March 14th, 2025

Trudeau turned a blind eye to Beijing’s interference

By Lethbridge Herald on May 6, 2023.


Rachael Thomas – Conservative MP for Lethbridge

Mark Twain once offered “if you tell the truth, you do not have to remember anything.” 

To tell the truth means the facts will align and one can live confident and carefree. Mr. Trudeau would benefit from taking this wisdom to heart. 

Since February, Mr. Trudeau has tried to defend his inaction considering the damning facts regarding Beijing’s interference in our democracy. 

Most recently, we learned that a Beijing diplomat targeted and intimidated my colleague, Michael Chong and his family. Canada’s intelligence agency reported this to the Prime Minister and advised him to inform Mr. Chong, but Mr. Trudeau chose to remain silent and do nothing—for two years! It was not until the media exposed Beijing’s operation that my colleague learned the truth. 

To date, the government has refused to expel the Chinese diplomat responsible. This corrupt actor is still at play.

And it gets worse…

At the direction of the Communist Party of China, Beijing billionaires paid hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to the Trudeau Foundation to gain access to the Prime Minister and advance Beijing’s interests. 

Over the past few months, with the help of a courageous whistleblower, the mainstream media has brought to light numerous intelligence reports that highlight Beijing’s interference in Canada’s elections. These reports were drafted by Canada’s national spy agency (CSIS) and sent to the Prime Minister’s Office leading up to and during the 2019 and 2021 elections. 

The Prime Minister claims he has had “many” conversations “over long periods of times, over many years” but refuses to provide a straight answer about when he was briefed concerning Beijing’s interference and why he chose to do nothing in response. 

Canadians deserve to know the truth. 

For months, my colleagues and I have tried to get to the bottom of this by asking thoughtful and direct questions in committee and during debate in the House of Commons. On April 14th we had the opportunity to question the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff, Katie Telford. She was asked simple questions but refused to give simple answers and opted instead to maintain the cover-up. She did, however, offer something she likely regrets when she stated the Prime Minister “reads everything” and “there is nothing that is ever kept from the Prime Minister.” 

This is helpful to know because it points to the fact that the Prime Minister wasn’t ignorant; he wasn’t kept in the dark. Instead, he actively ignored and avoided information, briefings, and warnings from security and intelligence agencies about Beijing’s interference in the 2019 and 2021 elections because it benefitted his political party. According to one intelligence document Beijing “employed a sophisticated strategy to seek the return of a minority Liberal government” in 2021. 

The concerns regarding Beijing’s interference range from distorting public opinion through disinformation campaigns, disrupting the voting process through hacking attempts, funneling illegal money to Liberal candidates, and placing interns chosen and paid for by Beijing businesses in political offices. 

Further, reports show that many Chinese Canadian citizens were pressured by an apparent Beijing representative to vote for a particular candidate or conform to certain political views. 

During this period of uncertainty and insecurity, the government’s response is alarming. The Liberals have attempted numerous times to obstruct witnesses from testifying at committee. Rather than choosing “sunny ways”, they have provided convoluted and purposely veiled responses to direct questions. Further, the Liberals filibustered committee for more than 30 hours and continuously resisted calls for a public and fully independent inquiry into Beijing’s interference in our democracy. 

My Conservative colleagues and I are fighting for a fully independent and public inquiry into Beijing’s interference in our democracy so we can uncover what and when the Liberals knew about this foreign interference. 

Instead of a public and transparent process, the Liberals have opted to form a special committee with secret hearings, secret evidence, and secret conclusions – all controlled by Prime Minister Trudeau. 

If the government has nothing to hide, why won’t the Prime Minister launch a public inquiry? 

Our democracy demands transparency and accountability. We must understand Beijing’s interference as a direct attack on our sovereignty as a nation. We need to shine a light on what transpired and who is responsible. 

If only Mr. Trudeau would tell the truth. 

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pursuit diver

Pierre Trudeau was very cozy with China and a friend with Fidel Castro as well, facts easily proven by a quick Google.
This PM brought Chinese Peoples Liberation Army officers to train at our Spec Ops base in Petawawa and it was the first stage of what would be more training there. Our military leadership stood frim with the PM when he tried to make the military continue the training telling him NO, no more Chinese PLA will train here. The PM tried to pressure the CAF leadership to allow the PLA to continue to train, so in my mind I have to ask, why so cozy with the Chinese. This is where our special forces live and train!
We also had the group of Chinese training on Salt Spring Island, with military camou, and reports of automatic weapons in the last couple of years.
This PM has destroyed our economy as we face a debt wall from his spend, spend, spend policy while failing to put funds into vital areas such as national defense and healthcare.
It is like he wants to destroy Canada as he travels the world as if he is campaigning to lead the world! If you cannot lead your country, who will trust you with as a global leader? Canada has never been so fractured!


The sky is falling! The sky is falling!…zzzzzzz


Once again the guy who banged his head chimes in with another meaningless childish comment.

Say What . . .


Last edited 1 year ago by Say What . . .

I just follow your lead, buck!

Say What . . .

You are clueless!


You’re no better!


You are racking-up those stupid comment votes like credits on a slot-machine!


Find someone who cares.


You should! you brainless moron!


I won’t, you old P.O.S.


