February 23rd, 2025

City addictions problems need to be handled differently

By Lethbridge Herald on August 25, 2023.


In the early 1970’s, I was serving on Her Majesty’s Canadian submarine the Okanagan as a sonar operator with a wonderful crew of “pirates”. One evening I was talking with a young lad, also serving on the Okanagan, and he started sharing with me the wonderful experiences he was having using LSD. He wanted me to partake, so I could also take these wonderful “trips”. I declined his invitation saying I wasn’t interested.

The next morning I shared this information with a few of my fellow submarine sonar operators. We decided on a plan immediately. I think there was five of us and we took “Mike” aside and gave him an ultimatum. “Mike, you can either request that you be released from submarines or we will inform our higher-ups of your drug use whereas you will probably be released from the navy.”

Mike filled out his request and before we went to sea again he was off our submarine. I’m trying to make a couple of points here with this story. The first one is that one bad apple can spoil the barrel. What would have happened if I decided to start using LSD as well, and I convinced others to do the same? The second point is once you find a bad apple, you need to remove it from the barrel. 

In Lethbridge, we have a bunch of bad apples that are spoiling the barrel by destroying and stealing property, destroying businesses, committing physical and sexual assaults and taking away the enjoyment of the unblemished apples to experience their city. The “experts” seem intent on not only mixing the bad apples throughout the barrel, but actually inviting more bad apples into the mix to try to rot the whole barrel of apples.

Dennis Bremner has worked hard with a plan to change the direction we are heading in, at his own time and expense, and is only met with eye rolling from the “experts.” Dennis’s plan, not only helps our city heal, but also helps the bad apples perhaps turn their lives around. The bad apples would also be safer and have possible family support. If you haven\’t already, please take a bit of time to check out  https://lethccc.com/index.html Following the present plan by the “experts” that has proven to not only not fix the problem, but actually make things worse, is in my opinion completely bonkers. 

One more point for those who think they are “saving lives.” Those bad apples who are taking hard illegal drugs several times a day, are all going to die young because they will destroy their body. I had a niece who actually made it to the ripe old age of 42 taking hard drugs. 

No, she didn’t overdose. Her body just destroyed itself. So, you aren’t saving lives, you are just prolonging misery.

As “Radar” said recently in his piece in the Lethbridge Herald, “follow the money.” I am always quoting the similar, “The love of money  is the root of all evil.”

There is always someone in it for the money. Any guesses who?

Doug Cameron


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Do you people not get bored of writing the same letter over and over again? Where you see “blemished apples” (what a gross way to think of your fellow humans by the way), we see people in need of help. People not much different than you or I, except lacking the support networks we’ve been blessed with. No matter how many times you write this letter, we’re not going to say “oh you’re right, more hatred is the answer, thank you for pointing that out.”

It’s also hilarious how you think Mr. Bremner’s “Indigenous Plan” (plenty to unpack in that name, and some concerning statements about it on the page) is some wild new concept. It’s a recovery center. Plenty exist, more are opening (props to the UCP government here, while their focus is myopic, they are building needed facilities). They’re usually not weird military barracks, because we don’t all share his obsession with treating humans like caged animals, but yes, we absolutely need more recovery center capacity. We also need safe supply, safe consumption, supportive housing, and the whole run of social services to help people at whatever stage they’re at.

This letter, and the countless carbon copies of it, aren’t offering anything new. The actual useful idea (recovery centers) were thought of by the “experts” you disdain so much decades ago, and wrapping them in hate isn’t new, or helpful.


You are the one that we are all sick of hearing from. You are uneducated and uninformed and have your head so far up your _ _ _ you open your mouth to see. All of your ideas have failed and the issues grew dramatically, killing thousands.
But you think you have all knowledge! Mr. Cameron states facts and although Bremners ideas are old, your ideas are proven failures in BC.
You just can’t cure stupid!


All the knowledge? No. But I have spent decades doing research, as opposed to reading a facebook post and then throwing around playground insults.

The work in BC has been very small scale, far from any sort of safe supply trial that we could expect to see societal level results from. Preliminary results are quite promising however – people with access to a safe supply use fewer illicit drugs, commit fewer crimes, and are more likely to continue receiving treatment.


