March 3rd, 2025

Smith equates Alberta with Texas

By Lethbridge Herald on February 26, 2025.


Quoting from Alberta Hansard’s record of Dec. 7, 2022, Premier Smith said, in part, “I don’t know why it is they felt that they needed to suck up to Ottawa. It’s not like Ottawa is a national government. The way our country works is that we are a federation of sovereign, independent jurisdictions. They are one of those signatories to the Constitution, and the rest of us are signatories to the Constitution and have a right to exercise our sovereign powers in our own area of jurisdiction.”  So, Canada does not have a national government?

Recently her administration introduced political parties into Alberta municipal government, a la the United States. Why?

Global News reported on Jan. 2, “Alberta cabinet ministers head to Texas to meet with police, justice officials.” The article reported Public Safety Minister Ellis and Justice Minister Amery are scheduled to meet with Dallas police, and Texas’s prosecuting attorney, among others.

Global News stated, “Amery says Alberta and Texas have a similar history and shared values.”

Alberta and Texas have a similar history, have shared values?  Really?

Albertans, please reject the UCP and the American political rot Ms. Smith is foisting on us.

Oh Canada!

Peter Haney


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If all the reporting is true, then once again, in addition to the debacle around AHS and the meandering inconsistencies of “Coal Moratorium La Grange, is this a fracture in the once seemingly united front of our premiers?
This is not what the nation, yes Nation of Canada needs right now.

Fedup Conservative

Peter, It’s no-,secret that Albertans have been cheated out of $1.2 Trillion over the years by these Reformers, starting with Ralph Klein, and you can bet that Smith has been making backroom deals with Trump to screw us out of Billions more. By slashing Lougheed’s oil royalties and corporate taxes they have put us in financial ruin, as this article suggests:
“Royalties Down 32% Billions In Federal Revenue Lost”
Oilmen state they are the lowest in the world and that’s why there isn’t another oil rich nation that’s in the financial mess that we are in.
Isn’t it ironic that right after her visits with Trump the Keystone XL Pipeline is back on the table? At what cost to Albertans is the big question?
Are you going to let her screw you out of a lot more money, or do you owe it to our children to put help us put a stop to this stupidity?

pursuit diver

The NDP can only try to get elected by spreading the lies and deceit you just spewed in your hypothetical accusations. Sad that a party can only rely on these methods instead of getting elected for merit!
We witnessed this in the recent by-election in Lethbridge, with the NDP using some young minds who have some mental disabilities posting malicious disinformation in social media. Such as using S.L. for one example.
Ralph Klein made some of the best decisions for this province in several decades and was the only Premier to make Alberta debt free with fiscally responsible policies.
The NDP give me’s who just wanted to be given everything for free didn’t like him.
You comment is proof of the lies and deceit that the NDP spreads, and you are one of the major conveyors!
You will reap what you sow!

Mrs. Kidd (she/her)

Klein’s fiscal policies, that you call “responsible,” led to, among other things, a nontrivial infrastructure deficit that we are still dealing with, and significant unfounded liabilities in at least two pension funds in which the province was a partner. And he raided the Heritage Trust Fund. It’s a real stretch to say he was responsible fiscally.

The fourth law of ecology – There is no free lunch – obviously applies beyond ecosystems.


I accurately explained what Ralph Klein did, and it wasn’t good.


Who are you trying to fool with your word salad? The ones who lie to get elected are Danielle Smith and the UCP. Danielle Smith didn’t give the promised personal tax cuts in 2023, like she said she would if the UCP were re-elected that same year. These personal tax cuts have only come now, because the UCP did two other very costly debacles, which are well over $600 million, and $11 billion. The UCP have only carried on with the fiscal ineptitude and poor planning that the Alberta PCs did, ever since Peter Lougheed was no longer the premier of Alberta. So far, the UCP have made well over $80 billion in very costly debacles and mistakes, and the UCP have also treated the vulnerable, seniors, medical professionals, teachers, students,rural property owners, the environment and democracy in Alberta with disdain. Former Conservative politicians in Alberta have said that they don’t trust Danielle Smith and the UCP, because they are so dishonest. What does that tell you?


