By Lethbridge Herald on February 13, 2025.
Dear Editor,
If Canada is to survive, it needs to defend itself from its worst enemies within.
Free trade within Canada is liberating in principle, better than its current trade barriers. But globally, free trade resulted in global compartmentalizing: China for heavy industry, India for textiles, Canada as the resource attic, USA as world policeman and so on, all directed by central planners with loyalty only to their own wealth and power.
Trudeau has prepared Canada for delivery to them as “the first post-nation state,” severely weakened under his deliberate kakistocracy. Further Liberals will only continue the decline. Canada can’t last in a counter-trade war.
This country long needed to ban the import of fentanyl precursors like N-phenethyl-4-piperidone and others, long strings from China, but updates to the Controlled Dugs & Substances Act can’t occur without Parliament – which, thanks to the Liberals, won’t meet at this time.
Vancouver’s ports are able to inspect only 0.5% of incoming goods. Chinese triads and Mexican cartels operate labs on Canada’s supposedly sovereign turf. They think we’re a laughingstock, and Canada can’t prove them wrong. Donald Trump smells weakness. He’s not wrong either.
It was the so-called “traitor” Danielle Smith who introduced the “fentanyl czar” idea now embodied in Kevin Brousseau; Danielle Smith whose early visit to Trump is since trailed in DC by every premier. I’ll articulate what she did not: Alberta’s loyalty must be to a common interest, never to federal insiders that contemptuously use us. We should never be that easy.
Thanks to Canada’s scornful betters, Canada itself invites contempt. Thanks to their touch, the country has hollowed out. Alberta needs to insist that Canada actually embody the greatness it now only pretends to. Generations back, we actually had it once. Now Canada is set to fall – not at feet of globalist power, but at anti-globalist Trump’s.
Danielle wisely kept “Team Central Canada” at arm’s length, recognizing the weakness behind its aggressive posture. Jingoism was never a good look for Canada to start with, and it’s never been as outright pathetic as it is now.
Tom Yeoman
Sorry, Tom, Alberta-first isn’t going to work (and Smith-like capitulation is the wrong tactic). Canadians will have to stand together to weather the trumpster fire south of the border.
Canadians will soon have to choose who will lead us ahead.
On the money Tom.
Once again all mouth and no brains in true Reform Party fashion. Loves being treated like a moron, doesn’t he?
Gee Tom have you not see the “Horrific Mess” as Lougheed called it that these Reformers have created for Albertans? It’s no secret that Smith wants to double our oil sales to the U.S. at likely at the lowest Royalty Rate in the world like these Reformers have been doing to Albertans since the Klein years. Those of us who had ties to the Oil Industry know how Albertans have been screwed out of $1.2 Trillion and Alaska and Norway haven’t been and we don’t want this fool Smith making it a lot worse, so why do you?
Can you explain what backroom deals were made with the Coal Industry and what were made with the oil industry that allowed them to dump up the cost of their oil well cleanup onto the backs of the people? So what deals has Smith made with Trump that will screw us out of a lot more money?
Mr. Yeoman, are you referring to the same Danielle Smith who now finds herself embroiled in serious allegations of corruption in the government of Alberta ministry of health? BTW, your victim card for Alberta is as unbecoming as your obvious contempt for Canada.
It was not “Team Central Canada” but reflects your narrow minded view that the sun rises and sets in Alberta and more accurately at the feet of our dear leader. If you consider the united approach exhibited by the premiers to be “jingoism”, then you very clearly do not understand the word. This was not “aggressive” , rather trying to elicit understanding in Washington and state governors and point out failures and inaccuracies in the current foreign policy of the autocrat Trump. You simply do not understand his current intent based on the principles of “Project 25”, although I suspect that based on your previous opinions voiced herein , some of that project’s ideals you would wholeheartedly agree with.
Perhaps the coming trade war will bring considerable aches and pains , but this is becoming a world wide phenomena and cannot be blamed at the foot of one person who seemingly engages in “kakistocracy”. If that word applies to anyone it would be Trump who forgets or ignores, the trade agreement he himself signed during his previous term. Our leaders have perhaps become complacent over the many years and blaming one person, Trudeau , fits your MO but to use your word, in of itself is pathetic.