March 6th, 2025

Danielle Smith building a wall and Albertans paying for it

By Lethbridge Herald on December 21, 2024.


How long ago was it that our premier was reporting that the U.S. airlines were releasing chem trails in the skies over Alberta? 

Then came the claim that the federal government was proposing a cap on oil production when in fact it is to be directed at emissions as part our due diligent to climate change. 

To counter this proposal, the Alberta government launched a multimillion-dollar ad to be broadcasted across Canada how this act would hurt Canadians. Now, the premier has announced another multimillion-dollar venture to counter the movement of drugs and illegal immigration across our Alberta border into and from the US.

 This government can’t or doesn’t want to enact a law forbidding the release of people charged with drug trafficking prior to their court hearing, however they react to a proposed threat of tariffs from Donald Trump. 

Drug trafficking is real, the tariffs are not however our premier in her best Trump-like voice says that they are going to stop the illegal migration of people and importation of drugs into our province. 

She is building the proverbial wall in Alberta and making Albertans pay for it. Further to this, why didn’t the government address these perceived illegal activities prior to Trump threatening tariffs on Canada? 

I can see Albertans travelling to and from U.S. through our southern borders being subjected to unnecessary searches to justify the deployment of the extra security.

Kent Perry


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Kal Itea

Time for Danielle Smith to make a public statement as whether she is a Canadian and her plans to stay one.
The way she talks and cuddles up to Trump makes one wonder.


It’s ‘finger-down-throat’ material.


The last line is laughable. The deployment of the extra security applies to a 2 km zone across the southern border. CBSA will continue to do their job at the border and when encountering illegal actions will do as they always do, call the RCMP or now will have a second to call, this. The new border security will monitor other activities NOT directly at the current crossings. Provincial enforcement is in second place to Federal enforcement at the borders. One wonders that if that crowd in Ottawa did this would there be applause from your corner. How hard would the complaining be at Smith if on Jan 20, 2025, those tariffs come into effect and the government had done nothing??? The howling about it to improve the border, reducing the fentanyl flow south and being a deadbeat at NATO. Would be mind numbing. It always amazes me how people immediately lose their “nut” over anything the current government applies. It’s us versus them and most of the commenters who have co-opted the Herald are them. The rest of your letter is sour grapes. Remember Nenshi said 2.2 lbs is not a lot. It’s enough to kill 600 people. Not enough??? Read up on Falkland BC drug bust. Are you complaining about the NDP government of EBY doing nothing their???? Instead the inference is that she is a Trump bootlicker. Naw, she is just a strong Alberta woman.
Here she is in action.

Last edited 2 months ago by buckwheat
Fedup Conservative

Just can’t help proving how stupid you are, can you?

Fedup Conservative

Watching our fellow seniors and ignorant rural Albertans allowing themselves to be treated like morons is sickening. Telling Smith to go ahead and pollute our water supply, waste $75 million on children’s cold medicine, give Preston Manning $2.2 million to spread his lies, while she fires healthcare executives, AIMCO executives and rewards her pal Stephen Harper, who financially destroyed Canadians, and our fellow Conservative friends and relatives with his lies about the Income trust Investments and who knows what she has given Jim Dinning for helping her try to steal our Canada Pension Plan and refuses to announce the results of the survey that more than 90,000 people took part in because it’s not what she wants, you to know. Then she fires the Photo Radar employees that Conservatives created to help the police protect us from speeders. We had a couple over for drinks last night and he is a retired police officer who is furious with the stupidity she brings to the table. He knows that Photo Radar helps while these idiots call it a Cash Cow like Klein taught them to do. Last night in Edmonton our Global Helicopter reporter announced that he saw more than 20 accidents in about an hour and the roads were fine and there shouldn’t have been any.

Fedup Conservative

I spent two weeks driving around Chicago and the state of Illinois years ago and never saw a single traffic accident. I asked my cousin how they got their drivers to behave so well and the answer was simple. They had made their fines so high that no one wants one. Back in Edmonton the first day I saw five different accidents that’s how stupid the situation is. When Klein privatized the issuing of drivers licenses the police officers were furious and everything they said would happen has happened. Alberta drivers have become the major players on the TV Show” Canada’s Worst Drivers” we are told.
To add to this stupidity lets Axe the Tax and show the world we don’t care about Global Warming and show the 27 countries involved how stupid we are and show no respect for our children’s future.


“Do Not Obey in Advance”: Timothy Snyder on How Corporate America Is Bending to Trump


smitty hoping to show trump she is worthy of one of his patented good old grabbings? she will need to make herself look a lot younger, and bleach her hair.