Ralph Klein was an utter disaster. He ruined the great things that Peter Lougheed did for Alberta. Ralph Klein is the reason why Alberta lost $575 billion in revenue, because Peter Lougheed’s excellent oil royalty rate structure was permanently altered. Ralph Klein failed to properly top up the Heritage Savings Trust Fund, and was using it as his own personal piggy bank. Ralph Klein gave away Alberta’s oil and most of the subsequent profits to foreign owned entities, leaving Alberta with crumbs. Ralph Klein failed to properly come after oil companies in Alberta to remediate their messes, leaving Albertans with a mammoth bill of $260 billion to deal with this. The bad tax policies of Ralph Klein lost Alberta $150 billion in added revenue.

Ralph Klein did many other very costly debacles. Alpac, pulp and paper mills, like Daishowa and Miller West Pulp, Swan Hills, trying to salvage a sinking shopping mall (West Edmonton Mall), on a failed farmer’s aid fund, on a disability payment debacle, on consolidation of paramedic dispatch services in Alberta, the well over $30 billion electricity deregulation debacle, the $10 billion Power Purchase Agreements debacle, and so on.

Ralph Klein also is the reason why Alberta has an infrastructure debt that is now nearly $30 billion, or even more.

Ralph Klein’s deregulation and privatization schemes were very costly failures. Ralph Klein closed down hospitals, got other hospitals in Alberta demolished, while underfunding existing hospitals in Alberta. Ralph Klein laid off many nurses.

Ralph Klein badly underfunded the public education system in Alberta. Many teachers were laid off.

Ralph Klein never got Alberta out of debt, and Ralph Klein never had any fiscally responsible policies.


You have your head so far up, you have been overcome by the methane you are inhaling, Pull your head out and observe what is going on in world.
There always have been a working relationship between US law enforcement and Canada and some of Trump’s major issues are drugs, crime and human trafficking. Texas shares a border with Mexico but Texas for decades has been compared to Alberta because of the petroleum industry.
The federal government has been divisive and shown favor to a couple of the provinces while ignoring others. Is that what you classify as a government dedicated to a unified Canada? Ignorance abounds on this NDP bias platform! Too much methane or bad drugs!


Too much ad hominem and misinformation/disinformation.

pursuit diver

LOL . . . I like it! How true!
“…Alberta and Texas have a lot in common. Vast expanses of sunny wind-swept plains, vast oil and gas reserves, and a fabled history as oil and gas producing jurisdictions. Both have rodeos and at least tip their hat to frontier cowboy culture. …”
Texas has been dealing with high rates of sex/human trafficking and drug smuggling for 20 years, and their major cities have been directly impacted by these issues. It just makes sense to see how they are dealing with the issues at a time when Trump demands change.
But the NDP likes people doing drugs and they have lots of support from addicts and drug users, some of whom often comment on here.
The NDP doesn’t want facts, they just want to attack anyway they can as proven time and time again here, and on other social media.
It concerns me that some of them are allowed to get away with it, since some is malicious.
I like the where the sun don’t shine, methane comment.


That you’re here allowed to spread your garbage is bad enough.
Go find something productive to do!

Fedup Conservative

Once again we have two mindless seniors who are so stupid they believe the lies of these Reformers but can’t believe the truth. So stupid that Klein was their hero after giving them one of these highest costs of living in North America, that’s how stupid they are. Totally ignorant of the fact that these Reformers have cheated us out of $1.2 trillion and given our children and grandchildren a $85 billion debt and a $260 billion oil well clean up mess to deal with and they don’t care. Showing them no respect.
Calling Notley a liar while every former Conservative MLA praised her for what she was trying to do. You can’t be any dumber than that, can you? Sounding like well trained Reform Party Parrots too stupid to think for themselves and really pathetic human beings, aren’t they?


Allan Warrick, a former cabinet minister under Peter Lougheed, compared Rachel Notley to Peter Lougheed. Jim Foster, a former cabinet minister under premier Peter Lougheed, who was also an Alberta Attorney General, said that Danielle Smith and the UCP couldn’t be trusted, because they are so dishonest. He said Rachel Notley was a great premier. Even in 2015, Angie Klein, the daughter of Ralph Klein, said she was voting for Rachel Notley and the NDP, because the Alberta PCs were so bad, and she didn’t like her father, Ralph Klein, for his flat tax.

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