March 14th, 2025

We want to hear your stories on crime in the city

By Lethbridge Herald on April 19, 2023.


They’ve infiltrated neighbourhoods across our city and in so many other communities across our country, making life miserable for honest, hard-working Canadians and their families.

Their insidious behaviour is the reason for car prowlings and break-ins that have impacted so many. They prey on the vulnerable and the desperate with not one bit of guilt about the harm they’re inflicting upon them.

Yes, we’re talking about drug dealers. Whether criminal gangs or independents hoping to make quick easy cash, dealers are infesting our communities. They’re setting up shop in houses and apartment complexes in areas where they feel they won’t be under the scrutiny of police. Downtown cores aren’t their only domains, they’re in residential neighbourhoods everywhere. As you read this, you may have a drug operation next door or down the block and not even realize it. 

But many of us know where they live and operate from because we deal with the consequences of their behaviours. When strange vehicles park near alleys or randomly in front of houses for hours on end in the middle of the night as passengers sneak down the street to a neighbouring residence, it’s obvious they aren’t just on a social call or delivering pizza.

And why does anyone drive slowly through alleys instead of on the streets day or night? Why are people riding bicycles or walking through alleys at night carrying heavy backpacks? Let’s get real – we know what’s going on. Drug dealers are trying to avoid being noticed by police and curious neighbours. 

Some people – but not nearly enough – are courageous enough to report these goings-on to police or the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (SCAN) unit of the Alberta Sheriffs which deals with problem properties including those where drug trafficking is being conducted.

SCAN has a toll-free number  1-866-960-SCAN for people to call confidentially if they have concerns about a residence. The website also has a form concerned citizens can fill out to report such activity.

SCAN, with the assistance of local police, have shut down many homes in our province including Lethbridge where drug dealing and other matters have caused considerable grief to neighbourhoods.

One home in North Lethbridge was infamously shut down twice in the period of one year, a story that made headlines in local media.

It seems everyone has a story about a drug house on their block. We want to hear those stories, we want to hear your frustrations, your anger, your fears. We want to make your stories public in hopes that those supposedly in charge of justice in our country will listen and take serious steps to make our communities safer again. 

We know some will be afraid to speak publicly – after all, nobody wants to face retribution from a criminal. It’s why some people never make those calls to police or SCAN, even though with anonymity they are safe.

But the voices of law-abiding, frustrated citizens need to be heard. Contact us if you’re willing to tell your story.  You can reach our managing editor Al Beeber at or Or call 403-388-1153.

We can’t let criminals take over our communities. If we speak out and stand united in our disgust with the crime in our community, maybe we can make a difference. At least we can be heard by those who have the power to make the changes that are needed to take our country back from the drug dealers. And make our communities safe again for everyone.

