March 14th, 2025

Government helping Albertans weather the storm

By Lethbridge Herald on December 10, 2022.

Nathan Neudorf – UCP MLA for Lethbridge East

This time of year always fills me with so much hope, joy, and optimism. It’s the time of year where we truly reflect on where we have been, are grateful for where we are, and look promisingly to the future. 2022 has been yet another whirlwind of activity, change and potential. From global economic challenges, historic inflation, labour shortages, to record low unemployment, and a strong economic recovery in Alberta—we seem to have seen it all this year!

Perhaps the biggest news this year—the ongoing war in Ukraine—has had many impacts globally that have been terrible to hear about and see. 

Amid all the uncertainty and chaos of this news and others, I think we need to look for the small glimmers of hope and positivity that have come in response. Especially as we look back on 2022. 

To help the situation, I am so proud that our government accelerated applications for permanent residency made by Ukrainian nationals and also waived fees through the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program. On top of that, our government has contributed more than $23 million in support for Ukraine. While we continue to see many Ukrainians displaced from their homes, and sent on long journeys seeking peace and refuge, I think this is the perfect time of year to reflect on the blessings we have here in Alberta and in Canada. We can be truly proud that we can offer these blessings as gifts to those who need it most right now. 

Another challenge that we are continuing to face this year is supply chain shortages and high inflation making life even more expensive. Here in Alberta, I know everyone has felt the sting of high costs and it feels like there is no end or relief in sight. We are blessed to have a strong economy right now that is continuing to keep our province moving towards new, innovative technologies and practices that are in turn strengthening our economy. 

Given the strong economic foundation we are standing on, we are able to provide some of the most sustainable and wide-reaching economic supports to help Albertans and their families manage this storm. 

Supports include extending the fuel tax relief and expanding the electricity rebate to total $500 since July 2022. While we continue to navigate the cost of living crisis, we need to ensure we look after those in our communities who need it most. We are also re-indexing of AISH, PDD and Income Support, the seniors benefit and the Alberta Child and Family Benefit. 

On top of all that, we are providing targeted payments for families for each child under 18, seniors 65 and up, and vulnerable Albertans with household incomes below $180,000. While this does not cover all the great supports we are offering, I want to also draw attention to the targeted support for services such as food banks. These and other unmentioned timely and effective affordability measures will be available soon, as they are currently being debated under Bill 2 in the legislature right now.

On that note, this season would not be complete without acknowledging the people in our lives and communities we are truly grateful for. 

Just over a week ago, I had the honour to award the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Award to 15 outstanding individuals in Lethbridge. Even looking back, the emotional impact of seeing these great men and women receive due recognition for their service to our community and beyond is simply inspiring. I want to acknowledge everyone here in Lethbridge and across Alberta who help make our communities a better place. Whether it is a small gesture like shoveling your neighbour’s driveway, or a large gesture that spans years and generations, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Albertans are truly known for their generosity and hard work.

I am encouraged by the resilience, enthusiasm, and compassion I continue to witness from so many here in Lethbridge and across the province, regardless of what has come their way. It is a true blessing and humbling honour to represent Albertans in the Legislature.

As we enter into the holiday season and into 2023, I encourage you to spend time with family and friends, sharing and celebrating this special season.

From my family to yours I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the best in the New Year. Here’s to 2023!

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Southern Albertan

….another weak effort to disguise UCP failings, i.e. taking the cap off insurance rates; the ongoing mismanagement of the covid epidemic and health care; cuts to education and post secondary; the open pit coal mine fiasco; the disturbing influence of american-style white christian nationalism and the convoy movement; the ongoing tiresome blaming of Ottawa; the absurd school curriculum; the ridiculous sovereignty act; the unconscionable way that doctors and frontline health care professionals were treated; not taking into consideration single Albertans who do not have children, who are younger than 65, and who make less than $180,000/year; backpedalling on not indexing AISH over a few years….trying to paint lipstick on a pig comes to mind.


Yeh. Only a dick Scrooge would crap on a holiday message.


Only a cretin like Buckwheat isn’t smart enough to accept facts.

Maria Stein

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Here is the answer to the insurance cap. NDP heading towards ICBC insurance. Lol. They are not yapping about it now that Icky Bicky is trying to dig itself out of massive debt. Instead they go to Sask, which has SGIO and a quarter of our population to start mouthing the platitudes. Good reading right here

John P Nightingale

And don’t forget the much loved (😉) Sovereignty Act. (Within the Canadian nation of course).