February 23rd, 2025

Immigrant workers needed to do many types of jobs in this country

By Lethbridge Herald on September 2, 2023.


I agree that we need houses and rental places as we do not have enough at all.

But here is the thing, who will build these houses? Who from our youth want to do the work of a plumber or carpenter and so on?

So we need people to help us. I am sure we all have heard how hard it is for employers to find people. We need nurses, physicians, servers, builders and so on.

Maybe we should look into all the houses and apartments that we lost to Airbnb! Even if I am an Airbnb user I think certain areas should be long-term rental and nothing else!

Yes foreign workers might send money home. So what? I think we as a society of immigrants (and I am one myself before becoming a Canadian in 2012) need foreign workers. The benefits for all of us are bigger than anything else.

Andreas Pommer 


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