March 14th, 2025

There’s nowhere else better to call home

By Lethbridge Herald on December 24, 2022.

Shannon Phillips – NDP MLA for Lethbridge West

It’s December again, and with that comes a mixed bag of dramatic weather, hectic schedules, and holiday cheer. The bitter cold we’ve been experiencing in Alberta this week often elicits demoralized cries of, “Why do we live here?” 

But while I’ll readily admit to muttering more than a few choice words to myself as I scrape off my car in subarctic temperatures, I have to say there’s nowhere else I’d rather call home.

Lethbridge is a terrific place to live, not only because of the endless skies and quiet coulees, not just due to the sanity-saving Chinooks and long summer nights, but because of its people.

I think about neighbours who brave early morning winters to shovel walks, who bring our kids safely home from school, and who stay out too late chatting at the end of the driveway. I also think about organizations like SAGE Clan who seek out and provide comfort to those most in need, as well as businesses like Analog Books who have thrown fundraisers for what I think must be half of the city in just a few years of operation.

 And of course, in the shadow of the last two-and – a-half years, I think about our health care workers who, despite everything that this UCP government has thrown at them over their term, continue to care for us in our most vulnerable moments as well as the first responders who put their very lives on the line to protect ours.

I want to share with you a little about a first responder named Curtis Noble. Curtis was a Medicine Hat firefighter, a father, and a dear friend. As executive vice-president on the executive board of the Alberta Professional Fire Fighters & Paramedics Association for the last four years, he fought tirelessly to improve the health and safety for his firefighter and paramedic brothers and sisters. 

Tragically, due to a sudden illness his life was cut short this month, just before Christmas.

 His legacy will live on through his daughters and in the ways his advocacy has changed our province to make the lives of his fellow first responders better.

As we look ahead to the coming year, I am committed to continuing my own fight for everyone in our community.

I will strive, like Curtis, to make Alberta an even stronger and more vibrant place to live. 

As a member of the NDP caucus, I am proud to stand with a party that is committed to putting people ahead of profits and that will invest in the services and supports that make a real difference in people’s lives and the health of our community.

If you or someone you know need some extra resources this holiday season, there are a number of services available to help.

If you are experiencing family violence, the province has an info line at 310-1818. If you are struggling financially and require assistance with income support, you can call 1-866-644-5135 to access the help you need. 

I know that the holidays can be an especially difficult time for many folks. 

If you need mental health support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the province’s Mental Health Help Line at 1-877-303-2642.

Finally, I want to thank all of the wonderful residents of Lethbridge-West for another wonderful year representing our community and region. 

Thank you for your continued trust, support, and friendship. As always, you can call my office at 403-329-4644 or email us at if you have questions or concerns.

On behalf of my family and myself, I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.

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Dennis Bremner

How nice of you to comment on the SAGE CLAN that is in our Downtown Shannon. Have you been downtown? They are your constituents you know, or do you? Have you talked to businesses that have lost over 50% of their retail receipts because of what is happening downtown?
Could you link me to ANY comments you have made to defend business owners and Residents in light of the criminal activity spawned by Drug use. Could you also link me to any proposals you have drafted and sent to the UCP to stop the destruction of our downtown and your constituents?
Merry Xmas from you to them must be pretty hollow at this point!


I see all defenders, 3 of them, have shown up in negative likes. After listening to the negative and dislike she spews about everything UCP, it is about time she paid some attention to her downtown constituents. Don’t count on any answers turbine. was as viable as they come, and they wouldn’t let it see the light of day. So they say they represent the voter. It is laughable how gullible people are and swoon at the very thought of being in the same room with the elected. Disgusting, not laughable. They have no answers. Just tossed 325 K to Streets, and a dealer in a truck arrives in the alley behind and sets up shop. Indications of numerous overdoses. Who would have thunk that?


Please save your drivel for the next election Shannon! You and your party need to step-up and save our downtown since it was your corrupt brief (Thank God or someone for that) government that destroyed it! If there is indeed a invisible deity up there in the sky hoping it or they will never let you and your venal government run this province into the ground again!