February 23rd, 2025

Focus of the Downtown BRZ shouldn’t just be on Festival Square

By Lethbridge Herald on July 22, 2023.


Shame on the BRZ for not putting as much effort into promoting all their members’ businesses as they do those of the members in the Festival Square area.

Every time a function is held it pulls customers and clients from other areas of the BRZ. For example, bringing in food trucks to keep the people in that area does not help all the other restaurants trying to recover from the hardships of the last few years.

Saying that people were given a map to restaurants willing to give free samples is a slap in the face.

Building an ice rink nobody could use was a waste of funds. Businesses in that local area also benefit from all the free promotion provided by local media covering the event.

Why not have more events in other areas of the BRZ such as the New Immigrant Centre to promote their interests? Why not use the power of our members to help a charity operating within our area? Why not work with the transit department and local malls to connect them all with free transit during the holiday season?

There are many more ways to fairly represent all members.

At this moment we should be considering what is going on with regards to Galt Gardens. Why build a playground and then fence off the whole block? What we will end up with is a site that can be used for multiple functions but this will benefit a few businesses at the expense of all our citizens. It provides an unfair advantage over other groups wishing to promote public functions.

All the BRZ members pay the extra taxes for promoting their services. How much more money will we waste when there are much more pressing needs? The BRZ should benefit all its members and public projects should benefit all the public.

We cannot be forced to proclaim Festival Square the heart of the city. That honour must be earned.

Bernie Pigeau


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Dennis Bremner

Mr Pigeau,you are right!
I wonder if you realized prior to this other inequaties exist, if so, did you speak out about them or because it did not affect the group you are representing here, you never gave it much thought?
What I refer too are the North of Stafford Bridge businesses. Do you not see the same inequaties there when it comes to the way the Business community abandons them regarding the Shelter and soon to be Southern Alberta Care Center?
You rightfully see a Business Group bestowing extra’s in one area at the cost of the other areas. Yet you do not see the same thing when it comes to those suffering the inequities of their dilemna.
It is the one thing I cannot get past in this city, Business Groups have polarized their support into regions rather than “Business”. So its unconcerning to them if no one joins their Business Group North of Stafford Bridge because of the same inequities, because, they justify there ignoring them because none or few are members. Which is the Catch 22, business groups ignore there problems, businesses dont join because they are ignored, so the Business group continues to ignore them.
Its never because they never felt represented with their problem,so never bothered to join, its always because they never joined, ergo we need not speak for them.
So, tell me what purpose do these groups serve other than to cater and promote their favorite areas?


No truer words were spoken. Many downtown businesses support this council’s latest “plan”. Because,wait for it… it is in another area, so they think it is a great plan. The latest plan focuses outside the downtown by Stafford bridge.The plan is actually the same old,same old only difference now is in the latest shelter report they tell businesses and residents to, wait for it: call the cops and report. Such comforting words and advise. Who would have thought?


I’m glad to hear you feel so strongly about the wellbeing of private business in Lethbridge. That an identified group has been set up BY THE CITY to address their concerns and empty their wallets for a program that was not based on an cost-benefit analysis should be the real concern. Tax and spend is a proven strategy for poverty, not economic growth.
The failed model aside, why would you be surprised that a business group formed to reflect their own interests, and taxed for the priviledge of membership, would be so crass as to represent their own interests ahead of those who haven’t paid the entry fee?
Have you tried speaking to those businesses on the North Side you feel so passionate about and encouraged them to form their own business association? Chances are, they are in a better postion to represent themselves.
BTW, can you please decode this rambling triple-negative so people can understand what you’re doing to help them without invitation:
Its never because they never felt represented with their problem,so never bothered to join, its always because they never joined, ergo we need not speak for them.”

Citi Zen

Went to Festival Square last evening for a very nice concert, only to be interrupted and accosted by a native asking for money. Never again downtown…..


Here’s a radical idea: What if local governments stayed right out of business and instead focused on their actual mandates under the Muncipal Government Act?
Municipal purposes
3 The purposes of a municipality are
(a) to provide good government,
(a.1) to foster the well-being of the environment,
(a.2) to foster the economic development of the municipality,

(b) to provide services, facilities or other things that, in the opinion of council, are necessary or desirable for all or a part of the municipality,

(c) to develop and maintain safe and viable communities, and

(d) to work collaboratively with neighbouring municipalities to plan, deliver and fund intermunicipal services

Maybe this way, businesses could thrive without being subjected to unwanted “help” from a group of shadowy bureacrats with no business or economics backgroud?