March 31st, 2025

‘No translation needed’: the Americans are coming, the Americans are coming

By Lethbridge Herald on February 19, 2025.

Dear Editor,

Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere… Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem is about the American hero Paul Revere who, on April 18th, 1775, rode through the night to warn soldiers that “the British are coming, the British are coming.” 

Our modern-day Paul Revere has manifested into many forms: the truth tellers within the Democrats, legal community, and certain media outlets and journalists, to name a few. Revere began his ride 185 years later, on January 20th, 2025, immediately after the Trumpian inauguration. The chaos of office began with a flurry of destructive Presidential Emergency Orders. These orders now extend beyond America’s borders to once-allied nations like Canada; a leader who does not respect his own citizens will not respect Canadians.

It is imperative that Canadians clearly see and hear the dire warning. The chaos of office is echoed through media channels; “the Americans are coming, the Americans are coming.” Our Revere shows us the confusion of mind, hostility and falsehoods from the Oval Office; a room with no corners or guard rails. The 47th King of 2025 is like King George III of 1775—quixotic minds battling windmills thought to be giants.    

Trump’s army of loyalists and sycophants are preparing to launch attacks on multiple fronts against Canada. Economic warfare in the form of tariffs is coming. The attacks will escalate in the next 4 years; I repeat. They will escalate. The truth is that there are troubled times ahead for Canadians. 

Canadians must prepare for battle. The government and citizens alike must put their financial houses in order; matters of economy matter critically now. 

Canadians must band together. We need to support each other. Our provincial and federal leaders must sow seeds of unison not division. We must be resolute in our fight and help our fellow Canadians whenever, and wherever, possible. 

We are Canadians—Strong and Free. We must defend our Canada from coast to coast to coast for “the Americans are coming, the Americans are coming.” No translation needed.

Frank Halderman


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Mr. Morris

Bannon? Hard dismiss.
Grasped, missed the straw; you did.


are you having a stroke?

Say What . . .

I am concerned and I know we just need to prepare for some tough times ahead until Trumps dictatorship ends, but lets not go overboard.
These are our neighbours, and many apologize for this madman’s attack on us. Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater!
Realize that the more aggressive we are in countering his tariffs and attacks, the angrier he will become, breeding more attacks.
We have to be careful because there is a lot of damage that can be done to Canada, while our actions will only have a small impact on the US. The US can endure a very long economic war with Canada, a country that is already facing a debt wall from the Liberal NDP government’s vote buying spending.
We need to buy military munitions, and equipment from the US and maintain our worn out CF-18’s with parts from the US. We need to replace our military aircraft with their 5th generation aircraft, not to mention the other aircraft we need to maintain such as the heavy lift Globemasters. We do not want to blow up the bridge between the US and Canada. Also, it is the government, not the people who are the enemy who is at war with Canada, and yes, an economic war is the same as being at war under psyops operations, which is a one way to bring a country to its knees without military force.
What I am about to say is not something I condone, want to see, or want to influence others to do:
Trump has made too many enemies recently and already has Iran hiring hit squads to assassinate him, but he has made many enemies from within the US and the Cartels. How long do you really think he will last, given past examples of assassinations of leaders? He has made too many capable enemies angry, who may decide to make a statement by taking him out in a dramatic, extreme way, possibly taking out his top leadership at the same time.
Trump is a narcissist and as we have witnessed, has to be in front of people to feed that condition: Daytona 500 a recent example, but he always want to be around people for them to bow down to him.
A narcissist:

Fixation on fantasies of success or power.Excessive need for admiration.Sense of entitlement.Belief that they are “special” or superior.Exploitative in relationships.Envious or believing others are envious of them.Lack of empathy for others.Arrogant behavior or attitude.
As we protect ourselves from this dictator, do not burn the bridge between our friends in the US. Dictators come and go! Trump will not be here for long and we need to keep our relationship with our neighbours in good standing.
Some of the MAGA’s are already turning on him!
Buckle up, while treating them how you want to be treated always wins in the end!

Last edited 1 month ago by Say What . . .

I agree with many of your observations. Trump though is not a mere “narcissistic” , rather an autocratic, pompous, bullying psychopath, who still believes he is the star of a TV reality show. Dangerous in the extreme. In a perfect world, sitting down at a table with a normal leader, common sense options might work and compromises made , but sadly, that is out of the question with this lying pretext for a human.
No, I say face tariffs with tariffs, buy Canadian (when possible), cancel US travel plans and above all, stand as one country and quit the petty inter provincial and partisan bickering at all levels of government.
He is a bully and as you suggest, bullies ultimately fail, but rolling over and playing dead is not the answer.
This is a wake up call : Up our NATO spending
Consider the Canadian Arctic sovereign and defend it – properly
Remove inter provincial trade barriers and supply management
Reluctantly, I think east – west pipelines have a role
Attract allies we can trust and deal with
Remind our leaders that the treaty of 1908 is not a sacred font in Trump’s excuse for a brain, rather it is one of several signed in good faith by both governments and internationally recognized. (1908 applies to a tiny portion of Eastern Canada /NE USA)
And finally, stop the blame game , this is here , this is now , time to move forward in a united front from coast to coast to coast!
That Ford has called an early election and we have no current parliament or medium term leader in Ottawa is an impediment we could do well without. Only in Canada eh?

Say What . . .

Some parts I agree with you! You will not see any corporation willing to invest in building long distance pipelines across the country. Quebec says there are now willing, but what about next month. History has proven you cannot count on Quebec.
First Nations cannot agree on anything and blow up their $40 billion child welfare money the feds agreed on. Just building a pipeline between Alberta to the BC tidewater took years, being shutdown because of First Nation or another. Too many First Nations lands between here and the eastcoast, and no company will invest in that.
Warren Buffet pulled out of the LNG plant in Quebec because there were too many roadblocks in front of him to overcome. Warren Buffet also has major investments in CP Rail and CN Rail, under Vanguard Group and is a Trustee and major contributor to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Bill Gates Foundation. Bill Gates has 67% of his portfolio invested in CN Rail, with a 16.3% share of CN.
They do not want pipelines and some of their non-profits funded protests on pipelines.
And Canada should have been spending its promised 2% share in NATO, and we should have been protecting our borders better!
The Liberals for decades have always bankrupt our mitltary believing the US would protect them. Trump is right on that!
Trump wants our land for strategic purposes, but he wants our resources and he thinks he can just come in and take it all!
Tariffs would inflate the price we pay for those products we import from the US, so they will only hurt us, not the US.
We should be filing complaints with the international bodies, and building relationships with our allies. As stated, we are 1/10 the population and if the US wanted to use military actions, we would be overwhelmed, but there would be a resistance, that would cause issues for them for years after.
Timing is important as to when one should retaliate on a large scale.
Finally, as stated, he will not be around long term!

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