March 11th, 2025

Monday’s Police Beat column — All crimes matter when it comes to police efficiency

By Lethbridge Herald on June 29, 2015.

By chief Rob Davis
Have you been the victim of a car prowler and had loose change, cheap sunglasses or other less valuable items stolen from your vehicle?
Has someone stolen a planter or ornament from your yard or vandalized your fence? Did you report it? Many people do, but we know there are a lot who don’t because they believe it isn’t worth their time or ours, or it’s too much trouble to come down to the station and file a report over a few items that aren’t worth much and aren’t likely to be recovered anyways.
Every crime that is committed in this city matters to us and it’s important that we know about it. I can’t promise that in every case we’ll be able to recover stolen property or arrest the offender — the reality is we won’t — but it’s critical we know where and when crimes are occurring to help us identify trends, develop deployment strategies and conduct targeted operations and enforcement initiatives.  
To help make it easier for our citizens to report certain crimes, we have an online reporting tool on our website that allows users to complete a report and submit it electronically. The following crimes can currently be reported: thefts under $5,000 (not including licence plates), thefts from vehicles under $5,000, damage/mischief to property under $5,000 and damage/mischief to vehicles under $5,000. You can also report lost property (except passports which have to be reported to Passport Canada).
In order to use online reporting, the incident has to have occurred within the City of Lethbridge or Town of Coaldale, there must not be any known suspects or evidence, the value of the theft or loss must be less than $5,000, the incident must not involve a firearm, break and enter to a home or garage or hate/bias-motivated crime and must not involve the theft or loss of an immigration document, citizenship card or government issued funds.
To file an online report visit and click the tab for online reporting. Every report that is submitted is reviewed and if further investigation of your case is needed, you may be contacted. If staff have no further questions about your report, you will receive an email including a case number and an official copy of your report that can be used for insurance purposes.
If you observe a crime in progress always call 911 immediately. For non-emergency incidents, including suspicious activity, traffic concerns and parking concerns call our complaints line at 403-328-4444.  
Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers and Lethbridge Regional Police need your help in solving a break and enter.
On June 9, culprits entered the compound of DeGraaf Excavating along the 2200 block of 41 Street North and stole copper radiators, aluminum rims and fuel valued at approximately $500-$1,000.
If you have any information on this break and enter or any other crime, text “tip232” plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), call 1-800-222-8477, or submit tips online at
 Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2,000 for information leading to an arrest. Remember you will not have to attend court or testify, and you will remain anonymous. We want your information, not your name.

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