February 23rd, 2025

Attacks upon the gay community pathetic and reprehensible

By Lethbridge Herald on September 13, 2023.


Recent shenanigans in Fort Macleod surrounding Pride celebrations of sexual and gender diversity bring to mind a dismissive comment from my mother many years ago when confronted with the behaviour of some puffed-up male – “Oh, he’s a small man.”

Ouch! To be so appraised by a woman of considerable dignity and strength of mind as was she is withering to say the least. 

For it was not at all the physical stature she was referring to, but rather his deficit as a person.  Ouch again!

These doofuses, who thought they were being smarty-boys by vandalizing and desecrating the ceremonies and symbols of fellow citizens who had come together in peaceful and joyful celebration, are members in good standing of the ‘small’ crowd. 

Indeed, what could be more pathetic and reprehensible than to brazenly target the already most preyed-upon and victimized members of society?

And where have these tiny-minded people learned their chops as hate-mongers and bullies? 

Well, if they are indeed young folk, we may assume they have picked it up at their kitchen tables at home, or, if they are otherwise nice church-going boys, perhaps from the pulpit.

I am a heathen of long-standing, but I do try to maintain some understanding of the underlying tenets of the prevailing religious motifs which operate in our society.

Wouldn’t it be nice if ‘believers’ occasionally did likewise? 

For was it not Christ himself who proclaimed that “that which you do to the least of my children, you do to me.” 

And this is itself a Christian morphing of the ancient and timeless principle of the Golden Rule which admonishes – “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”  Yes, every child has an innate understanding of what it means to cause hurt. In a normal person it rankles the spirit and rises like a toxin in the conscience. And this is especially true when the target of the hurt is already understood to be, in some social, physical or emotional sense, ‘weak’.

It is so, so, so wrong on every count.

So shame and a pox upon these thoughtless individuals with their cowardly antics. We may only hope that somewhere in the depths of their  brains lies sufficient moral integrity to cause them a moment’s remorse when they lay their heads down on the pillow to dream their petty dreams – while visions of rotten sugar-plums dance in their heads.

Phil Burpee

Pincher Creek

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John P Nightingale

Well said.
Having witnessed the Pride event in Ottawa a couple of weeks ago, I was impressed with the inclusiveness of those participants, many of whom were from local Christian denominations, some schools and some political parties. Notable by their an absence were several denominations of shall we say more fundamental persuasion , and of course , the Conservative party.*
A local doctor (who happens to be my doctor) , because of her out spoken support of the LGBTQ community, has been subjected to death threats and anti Jewish sentiment. Such hate filled creatures are not confined to the prairies but are global in nature. A float consisting of Iranians proudly participated in the parade , a reminder that such parades in their own country could well result in death.
Again, well stated Phil!
* At least I did not see them represented.

Dennis Bremner

I have watched with some level of amusement the elongation of the Letters associated with “the Group” in fact I have honestly lost track after the +. As they(them, it, he, she etc etc) struggle for standing in todays society it would appear they (them, it, he, she etc etc) have decided that the basis of religion and its tenants, can be selectively quoted as the author of this hit piece has done. The intention is to undermine as much of societies structure as quickly as possible to as to establish a standing within the community that then gives full rein and, as it were, full access.
Now, I am unsure whom is the president of your “club” if I may so vaguely address it as such, but if you could some how either not introduce the good books of society and only select what you want to read, then that would be a great start. Then perhaps, if during a parade you would not expose your “dink” as if trolling for your next date, and esculate that to an ex-mayor of Ottawa that strangely warned parents that their “children may see one” at the Ottawa event, so cover their eyes, Only to find 3-4 weeks later that he came out as gay, we would all appreciate a no dinks allowed rule.
Then, to ensure that society is fully destroyed the attack is on women. When I use the term women I mean the ones that have the opposing genatalia from the dink. So the letter community then installs ringers in women’s sports. So that destruction of “societies women” you know the one that handed adam the apple. Are forever undermined in sports and any achievements whatsoever.
Then after destroying what “women” have fought for, for years and anhilated them in sports we move onto story telling to their children? Now I don’t know about you, but you obviously do not see yourself as a society destroyer? I am not saying you should but perhaps you might want to stand back and say “geez whats all the fuss about” why is it that we choose to make the very people we want acceptance from, as paranoid as possible?
Because you wish to include the good book (one of many) perhaps you should consider debating the passages dedicated to Soddom and Gamorhea? I am neither a bible puncher nor a bigit, I have a gay niece and know a few other gay people. Neither have exposed their genatalia in a parade and neither flit around like a ferry on a high sugar diet.
So as you mock the fringe of those who will not accept you, perhaps you should consider on looking at your fringe of nutbars too? Just a thought.