YQLDude, I am a progressive thinker that you have referred to as “you people”.
None of what Mr. Bremmer or Mr. Cameron state is “hilarious”.
The current approach is not working. Quite frankly, the harm-reduction model borders on co-dependency. Moreover, statistics reveal it is not working. In fact, the UCP government’s approach somewhat mirrors Mr. Bremmer’s model:
“What is the Alberta method for addiction?
Alberta model focuses on abstinence and rehab facilities
The province says the new facilities will each support 300 Albertans yearly. The Alberta model focuses on abstinence and rehab facilities for addiction recovery, while de-emphasizing harm-reduction approaches such as safe supply and supervised injection sites.” Jul 6, 2023 Calgary Herald
Recovery centres, situated well away from access to drugs and the ability to participate in other illegal behaviours is what is the more reasoned approach to responding to and treating addiction. NO ONE is suggesting that persons admitted to Mr. Bremmer’s model of a recovery centre will be treated “like caged animals”. Moreover, there is nothing “weird” about a military barracks. Barracks are merely buildings or a group of buildings.
Perhaps you may benefit from having a discussion with Mr. Alvin Mills, founder of the Kii Mah Pii Pii Tsin (Kindness to Others) Healing Centre, a traditional healing camp.


The current approach is a harm reduction model? Did you forget the part where _you people_ got the SCS shut down? Or where you rallied against any attempt at supportive housing or expanded services within the city? Drove the Mustard Seed out of town, constantly demonized Streets Alive? Our current approach is rule by hate filled people with a victim mentality. And yes, it is most certainly not working.

Besides that, you seem to be trying to convince me that recovery centers are a good idea. Rest easy, I know they are, and we’ve known for years. They aren’t sufficient on their own, or the right tool for every stage in addiction, but I’m happy they’re being built, we need them.


There was a number of other nonprofits who were not too excited about the Mustard Seed coming to town. Less government funds to go around then perhaps?
There is a mobile SCS. Just because it is not bricks and mortar doesn’t mean it does not perform the same function. So stop spreading untruths.
Many people see some benefits for some of Street Alive services. Especially their dry shelters for those who have gone through treatment centers. You are allowed to stay if you are dry. If not you are out and back to the city shelter or out to a recovery camp. They cannot have their clients bringing in drugs. If they do they are out!. Get that?


I was all set to ignore you as usual but you said something interesting. I’d like to hear more about other nonprofits opposing the Mustard Seed. Which ones? What reasons did they give?


City council at the time voted against the Mustard Seed setting up on 13 street south. What happened exactly about the Mustard Seed not moving into the old Rawmada, Hotel who knows?


Also the YWCA supportive housing (with a harm reduction model) run I believe with funds from Lethbridge Housing Authority voluntarily shut down that program, earlier this year. Why aren’t you blaming council and the Y?


No one is wrapping recovery centers in hate but you. Maybe Dennis B. is Meti or Indigenous? Isn’t that disrespectful or even racist if you’re always wrapping him in hateful remarks? Who ever suggests or says something- don’t try to guess their ethnic background before you respond. It is getting pretty obvious.

pursuit diver

Right on Montreal13! I had to jump in on this thread after I saw what was being stated.


YQLDude: I guess you didn’t understand my letter, so I’ll explain my main points.

  1. If the people who are hard-core addicts don’t get help ASAP, they will die.
  2. The reason for the ASAP is every time they use their drug of choice, they are killing their bodily organs including their brain.
  3. The path we are on now with enabling which includes a) Waiting until they are ready, b) Giving them free stuff, and cleaning up their mess ++ is destroying any bit of self-esteem they have left.

