected to Alberta UCP board….this article was published more than 6 months ago. Some information may no longer be current.”
But it does give a clear idea of all who are involved and some with mantras such as “a gift from God,” and “This is a spiritual battle for our nation.” Definitely not my perception of christianity. We keep saying in our household, “These people are not christians.”
Thus, it is expected by many Albertans, now, that the UCP will eventually implode from within if, TBA does not get what they want. Time will certainly, tell. “Brace for Post-Election Chaos in Alberta.”

Say What . . .

Oh Boy! I had hoped the fearmongering and disinformation had ended now the election is over!
Canada continues to fracture, from coast to coast to coast.

Last edited 1 year ago by Say What . . .

while seemingly stressfu, perhaps a mandatory “vax” of valium should help ease one’s earnestness.


govt has no business forcing vaxes on people. it is among the very few sensible positions this ucp gang seeks to address.

Southern Albertan

For those of us who are/were, on the frontline health care professional lines, we always knew, even years ago, that if we chose not take a flu vaccine, and that if there was an outbreak, we would not be able to come to work until, the outbreak was over, and without pay. Some of us, chose, because we had a choice, to not get flu vaccines, and, being off work if there was an outbreak would have been a much needed break from the heavy workload with not enough staff, sorry to say. It was the same with covid, choosing, to not get vaccines, but not being able to go to work, and without pay. We’ve always known that. Re: being paid, it was still a choice….either get vaccinated with pay, or not vaccinated without pay. Now, Alberta Health Services, I believe, has allowed unvaccinated staff members to work.
Now, I believe, that one still has to mask when entering Alberta hospitals and care facilities. Where masks are no longer required, droplet infectious illnesses, including covid, are on the rise again. As a retired health care professional, I have to admit, masks, are effective, as are vaccines…..again, choices… mask, no entry, no vaccines, no pay. This is nothing new.
Re: the convoy trucker’s issue with not being able to do crossborder trucking, if one was not vaccinated for covid, it was interesting at the time, to note that over 90% of truckers chose to be vaccinated, and kept on trucking.
This issue with vaccines is not going to change, believe me, so it is up to individuals to make their own decisions.

Last edited 1 year ago by Southern Albertan

1)it is not actually a choice when one must comply or face a third party consequence; that is the type of “choice” one gets in the china’s and big brother societies of the planet. how about, you have a choice to eat sugar, but you will not be allowed to access public health care, and you will not be allowed to work…you like those kinds of forced choices do you? that is how you see rights and freedoms?
2)it is not a free society when one’s right to their conscience and right to think freely becomes consequenced because they do not accept a third party/govt mandated vax, now is it? some people just do not agree with torturing sentient creatures so as to derive stuff, no matter how “superior” some folk believe themselves to be relative to other entities;
3)it is not a free society when a third party/govt determines what we must take, and what we must not take.
4)being required to wear a mask, even as ineffective as mask wearing may have been during covid, is not an affront to freedom in that it forces nothing into a body. however, they sure fd up the environment a heck of lot, did they not? but, heck, the environment can take all we have to give it, right? i mean, people do not affect such things, right?
please note that all of this is relative to the rights of others, which must be respected; and, that the rights of each do not extend into the body of another.

Last edited 1 year ago by biff

Perhaps the8 government should stop making us wear seatbelts. After all they are not 100% effective and have been known to cause injury and death, and not good for the environment. Heaven forbid those that hate having them wrap around ones body. Pure torture. The thought of all those crash test dummy test done to make us safe makes me shudder.

Last edited 1 year ago by JimO

i wear a seatbelt because i feel it is safer for me; however, the real basis for mandating them, and what makes such a law acceptable, is that they prevent us from becoming human projectiles that can hurt another, such as in a head on crash. however, just because they may “protect” a person wearing one in general does not create basis for such a law. thus, helmet laws for bike and motorcycle drivers do not protect another should an accident occur and thus are not within the rights of a govt to force them on adults. there is no arguing they protect the wearer, but that does not create a basis for such a law. there are a vast many things that are a danger to each that do not fall under mandates/laws.
btw – do you not agree that if we all wore helmets while driving that significant lives would be saved? if we wore body suits with significant padding? if we were harnessed as now are nascar drivers?
the basis of laws must be about protecting one from the other, but the limit is at the right of each to their body/mind/conscience. surely you would agree that your rights end at the body of another? thus, one has no right expecting another to take something. coming back to vaxes, you have very right to take what you will, but no right to force your choice on another. and mandating consequences for not vaxing is an infringement on one’s right to their body. enjoy your preferences, along with consenting others. but no one has the right to force another to take anything, let alone something derived from the sickening torture of sentient creatures. how is it that even otherwise compassionate people can support and underwrite such callousness and cruelty?


EE, dig a deep hole in your backyard, hop in, cover yourself with a tarp and do not emerge until the next election. That methoology of coping fits your paranoid fantasy perfectly.


Just Oblivious


Take Back Alberta movement is gaining ground in the UCP, and some in the party are worriedSlate of candidates backed by anti-mandate group with ties to border blockade elected to Alberta UCP boardAlberta’s own Tea Party movement is a deeply troubling developmentcomment image
Conservative activists in Alberta use riding association election to target Jason Kenney loyalist’We need to control the party’: a look inside Take Back Alberta’s UCP insurgency
These are all headlines, four from the Globe and one the CBC that speak directly to EEs point. So much for this being a”paranoid fantasy”.


lol….founded on info from the Globe AND the CBC its not only a paranoid fantasy it is wholly devoid of credibility. The next time you try to bolster BS you might want to go elsewhere than the Woke Propaganda Network.


Why not try addressing addressing the points made in these articles. Are there factual errors? Do you honestly not believe that far right interests are behind Danielle Smith?


I have to say… the folks at the Globe would have a good laugh at this comment.