March 14th, 2025

Letter lacked context of MLAA Neudorf’s statement to Chamber

By Lethbridge Herald on March 14, 2025.

The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce is committed to fostering informed discussions on matters that impact our business community. We appreciate engagement on issues of economic policy and government communication; however, it is essential that information from our events is accurately represented when referenced in public discourse.
In the March 6, 2025, letter titled “Albertans can’t afford Nathan Neudorf,” Chris Spearman referenced a statement made at a Chamber event held on January 28, 2025, later covered by the Lethbridge Herald on Jan. 30, 2025. The letter quoted Minister Neudorf as saying: “So do you want to choose coal mining with higher than ever regulatory thresholds for any environmental infractions, or do people want a 10 to 20 per cent tax increase?”
However, the next paragraph —providing important context—was omitted:
“He said his position for Lethbridge East has never wavered, that the agriculture and food processing sectors can’t be sacrificed for another industry.”
The Chamber develops policy on issues affecting businesses at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels and actively communicates these positions. While we do not endorse any political party, we take issue when statements from our events are selectively quoted in a way that does not reflect the full context of the discussion. Accuracy and integrity in public debate are critical, particularly when discussing policies that impact businesses and residents.
It is important to note that Mr. Spearman was not in attendance at the event. We encourage readers to review the full Lethbridge Herald article from January 30, 2025, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the discussion. Selective quoting can lead to misinterpretations, and we believe that a well-informed public dialogue benefits everyone.
As a non-partisan organization dedicated to supporting our local economy, we encourage open and fact-based discussions on these important issues. We invite all community members and stakeholders to engage with us directly to ensure that the conversations taking place at Chamber events are represented fairly and fully.
Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce
Cyndi Crane
CEO, Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce

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Southern Albertan

To address Neudorf’s question of “coal mining with higher regulatory thresholds vs a 10 to 20% tax increase,” for me, and many, this is the issue of the UCP government catering to the $billion legal action the big mining friends are attempting to take against this government for delays, i.e. if the UCP government loses, or settles, with the big mining friends, it will cost us taxpayers. There is also the thing with the next Neudorf comment re: not sacrificing the ag and food sector…the UCP is not to be trusted with them believing/or saying, that increased mining regulations will take care of every problem, i.e. lack of water, contamination of water, damage to the environment, unsightly damage to the mountain vistas, etc. They still, appear to be leaning toward allowing open pit coal mining.
Do the UCP believe that any of us are going to swallow the increased regulation be-all and end-all kool aid? No, we do not, want, open pit coal mining, period. And the $billion in legal issues? Trust the UCP for allowing things to get this far. Well, here, again, stupid can only be fixed by paying the big mining friends out and of course, us taxpayers getting the hit again for failed UCP $billion dollar policies/dabblings. What else would be new?


Good points, SoAb. I don’t quite see how the additional comment diminishes the threat voiced in the first. And this pro-UCP lobby group would be foolish to believe these words, which are belied by Mr. Neudorfs actions (and inactions). Mr. Neudorf, even when acting as the Water Czar, has made no move to protect our water from industrial contamination. He is all in for coal exploitation in our headwaters.

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