I am not filled with hate and I will not accuse you of the same as I’m sure your intentions are good.
I want the addicts in our city to get clean and sober, turn their lives around and start enjoying life including being with their families. In other words, I want them to heal.
Like so many of us here, I have family and friends who have struggles with addictions to drugs and alcohol. Some are dead, some soon will be or they are now clean and sober. One success story was a VERY close family member that I led an intervention with him and he has now been clean and sober for over 5 years. He has since started his own business and bought his first home.
Making being addicted hard rather than easy, is the path I believe leads to success. IMO, what you believe to be the answer, leads to misery and death.
When I refer to “bad apples”, I am referring to those that harm others either physically, mentally or financially. If you think this is acceptable behaviour, then I guess I’m wasting my time and effort here.
BTW, I don’t want to disclose anything here about someone else, but if you get a chance, check out Dennis Bremner’s roots and background. Perhaps you might be surprised. Me? I’m just an old white man who wants things to change because what we are doing now is destroying lives, not healing.
I don’t usually refer to myself as a white man because I believe every human on this planet is no different than anyone else. We are all just human brothers and sisters. If you dig through the archives, you will find I have written about that very thing in other letters to the editor.
Take care and peace out.


Good constructive insights and comments Doug based on your lived experiences and history. Unlike YQL who repeats ad nauseum the woke drug-addled fantasy with no logic, credible studies or scientific basis but trainloads of dripping condescension. Somehow you forgot how your ideology destroyed our downtown and many lives over the last 5 years when Arches led so many down the dark harm reduction tunnel? And how things “magically” bounced back after their unsafe abusive drug injection, brainwashing and paraphernalia distribution site was shut down? Wake up and please act in support of Lethbridge not in its destruction. There is no such thing in reality as “safe” drug supply or consumption.


Oh things bounced back after closing the SCS? Good to know that the problem is solved… but maybe someone forgot to tell Doug? He seems to think we still have a problem.
There’s plenty of research on safe supply if you are actually interested in it. Here’s a few papers:

  1. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/the-british-journal-of-psychiatry/article/heroinassisted-treatment-for-opioid-dependence/D8A7CFDCDF7E3863AC0242A8A13FFF54
  2. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0810635
  3. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11524-020-00489-9

There’s more – lots more. But you’ll ignore it, because science doesn’t convince people to change their mind, when they didn’t use science to make up their minds in the first place.

pursuit diver

Lethbridge is not in England and the biggest impact in this city comes from the nearby Indengous communities! How many reserves are in England? You can’t see the forest for the trees!
Alvin Mills is an expert and you, well you are a wannabe! I thought the U of L pays you to teach your students, not attack people trying to save this city and the many lives that are being lost!


The city is still approving (city council) apartments with a harm reduction opponent, called single residency(SRO) occupancy where the death toll is very high. The Lethbridge Housing Authority is constantly asking for council to approve more. Follow the money and deaths. The YWCA got out of that program, in no small part because of the deaths and dangers to staff.


Oh? Where are these apartments and what harm reduction is being done there?

Dennis Bremner

Well if SACPA is an example YQLDude we can say the apartments are on their way, we had a multitude of wrist clappers heralding the praises of LHA proclaimed a home for everyone. SROs are in the program. LHA refers to Addicts as Homeless, and intends on housing the Homeless in SROs and dismissed the facts that up to 80% of the people that die from addiction do so behind a closed door.
So, those among us that have the power to save lives seem to be leaning to the dollar side of this entire equation, once again.
We say one thing and do another. I quite realize that you as part of the Eye rollers society of Lethbridge (ERSOL) do not want Barrick like facilities, which of course would reduce the rental income on SROs if they went my way. I also realize that moving the Addict away from the Dealer is another ERSOL non approval because moving them away from the Dealer creates losses in numerous businesses in the Downtown.
Yet, if you move the Addict away from the Dealer and prevent the Dealer from getting to the Addict, and you do not House them in SROs you will save at least 80% and possibly 100% ! So if savin Lives is not what you are into this, what are you into this if its not “Savin Lives”?
It is so blatantly obvious it makes me sick.


Why would anyone bother to inform you? You who have done decades of research and is all knowing, doesn’t even know what is going on in your own city? It would appear as though you are not on the ground much. Why am I not surprised? I guess drug addicts don’t read research papers from those in ivory towers much?

Eileen Wright

All you do-gooders are in it for the money. Maybe not initially, but you sure are loving the government contributions. The longer the problem lasts, the longer you are employed. Simple. If you want to save your city, move these druggies to a camp outside of town (you got enough space out there) and start investing in revitalizing your city center.