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Thank you Lethbridge Herald! Information is one of the best ways to get people engaged in this crisis where all sides lose in the end.
Over $14 million of our city property taxes and revenues are being spent on this issue in multiple areas, while tens of millions are being poured out from provincial and federal coffers to this city alone.
It impacts our safety, our quality of life, peace of mind, taking away our favourite parks we used to enjoy events in such as the Rib-fest in Galt Gardens that we now have to drive across town to instead of walk.
Canada Day celebrations in Galt Gardens saw a 70-80% reduction in attendance from pre-COVID.
Waiting for EMS to transport your loved one to emergency delayed because the run ragged paramedics are dealing with overdoses and the understaffed police who hit their shifts running and when their shifts end are worn out.
The issues are spreading to EVERY area of the city where your sons or daughters, sisters or brothers were out partying, under the influence of alcohol someone offers them some fentanyl and they made the bad choice of taking some and it became a ‘must have’ in their life, now addicted, they end up on the streets and/or trafficked for sex and within 5-7 years die to their addiction or violent crime related to the crisis.
This in not just an Indigenous problem! Two dear friends have lost family members one Sept 2021 and another just a few days ago.
People need to get engaged as you state and take their concerns to their Councilors, their MLA’s and their MP’s, to city committees and the you are allowed to present your concerns as a private citizen to the police commission. It is our right to LEGALLY PROTEST for change and to engage government for change. Legal, respectful protests if your politicians and leaders fail to listen!
A city politician also attempted to prevent our legal discussion from happening as well, even though all were invited and various people with different ideas did come and presented their concerns, openly, and we listened, because that is what our group was trying to do in the first place, get people engaged, informed, talking, while respecting each other! So much for freedom of speech, but they will not stop us, because my mission is to get people informed and to LEGALLY engage their politicians, and if needed, to protest.
The Lethbridge Herald should be applauded, but should be careful though, for one politician, her mother, a U of L professor and their other ‘progessive’ gang members may attack you on social media, twist your words and falsely call you a vigilante as they did to our group. Police know me and were informed, as was my lawyer.
Amazing that an educator in our university doesn’t know what the definition of the word ‘vigilante’ is, or an MLA and wastes the time of LPS by twisting my words. I was against the actions of the Freedom Convoy and have always stated legal protesting is our right, but long, protests that destroy peoples peace of mind, property and the economy are not the way act.
A weak attempt to try prevent me from trying to get the citizens engaged in this serious crisis that is killing too many people and destroying too many lives!
Thank you Lethbridge Herald for also trying to get people engaged, so one day we do not see the senseless loss of lives and see organized crime and gang presence in our city reduced . . . and be able to once again use our once beautiful Galt Gardens that was a centerpiece park where many events are attended, instead of the little piece of a block they gave us called Festival Square, so we can sit and watch the addicts in Galt Gardens further destroy it.
We do not want our city to turn into another Vancouver, Phoenix, Seattle, Portland, etc. and public engagement is the way.
Lastly . . . this is YOUR city, OUR city and we pay our leadership to provide for our safety and peaceful enjoyment of our city. If you are not satisfied, get engaged, get informed.
There is a police information session tomorrow night on the northside, with more throughout the year. Attend, listen to their presentation, express your concerns, Get engaged so we can keep our city from turning into another Vancouver DTES . . . legally! We can do it and leadership will do it with enough pressure from the taxpayers and electorate.
Attend, only 50 people showed up for the last one!

-North Lethbridge – Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m. at St. Teresa of Calcutta School
South Lethbridge – Tuesday, September 19, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Lakeview Elementary School
-West Lethbridge – Tuesday, November 7, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Fine Arts Elementary School

Last edited 1 year ago by ewingbt

Thanks for the info. People could read the book, San Fransicko why progressives ruin cities by Michael Shellenberger. It may help them to understand why some of this nonsense socalled solutions have even been considered. So many people have died.


how about “crime” in our midst…at city hall?


I’ve already partially shared my experience in a few comments, and although I’m hesitant to make it public in a news release, I do appreciate the chance.
After visiting Lethbridge on numerous occasions previous to 2014, my husband and our two adolescent kids, a son and a daughter, decided to relocate here a few years later. We loved the city’s cleanliness and friendliness and thought it would be a fantastic place to call home.
What a wake-up call we had following our 2021 move! What a letdown! After nearly two years residing in Lethridge, we just relocated at Easter to a lovely tiny village in southern Alberta with a close-knit group of people who all respect and care for one another.
Problems throughout those two years: My 12-year-old daughter was traumatised by an addict who harassed her while she was using the toilet at the downtown bus station. We lived near London Road, and due to all the problems, overdoses at the downtown library, our kids had to go to the public library on the Westside. To bypass the downtown bus terminal, we had to alter their bus routes. We were unable to utilise the Civic Centre track last summer and because addicts were present in every park in the neighbourhood, including London Road Park, 4th Street Park, the park on 8th Avenue between 10th and 11th Street, and of course, the Galt Gardens we had to drive to other parks.
The kids’ bikes, along with several tools and power equipment, were taken when someone broke into our shed. We invested money on security cameras and protecting our house and property, but we still didn’t feel secure since my husband often works out of town.
Because there were other persons within blocks who experienced identical acts, ours is not the only account.
Moving to thia city was a mistake, and it is upsetting when others don’t hear and address your issues and concerns.
We have already spent $18,000 on losses due to the error of moving here, but costs are still accruing. It seems like the junkies are the ones that control this city..

Last edited 1 year ago by Sheran.

Yes, “upsetting when others don’t hear and address your issues and concerns”, alright.

Citi Zen

Bravo! It is high time that this issue is brought out to the forefront.

Dennis Bremner

You said: “We can’t let criminals take over our communities.”
You do realize that Yale Belanger is hurriedly labelling you a Vigilante group on Tweeter and Faceplant, for this, right?

Last edited 1 year ago by Dennis Bremner

dennis, i just have to applaud your labels for the waste of space forums you have noted