February 22nd, 2025

Neither UCP or NDP deserve a vote in Lethbridge West election

By Lethbridge Herald on November 1, 2024.


The article by Al Beeber on October 25, 2024 offers tremendous insight and knowledge. I also live in Lethbridge West and have decided to vote for any other party besides the Alberta NDP or United Conservative Party. When Shannon Phillips endorsed Rob Miyashiro, it felt insulting that she appeared to think she has the authority to make people, who had voted for her, to pass her self-appointed power torch to her replacement choice. While I had voted Alberta NDP for two provincial elections in a row, I also heard Mr. Nenshi say at a recent Alberta NDP event that Lisa Lambert, former MLA staffer to Shannon Phillips, is so important to the Alberta NDP that Lisa Lambert is something to the effect of Queen of the South. Well, I tell readers that we live in a democracy and that it is not anyone’s place to think there is royalty of any kind to pass on an MLA seat to anyone without the consent of the governed. To my next point, the United Conservative Party should not assume that they are the next choice for Lethbridge West voters. The current United Conservative Party is not the moderate party it was when the PC Party of Alberta existed before Jason Kenney took over the leadership and ran the party to the right side of the cliff. The Alberta NDP party is like clothes that no longer fit. To add, I am not changing my political clothes to wear the UCP outfit with its clinging onto getting rid of the CPP. No thank you to the existing options – I will instead continue to love living in west Lethbridge in my current apolitical frame of mind.

Rose-Marie Nyberg


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I agree. Politics here, Canada and the USA are like one giant daily soap opera. We have turned it off. Corus has gone from over 6.00 a share to around 0.14 cents a share. States volumes. The Herald is reduced to hanging on, Beeber does his best . Look for some changes when he retires. Live your life, keep the government and media influence out of it as best you can. You are on to something.


– Thank you for the good advice. You seem like a nice person.


With 10 downvotes the echo chamber of picking sides and divisiveness has reared its head.
in a normal society people can express their opinions and others can express theirs. What you choose to do at the ballot box is no one’s business but your own. It has all become party politics where people vote either for or against what personal gain/loss impacts them. We have become selfish and like baby birds waiting in the nest. Which parent shows up with the feed will bring derision from one side or another. I prefer to look at the party that best reflects what has worked for me and what will work for the province. There are many avenues of derision one could go down here but that would fuel more division and hate where factions are pitted against one another. Unproductive.

Last edited 3 months ago by buckwheat

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Last edited 3 months ago by HaroldP
Say What . . .

‘keep the government and media influence out of it as best you can.’
Agree 100%. We have seen governments force media in this city to ban certain public opinions that are reasonable opinions and not slander, by well known persons who have fought for this city, all while terrorist funded protestors are allowed to scream death to Canada, burn our flag and call for genocide of the Jews. Where has common sense gone?


Rose-Marie, you have the right/responsibility to participate in the election. Encourage to do so, vote with your heart, not one vote can afford to be lost, the NDP (Miyashiro) must not succeed, we need strong support for moral/family issues, as we see the UCP striving for. We need a safe community, safe streets, whom other than John Middleton-Hope (former Lethbridge Police Chief) recognizes/understands this?

Rose-Marie, please make your important and necessary vote count.


– I am so glad that you phoned me back this morning. We have known each other a long time. It was great to let you know that I vote with my brain and not my heart. I think that making decisions requires research and thorough process. You do not need to tell me what my rights/responsibilities are. As a fully grown adult, I know my duties and responsibilities. I have had many communications with Mr. Middleton-Hope and am aware of his dedication to our community. His granddaughter told me that he wants to help the vulnerable and addicted people while being committed to increased public safety; these are admirable qualities. As for Rob Miyashiro, I don’t know him well enough to comment. Rob and I have had very few conversations. While I appreciate your plea to get me to vote for your party of choice, you don’t have any influence over me. As I told you on the phone this morning, if you showed more compassion through your online comments, I might be more inclined to help you achieve your political goals.


Tough decision there Rose-Marie. I too am on the fence who to vote for. Rob is no Shannon that’s for sure and John I agree with his words but being associated with the current UCP is not to his benefit. I’m not going to tell you who to vote for or even if you’re going to vote, that is your decision.


gs172 – I wish I knew your name so I could be more personal. You wrote my name so nicely. I am so touched by your kindness. Rob is not Shannon – that is for sure. And I wish John were with a different party. Thank you for responding to my letter with such dignity and respect. I am so thankful to you for your wise insights.


we keep voting, we keep legitimising corruption and greed and the marginalisation of humans, the health of the land, and power being usurped by the utmost wealthiest individuals and entities on the planet.
one’s vote keeps giving it all away. try rejecting your ballot with a big X right through it. tell the power structure you can no longer accept the sleaze and lies.

Last edited 3 months ago by biff
Say What . . .

Living in Canada we must appreciate our rights and freedoms and free choice to vote for who we wish and I respect that Rose-Marie.
I would like to correct some information on the CPP which appears often and reflects alot of misinformed people on the CPP, APP matter.
The Alberta Pension Protection Plan took effect when it received royal assent on December 7, 2023.
The Alberta Pension Protection Act, (formerly Bill 2) protects the pensions and benefits Albertans have earned and guarantees they are the decision-makers in pursuing a provincial pension plan.
The Alberta Pension Protection Act guarantees the government won’t launch an Alberta Pension Plan unless Albertans vote in favour of it in a referendum. The act also guarantees that Albertans would pay the same or lower contribution rates and receive the same or better benefits as the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). It also ensures the assets transferred to Alberta from the CPP would only be used to set up a pension plan and operate it in the best interests of Albertans.
The Alberta Pension Protection Act is part of the government’s commitment to protect Albertans’ choices and to keep more money in their pockets.
Albertans made it clear that they do not want an APP at this time and the Alberta Pension Protection Act protects those concerns.
There is no threat of the UCP or any other government moving away from the CPP to an Alberta Pension Plan, unless the people vote for it!



Last edited 3 months ago by LiveinPeace1YQL

The truth and facts get down votes. Lol. However facts never quell the rabid rhetoric and vitriol unloaded on Smith. The CPP has a five year annualized return rate of 0.8%. Facts don’t matter to the supposedly informed who write letters here and fail to mention the CPP returns. Whether you are for or against it is clear that you will have an opportunity in a referendum to vote. Any investment manager getting you .8% over 5 years would be long gone. Not the CPP Here is an instructive article

Last edited 3 months ago by buckwheat

Posting garbage..whining about down-votes…where does it end with you?