October 15th, 2024

Conservative leader Pierre Poilevre is another Donald Trump

By Lethbridge Herald on October 12, 2024.


We agree with American late-night host Stephen Colbert that Poilievre is another Donald Trump. Oil executives point out that the Carbon Tax is the cheapest and most effective way to tackle Global Warming and 27 countries agree. Yet he is using it to fearmonger and wants the Rebates eliminated that are helping to put money in the pockets of fellow seniors who desperately need it, ignoring the fact that it was Conservatives who created it.

 While praising the Convoy Truckers he showed no respect for the citizens of Ottawa or the police officers involved. Bashing Trudeau for using the Emergency Act to stop it, while police officer friends and relatives accused Poilievre of not carrying about how long it could go on and how much more of taxpayer’s money would be wasted. Wouldn’t a true conservative care?

 Although Trudeau wants to make it safer for Canadians by eliminating Assault Rifles and Handguns Poilievre and Danielle Smith want the people to have the Right To Bear Arms like their American Republican counterparts do and show no concern for what we have seen happen in the U.S.    

 Poilievre has promised Albertans if they help him get elected he will destroy the CBC and it’s 9,429 jobs that was created by a conservative government to connect remote areas of Canada to the outside world and is still needed.

 Unlike these Reformers, in the real-world Conservatives create jobs and do not destroy them and treat all people with dignity and respect, not just themselves and their Reform Party Pals like we are seeing. There is certainly nothing Conservative about them.

 Alan K. Spiller


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Quite correct!

Fedup Conservative

The lack of respect these Reformers show to our children and grandchildren have us true conservatives furious. This , “ we don’t give a damn about you attitude” while the idiot’s who support them hurl their sarcastic comments at us for not being as dumb as them is sickening.
Where do they think our children are going to find the $260 billion to clean up the orphan well mess that I was involved with for 8 years when Lougheed and Getty made the oil industry pay for it.
How can you be so stupid that you can watch what Global Warming is doing to the planet and your children’s future and not try to do something about it? Poilievre has proven he doesn’t care ,getting elected is all he cares about ,so he can destroy our Public Health Care System like he tried to help Stephen Harper do.


Good letter Alan. These are indeed scary times for Canadians when someone like Poilievre is suportred by so many Canadians. To become more electable, Poilievre has changed his image to now become”champion of the little guy”. These neo-conservative parties are simply a conduit for big corporations and the wealthiest amongst us, who have been trying to privatise what’s left of our heathcare system for decades.

Fedup Conservative

Thanks all the true conservatives in my world feel the same way. Our retired doctors, nurses and teachers friends including family members, my sister was a Lab Technician at a hospital in Edmonton, all say the same thing. They were never treated like morons working under the conservatives under Lougheed and Getty. These Reformers have changed that. They don’t care about anyone other than themselves, the rich and their Reform Party supporter friends.


your points are spot on. notable is how the conservative option in politics is mostly gone, co-opted by intolerant and the most self serving types. the hallmark of the leadership of this disfigured “con” type expression is pretty much the demagogue.
you have provided good examples to underscore what used to be a viable, reasonable option for voters is no longer available.
federally, the present liberals have also proven to be a non option. the graft, utter corruption, ineptitude, the lies and cover ups have provided us with one of the very worst govts in canadian history. justin and crew have made this very easy for the likes of a demagogue to supplant the present narcissist. somehow, jagmeet just does not resonate enough as the better alternative. i dare say that the state of politics today is well reflected by the crumbling of our parliament buildings in ottawa, which are likely to be an ever ongoing massive money suck. their restoration is now years in the making, and the number of billions in costs keeps escalating, of course.
for the people that want change: it is highly unlikely change for the better is going to come from the very institutions that have overseen generations of demise. a best first step to stand for a better society is to reject what has become a farce. next election, write in an alternative or x-out your ballot. that will not immediately change much, but it will not justify the current, and too long ongoing trend, and it will send a message that we have had enough of being taken.


Ridiculous comment(s) Mr. SPILLER, once again you need to get with the times, things (everything) has changed and continues to change… the CBC is NOT what it used to be! Take your head out if the sand, look at instant reality, (Bill C-11) for example.

You may want to consider another change that will soon be upon us (thankfully) a Poilievre, Conservative Government.


Well at least PP’s moral compass/political agenda aligns with yours HP. Nothing to be proud of though. Both Trump and Poilievre study the same play book, so I have no doubt you also bow at the altar of the vitriolic, lying bombastic bully from our southern neighbour.

old school

“Carbon tax is the cheapest and most effective way to tackle global warming”? How so? 27 politicians agree! Not for the climate. For the tax. More of citizens money to play with. 270 private planes flying to a lavish “climate summit “. When they live and lead by example they may gain some credibility.


That some live by the adage “do as I say, not as I do” , belies the fact that most economists agree that at least in principal, the C Tax is the fairest approach to mitigating climate change. Perhaps you would rather live in a world where the last two hurricanes several days apart become the norm? And don’t think for one moment that southern Alberta is immune from climate warming/change because it is not.


How has the tax been doing so far? Any noticeable improvements in the weather or do we just need to succumb to providing dear leaders all of our income to satisfy the weather gods.

Last edited 3 hours ago by buckwheat
Fedup Conservative

So like Poilievre and Trump you don’t care what they say or do to get elected and you don’t care who they hurt in the process? You show no concern for what Global Warming is doing to planet and what it’s costing to fight it and you show no respect for what it’s doing to our children and grandchildren’s future?
Can you explain where our children are going to find the $260 billion orphan well cleanup mess you helped create and can you see any reason why we shouldn’t hold you financially responsible to help pay for it, do you want to try? Can you prove what makes you smarter than our oil executives who wanted the Carbon Taxes implemented and when Harper refused to implement them Obama refused to approve the Keystone XL pipeline and Albertans lost billions in oil revenues. Obama wasn’t stupid he knows we need to try to do something about global warming.
To put it bluntly more and more Conservatives are sick and tired of you idiots who support these Reformers and don’t care about the financial mess they have created, so why shouldn’t you be made to pay for it, lawyers state there is nothing stopping us? When your sarcastic remarks and actions are hurting the wellbeing of the people you can be held responsible, like seniors who desperately need the money these rebates are bringing them, that you want to destroy? Do you want to try?

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