February 23rd, 2025

Caution needed before accepting optimism of biofuels plant

By Lethbridge Herald on August 11, 2023.


Words of caution with regard to the Aug. 3 article in the Lethbridge Herald on Canary Biofuels:

This article is full of optimism , win-win projections and practically no information on the so called, flagship facility that is piggy backed on the Kyoto Fuels biodiesel facility that back in 2013 was a $40 million capital project and received $10 million dollars from the Alberta government. 

Kyoto Fuels Inc. went into bankruptcy in 2015. This new effort has obtained $4.7 million funding from the Alberta government to take another “kick at the cat” from a different direction.

Canary Biofuels apparently have added a canola crushing plant to the old operation that can crush 60,000 metric tons a year. Compare this with the Richardson plant in Lethbridge that can crush 700,000 tonnes per year.

From my viewpoint it seems like an effort by a junior oil firm to obtain carbon credits to the tune of one million tonnes of CO2 taken off the roads.

Maybe the Lethbridge Herald reporter who reported this information should have a closer look and report on who all is involved in this so-called new endeavour.

Grant R Harrington 


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Agreed. Who is getting the carbon credits.