Sticks and stones can break my bones but a brainless moron can never hurt me!


i think pierre always wore red underwear and red socks, along with his red rose, as a way to show what a commie-red socialist he was. his son, justin, is also a commie, and that is why he loves to line the pockets of big corp and cronies. however, that also made the likes of harper,and mulroney commie socialists, because they, too, also did a great job lining the pockets of big corp and cronies. lining pockets of big corp and cronies is also what the chinese and russian govts do very well, and the usa govt…oh oh – seems the world is already long run by commie socialists.

Say What . . .

How many communist countries or wartorn countries have you been in?
Oh, I forgot, you haven’t been out of the country and live on the taxpayers funds on AISH!
Where do you think and who do you think the money comes from that pays for your AISH checks? Pretty easy to sit back and attack those with valid comments and concerns by spewing your own misinformation when you have no clue what is really happening!


you are not only presenting as would a fool, but you are also presenting as ignorant. i am not on aish, but if i was i would appreciate the support – moreover, i approve supporting those that need aish, only, i believe they are well underfunded.
as for you, i am left to wonder the degree of silly a person will go so as avoid acknowledging that the real scam that has been going on, the scam that creates the vast brunt of our issues, and the issues around the world, is the the sleaze of govts and their massive big corp welfare schemes, and govt’s welfare to the wealthiest cronies schemes. and then we have the wars that come with establishing a dirty henchman in a country – to legitimise the theft – wherever big corp wants to steal all the wealth, and to be able to do so without environmental stewardship and without care for the workers. with that comes impoverishment to economies, environments, and cultures that govts in our part of the world underwrite. one will either be a liar, truly thick, or a very nasty sort that supports such actions, and one that could use a good dose of awakening, empathy and compassion.

Last edited 1 year ago by biff
pursuit diver

I won’t waste my time responding to the NDP social media attackers who attack anything good or bad I state. I know who 2 of them are and know where it comes from! Time will tell!


Yet you did anyways. Aren’t you a piece of work?
You don’t know who anybody is, so don’t pretend to.

Last edited 1 year ago by lumpy

I told them after I got the information for a statement of claim to be serve from comments last year! They know!
 Reply to  ewingbt
 5 days ago
are you sick, man? for real – get over yourself. one thing to share your thoughts, quite another to be sheriff, judge, and vigilante.
bring on the brownshirts – the line is forming behind barry
Last edited 5 days ago by biff
That, along with several other of his comments calling me a vigilante, a false accusation of being a criminal, as well as his alias, SophieR. Biff has no money though!
Lumpy you are not anonymous just by using that your commentor name! I have tracked Chris since the SCS days!
Below is another example:
 1 month ago
What do we call someone with no authority who takes it upon himself to provide ‘security’? Is it vigilantism? And then the police commission invites a vigilante to a meeting to provide wildly contrived numbers? This is absurd.


i’ll get a lot of money if only i could be allowed to open a bank and start lending out 10x the money i actually have; and, as soon as i start up my “green” energy company and get massive amounts of public money to pay for it all, i will have a little more money…then, i will donate to whatever charity you you would like, so long as as it is a registered charity – like maybe the gates foundation – whereby i will get my tax deduction for my good deed. then, billy gates can donate back to my foundation to come, and he will his deduction….

Last edited 1 year ago by biff

hmm, as i recall over a very many years of cons govts in our country, they lie just as naturally as do the libs. govts keep feeding out the lies, and the gullible just keep on gobbling it all up.


1.–Israel, India, and the United Kingdom all adopted socialism as an economic model following World War II.
2.–Socialism is guilty of a fatal conceit: It believes its system can make better decisions for the people than they can for themselves.
3.–Socialism has failed in every country in which it has been tried.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sheran.

social approaches work – the countries with the highest quality of life are quite typically those that have sundry embedded social programs.
curiously, canada is falling…hmm, and all the while privatisation increases.
as for social societies that have done admirably through the ages, first peoples the planet over were doing very well before the greed of the conquerors was set upon them. and please, do not conflate the technology (only a small portion of which has been truly useful) and money economy as being the basis of better. capitalist economies do the most harm to the planet, and to a wide swath of people and cultures the world over. to not take that into account is entirely dishonest.


A good eye-opening read.


It can’t possibly work both ways, can it, biff??


some folk just cannot accept reality.

Last edited 1 year ago by biff

if trudeau turned a blind eye, it was only because of the patch he wore while dressed up as a pirate. and a politician dressed as a pirate would be the most honest presentation we would see by a politician in a very long time.

Fedup Conservative

In true Reform Party fashion it’s always about blaming someone else. So after Jason Kenney tried to fool Albertans with the lie that Foreign Corporations were attacking our oil industry and wasted $3.5 million doing so, and not one single oil executives agreed with him, now his pal Pierre Poilievre is trying it at the federal level what a surprise.
Wouldn’t it be a lot more intelligent for Rachael Thomas to provide us with the proof that it is happening and her own party isn’t also using it against Trudeau in any way? It’s my understanding that it has never altered any elections in any way so why the big fuss wasting more money.
Maybe she would also like to explain why members of this pretend conservative party finds it smart to praise criminal Convoy Truck Drivers, that cost taxpayers $65 million and why their leader Pierre Poilievre finds it smart to want to destroy the careers of 7,500 Canadians by destroying the CBC for pointing out the truth about their party? Why are you bashing Trudeau instead of trying to work with him on his fight to protect Canadians from gun violence that our police officer friends and relatives fully support? I think the conservatives that our family supported for 30 years have a lot of explaining to do. The truth is they aren’t conservatives they are reformers as the former Conservatives from the Lougheed era taught me..