By Lethbridge Herald on March 19, 2025.
An open letter to Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy
When the Alaska Permanent Fund was being established, I was asked to provide expert advice. At Alaska’s request, I travelled to Juneau. At the time, I was a Select Committee Member of the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund.
When America invaded Pana,a in 1989 and kidnapped its president, I was there providing economic development advice to the Panama Canal Commission. Now, the American President says the United Staes will “take back” the Canal. America never “had” the Canal. American engineers built the Canal Zone with Panama’s permission.
Panama and its canal are sovereign. And so is Canada!
Thank you for your resolution supporting our sovereignty. Let’s hope that the values symbolized by the Statue of Liberty — freedom, democracy and hope — remain steadfast in the face of whatever lies ahead. Is there anything I can do to help that happen, or to support your resolution?
Tom Sindlinger
treaties and agreements and laws are fa suckas…losers. at least based on how trump views the planet he now seems to have decided that he owns, simply by being president of the usa.
i am left to wonder how it is there is not a massive and ongoing protest in the usa, seeing as by now even the simplest folk should be well aware they have a dictator ruling their land.
Thats because they drank his koolaid. He hopes by repeating that Canada should become a US state enough times he hopes that like minded “Canadians” would agree or hope parts will splinter off.