You didn’t do “Mike” or the your fellow Navy serviceman any favours by doing what you did. You made it someone else’s problem, if “Mike” caused problems or god forbid someone got hurt because of his issues it’s no skin off your nose, right? Maybe if Mike actually had to deal with the consequences of his actions sooner he would had to be accountable for them.
Your previous actions are very similar to Mr. Bremners ideas. Out of sight, out of mind. I believe harm reduction should be a part of the drug strategy but recovery should be the 1st priority. For that reason I was not a fan of the SCS site here in Lethbridge. The former head seemed to like to think it was her way or the highway and I was happy the government came and shut down the shenanigans that were happening there. It could have been done better, it should have been done better.
Do I have the answers to our drug abuse epidemic? No, but one thing I’m sure of it’s not banishing people from our city.

Dennis Bremner

Banishing people from the city? Thats an interesting interpretation.
There are two things I would like to address. The concept of a Barrick is not to militarize it is to alleviate the issue we now have with Addicts dying behind a closed door. So the Barrick idea, allows everyone to watch over everyone else, so they do not OD.
Second issue is either taking the Dealer out of the City or the Addict out of the City. Taking Dealers out of the City is impossible to do in my opinion. There are numerous examples out there where the head of the snake is removed, a new head is grown.
So, the idea of finding out what Blackfoot Elders wanted was an obvious route. They talked to the people within the Blood Reserve and a resounding majority support the concept of taking their people and “housing” them in my suggested Barrick style accomodation.
Then starting a bus service between Lethbridge, the facility, and Stand Off.
The Concept is not a recovery facility, its a home, period. Its a Dry Home.
So to consume, one would have to hop on the bus, go to town, buy their drugs and consume in Lethbridge or Standoff. If he/she gets off the bus in Lethbridge, then the LPS just follows them to their dealer.
Not sure why people suggest this is an OLD IDEA. No where in history has a city vacated their entire drug addicted population to a facility of “the cities choosing” so they can regulate the Dealer.
The Cost to Lethbridge, lots of busing, the cost to Standoff, the same, the cost to Businesses and our downtown, Zero


gs172: Back in the day, before everyone got all sensitive when someone was suspected of using drugs in the Canadian Navy, they had a “special” ship that they sent these sailors. At the time, the destroyer that Mike was sent to was the “drug: ship. In this way, they could weed out those folks. Of course today, they would probably get a lawyer and sue because their rights were opposed upon. To clarify, we didn’t end up with a ship full of drug addicts, as it wasn’t a big problem then, so you might have 2 or 3 sailors on board who were suspected of using drugs.


How about we build a housing apartment for addicts right by your house.


How about we build a housing apartment for addicts right by your house? Or,are you one of the many(including city council) “Yes, but not in my backyard people”?


perhaps a favour was done: the military, given its conditioning systems that subvert divergent thought and promote an entirely follower mentality (typical of fascist outlooks, but likely necessary to ensure commands are routinely followed) is hardly a place for spiritual/existential and mental/psychic exploration. the best thing that might have happened for that individual would be to be released from the military., most entirely for their own sake.
it is once again disappointing how social conditioning riddled with lies and propaganda has again reared its ugly head: drugs are here seen as one rather than a myriad of substances. how insidious is that? imagine that one who uses pharm products just any old thing to maintain whatever health issue they are told they should maintain. i mean, drugs are drugs, right?
to compare lsd with the likes of pharm’s synthetic, animal torture derived “opioids” and their ridiculous addictions rates demonstrates a catastrophic misunderstanding about “drugs”. this, of course, has long been an integral aspect of the lies woven by govts to demonise “drugs” and “drug” users as all being “bad.”
btw – how is it not laughable that societies have so long been brainwashed into believing that cannabis is the “gateway” drug? one will use cannabis, it will prove too weak, and the user will move on to “harder” “drugs”. thus, a substance has been vilified for being too weak. i guess the same should have been said of lemonade and sodas…and even water, as they will lead to alcohol consumption, long the “drug” with the absolute worst outcomes for societies…until pharm’s synthetic opioids came to the fore.