October 25th, 2024

Kamala Harris a better choice to lead the U.S.

By Lethbridge Herald on October 11, 2024.


With less than one month before the American election, it is time for Canadians to pay attention. The race for control of the largest and most powerful organization in the world, the United States government, is getting more intense.

It matters to me because I have seven American relatives.

 And it also matters because as you read in my May 21 letter, Trump violates everyone of the seven foundations of the unwritten curriculum (clean up your mess, help and respect other people, don’t cheat and lie), and if anything he has gone even lower since that time with his lies and slander. 

 Saying Haitian migrants in Springfield are eating cats and dogs, and calling Vice President Harris “mentally disabled” are only two examples.

It will matter to the Alberta economy if Trump wins. Trump has said there will be a 10% tariff on any product coming into the USA. And he lies to his base crowd saying “China will pay! Germany will pay! Mexico and Canada will pay!” 

 But that’s not what happens; the American importer pays the tariff to bring in the products, then passes the tariff tax on to their customers. Alberta oil, feedlot beef, canola oil…all will be taxed, and within weeks it will increase US inflation, and of course hurt Alberta’s economy. 

 Tariffs can occasionally work in isolated and monitored situations, like Canada putting tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, but blanket tariffs of all imports would be disastrous for the largest economy in the world.

Who among us can trust Donald Trump to understand and be reasonable about this critical economic issue?

Currently the respected polling site 538, which publishes and rates all major political polls, indicates Harris will get a very narrow win, while noting how close the margin is in the critical swing states. As for the credibility of those polls, they were right about the popular vote for Hilary Clinton in 2016 (winning the popular vote by almost 3 million) but wrong about the Electoral College votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. 

They were right about the 2018 midterms, the 2020 election of Biden, and right about the 2022 mid-terms. 

On the other hand, fewer and fewer people are answering their phones due to scamming, the demographic of people still using landlines is strongest for those over 65, which is an advantage for Trump, and now pollsters are mixing in online surveys.

I will trust the smart pollsters like 538, who have mathematicians, statisticians and experts in population demographics. If there are no major surprises or world events that change the inward looking American consciousness, that if the influence of Russian funded social media sites and lies are continually exposed…Vice President Harris will win a close one, even if the vote count and accusations of cheating and stealing continue after November 5. 

 If the economy of a democracy is good, voters tend to stay with the government in power.

 But ultimately, for the undecided American voter, or the voter who thinks about politics five minutes a week, they will look and see a rational, organized and positive 60 year old woman and compare her to an angry 78 year old man who makes offensive word salad speeches, a man who continually sells tacky merchandise to pay for his lawyers, a man who can’t get past old grudges and multiple court cases.

It is a simple binary question. 

Harris isn’t perfect but she is a better choice, for her country and for democracy.

Allan Wilson


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… Don’t forget the lying, conspiracy laden vitriolic Trump/Vance who, should they lose in November, have already been sowing the falsehoods of fraud if Harris/Waltz should win. You think 4 years ago was dangerous when they breached the Capitol arguably following Trumps dictates , this will be worse, far worse.

Fedup Conservative

Great comments Allan. The last list I have showed that I have 2,498 American cousins and the few that I have connected with were all Republicans who have had enough of Trump and his lies and have switched to Harris. The mindless seniors you see on the internet who are still blindly supporting Trump need their asses kicked. Once again it is easy to fool seniors, just like in Alberta.


Does Allan work for the MSM? This is the 6 o’clock news, This is what I want you to believe tonight. LOL. Even the Democrat back house and CNN are worried she is losing. Yes CNN!!!!!!!


Fedup Conservative

With 60% of College and University Students backing her she isn’t losing. You can bet they will vote against Trump.
While the polls have shown they aren’t very accurate sometimes. Yet you are always the loser aren’t you? Can’t find anyone to support your ignorant comments and aren’t smart enough to realize that you might be wrong, right? What’s it like being one of the mindless seniors people talk about?


Nice discussion won. You can’t answer without insults. I win.


The only thing you’ve won is most negative votes on a post (43 or 44 I believe) Congrats!


I think that Trump is a wannabe king but still about half of eligible voters believe his lies and will vote for him (according to most polls). I’m of the opinion that the polls are wrong and the Dems will win by more of a margin then last election. My concern is how Trump and his followers will react to their loss and I don’t think they will be humble and accept defeat. My other concern is that I see conservative politicians in Canada trying hard to be mini Trumps. George

Fedup Conservative

Thats because they aren’t conservatives they are Reformers and republicans are their heroes.

Fedup Conservative

Can you imagine being so stupid you don’t care about the students being gunned down in their classrooms, seniors in churches and in grocery stores, but’s that’s what Smith and Poilievre have promoted by trashing Trudeau’s plan to eliminate Assault Rifles and Handguns from criminals being able to access them. Promoting the Right to Bear Arms like their republican pals is what you will get and they don’t care. All they are interested in is getting elected.


Interesting article – It implies that based on some “pollsters” that the author is telling the reader that Harris will win the election. Why try to convince the reader of the outcome of something that is yet to happen?

My other main issue with Harris supporters is that they typically have nothing constructive to say regarding the candidate Harris. I have still yet to see any meaningful platform on this candidate that was swapped with Biden at the 11th hour when the Democrats realized they would lose the election with Joe. I watched the presidential debate and VP debate and still don’t have a good understanding of the Harris platform.

The common theme seems to be “trump will do this and trump will do that” like he is some totalitarian bogyman. He was the president of the united states for 4 years while the country was generally in a good economic and political position.

I am not pro trump whatsoever but the narrative for the Harris campaign is both oddly vague and predominantly based on anti-trump.

The American southern border is in dire straits, a war in the middle east is about to break out, Ukraine and Russia at war, inflation is high and the US economy is stalling. All of these issues started during the Biden/Harris administration.

Again, I am merely an observer from our side of the border but the media narrative for pro Kamila has been so over the top and I’ve seen very little constructive criticism about the current administration which is odd and yet concerning when one looks for a bipartisan take on the state of American politics.


If u can’t see the all the negatives that come with Trump and think he did an ok job while president then I suggest u have been watching FOX from ur hole in the ground the last 8 years. Same applies to u not seeing any of the positives with Harris. Not even going to ask ur thoughts on Putin. George

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