February 23rd, 2025

Smokers should keep can with sand in car to prevent fires from discarded smokes

By Lethbridge Herald on August 26, 2023.


For all of you smokers who throw your butts out the car window, I have a suggestion. For your information, I was a smoker back in the day when cars had ashtrays, so I am not judging you on being a smoker. 

Take a clean soup can, fill it half full of sand, put it in your car’s cupholder and use it to extinguish your cigarette. 

Save us all from the fires that you could and sometimes do start.

The fire hazard risk is monumental. 

Try to not contribute to the problem.

Thank you all for being considerate and sensible.

Joan Haig


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old school

Very few smokers cause fires compared to the Liberal’s arsonists promoting climate change.


Yeah! And then Trudeau stole my beer and made eyes at my wife! No bad things happened before those darn libruls!