not with you on your take here, save for the idiot movement to redact, revise, or otherwise destroy historical realities and art in the name of the likes of presentism. aside from that, you focus here too much on the extreme fringes rather than the typical among these groups; for another, you present as stiff as the bible itself; furthermore, i do not understand why you and numerous others are so uptight about the human body. we are forced to endure far many more provocative and ugly concerns than our anatomy, here and the world over; most of those concerns cannot be remedied as easily as looking away.

Dennis Bremner

Does the author think 3 kids at Fort Mcleod theatre represents the “other fringe biff”? Tit for tat was the basis of the comment.

Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a middle-school boy use that logic, I’d be a rich retired teacher.

Dennis Bremner

Its also referred to as an eye for an eye, but you should debate that one with the “Big Guy/Gal”

Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

You strike me as a person who is seldom burdened by the rigours of self reflection.

Dennis Bremner

I say what I think, and I think what I say. I do not trends,fads or the flippant to change what has served me well for 74 years.

Ben Matlock

Don’t you know that you just reinforced Mrs. Kidd’s point? When you’re in a hole, it’s best to stop digging.

Dennis Bremner

Your analysis which you are entitled. I have never found a reason to reflect on what is “right or what is wrong” if others wish to redefine what is right and what is wrong, more power to them. I live by a code and a standard passed down to me by my parents and their parents. I do not condemn your right to bend to the populous vote or “likes”, I can question it, as I am entitled to do, so do not question my right to preserve what I feel is right and wrong.


For the record, I also subscribe to many of the values and ideas held by my grandparents. Not all, however. If that were the case I’d be a racist and a bigot, and would be prone to using demeaning and pejorative language with reference to those who disagreed with me. I might also assume that anyone who didn’t see things the way I do is simply bending to popular opinion, a slave to the latest fad and trend.

Ben Matlock

Sorry, Dennis, no analysis just an observation.


as for those of divergent thought and preference, and especially the oppressed such as the sexually liberated, please, keep turning the other cheek

Last edited 1 year ago by biff

great letter. leave people to their preferences, so long as what another does is not infringing on the rights of another. so, while we have the right to our preferences, our preferences are not rights that we may impose on another. the idiots of the likes that reared their ugly faces to protest the preferences of others (gay price parade) in fort macleod, and elsewhere, are the very folk that have underscored every fascist, hater, cruelty-ravaged society throughout the planet’s gross history. for this sick type, there is no real limit to hate, govt intervention, nor cruelty, so long as they are among the “chosen” and “supreme” select group…and damn all others. the great irony is that too often those throwing the stones are those that purport to accept jesus as their saviour. it is as though that ilk has no understanding of his principles. or, that there is some magic cone of protection rendered to oneself – that enables one to be as cruel, judgemental and hate filled as they wish – simply by uttering what amounts to a mindless mantra: “i accept jesus as my saviour.” good luck to your soul with that chosen ignorance.

Citi Zen

They bring on their own problems by being IN YOUR FACE all the time with their parades, flags, crosswalks, etc every day. Keep your agendas to yourselves and you will find much more acceptance.


yah, and the hater types are never in the faces of folk, right? again, if you don’t like what you see, look the other way…that is minimal tolerance, and there is no freedom without graciousness and tolerance. now, if the objects of hate were thieving and high polluting corps, well, we can see the folly of looking the other way when actions are damaging to the many. but taste and basic preferences hardly do such mass damage.

Last edited 1 year ago by biff

Gee, for a split second I thought you were talking about the “Freedom Convoy” folks.

Last edited 1 year ago by Older-Than-Old-School