March 9th, 2025

Who benefitted from Trump’s botched meeting with Zelenskyy?

By Lethbridge Herald on March 6, 2025.


It is difficult to understand what the intended outcome was in the clearly staged White house meeting with President Zelensky last week. Because it was so public, it was meant for someone\’s eyes. The tone and content of the meeting make it very unlikely that an international audience was the intended target. 

It’s also hard to imagine what benefit could come focusing on a national audience. Could it be that this little show was meant for an audience of one? What would motivate the President of the United States to recruit his VP to act as an agent provocateur in such a display? 

It may be difficult to rule out ineptness, stupidity and poor mental health, however the remaining motivations narrow considerably. If this show was intended for Putin\’s eyes, who as it seems was the only person that was immediately pleased, you are left with the burning question of why? 

It certainly does nothing for US national interests. So, what, or whose interests were being protected by this despicable display. If this was intended to protect anyone’s personal interest it may be easier to understand as we are all acutely aware that Trump is highly motivated by his own interests. 

If the intended target of this show was Putin, and I believe that it was, is it possible that the US president was protecting himself? From what is the burning question. The answer to that question may be stranger than fiction but buy now we have become accustomed to that reality. 

What does Putin have that clearly threatens Trump? Could it explain why Trump is dismantling the national intelligence, and law enforcement network in his own country? Could it explain why he is undermining the security of our European allies? 

Could it explain why Trump has become Putin’s sycophant? My bet is that all this can be explained and the answer may well be Trumps final undoing.

Peter Burns


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Say What . . .

Or, Trump setting the mood and forcing Zelenskyy to kneel to Trump and give up all the precious metals and not to expect anything extra for it, not even more security against Russia, or the US will allow Putin to overtake Ukraine.
Trump isn’t tha smart! He doesn’t realized he is being played by Putin!

old school

Reality is just a little different. Zelenskyy has become arrogant with his fame. Too many NATO country leaders cater to him. Or so it seems. He is a tool in their hands. He can’t or won’t realize that .NATO wants war with Russia. Not sure why . Trump and Zelenskyy was a lot more than precious metals. Princess Zelenskyy threw a hissy fit when he realized his piggy bank got taken away.


your entries seem to become duller and duller. your take is shallow, as shallow as trump’s. among the negatives of supporting dictators and oligarchs is that at some point they will act contrary to you what you believe, and you will have no recourse. trump is a dictator at heart, one of the reasons why he supports putin, and the usa is going to have hard getting shot of him when the 4 years are up. another thing you will find: dictators erase laws they do not like, and create laws that empower and fancy them.


Yet another misguided , inaccurate rambling monologue. Make no mistake , Zelenskyy was a recipient of a well planned hi-jack by Trump and his boot licking, genuflecting acolyte. Your attempt at some sort of humour directed against an individual who is merely trying to protect his people against a tyrant is pathetic and insulting.But then again, perhaps you would cater to another yellow headed tyrant knocking on a neighbours door.Wake up for God’s sake!

Last edited 24 minutes ago by BigBrit

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