March 12th, 2025

A different kind of Canada Day

By Lethbridge Herald Opinon on June 30, 2020.

Shakespeare once wrote the oft-quoted line: “Now is the winter of our discontent” in his play “Richard III,” but revised and more accurate for our day and age we could just as easily say, “Now is the summer of our discontent.”

With so many protests and counter-protests, vociferous and vitriolic debate on social media, and the ongoing usual complaints associated with local taxes and crime, Canada Day cannot come at a better time for many Lethbridge residents.

Thankfully many of the public health orders associated with COVID-19 have become more relaxed in recent weeks, allowing residents, at least in small groups, to blow off some steam and take time to celebrate our flag and become reminded again of our great potential as a nation.

Over the years, one comes to understand there are many versions of Canada Day depending on the region and culture you are situated in. For some, Canada Day in southwest Alberta means pride in the traditions associated with Western Canadian history. For some it means honouring sacrifice in military service, and for many new Canadians it means celebrating being able to live free from the horrors of the past, or finding a hopeful and prosperous future.

Canada is certainly not perfect, and there are many issues we must come to terms with and address as Canadians, including the trauma of a colonial past which we still grapple with to this day. However, Canada is also not static. We have grown as a nation and continue to strive for our nation’s betterment generation after generation.

On this Canada Day we wish all Lethbridge residents peace, prosperity and good health – with particular emphasis on the latter. During this time of COVID-19, we hope all residents continue to safeguard their well-being by practising appropriate physical distancing, proactive hand cleansing and whatever other measures may be required to be healthy based on your own situation.

Happy Canada Day to all, and may the joyful spirit of the day remain with you as the rest of the summer unfolds.

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