March 14th, 2025

Much work ahead for Alberta’s Official Opposition

By Lethbridge Herald Opinion on June 24, 2023.

AT THE LEGISLATURE Shannon Phillips – NDP MLA for Lethbridge West – That’s a wrap! With another election behind us, I’m reflecting on just how far we’ve come as a community. Since my first election campaign back in 2012, our movement in Lethbridge has grown considerably in size and spirit. This past campaign was the largest one we’ve ever run-and it showed. We earned more votes than ever before, and it was a real privilege to have spent so much time connecting with Lethbridge voters.

I owe a lot of this growth and momentum to our volunteers. It is only with all of your hard work that I have the honour of continuing to represent Lethbridge-West as your MLA.

We have a tremendous amount of work ahead of us. The election was close. If just 2,600 votes went differently in select seats across the province, it would have been an NDP government. Alberta has the largest Official Opposition in its history. The UCP did not earn a mandate to privatize health care, dismantle our Canada Pension Plan, or defund the RCMP. Given that they refused to discuss these issues during the campaign, we will be watching very closely whether they try to implement these bad ideas.

I know there are a number of urgent concerns for voters in Lethbridge: The number of people facing homelessness has doubled since 2019. The cost of living is rising. Wait times are troubling in our healthcare system. My job as Official Opposition is to ensure these issues are addressed.

Utility bills are skyrocketing, a fact I am sure is all too real to anyone who has opened their bills lately. The government’s short-term support to consumers ended at the election and now the average consumer is seeing a spike in their monthly bill that makes many wonder how they will afford to keep the lights on. Moreover, when the Premier lifted the cap for regulated rate electricity at the end of March, it put $200 million of debt back onto the shoulders of Albertans. That $200 million debt will go on to the bills of any consumer on the Regulated Rate Option for the rest of the year. Bills that are spiking will spike even further.

Like many of you, I share fears about the threat to public healthcare posed by this incoming government. I hear all the time how difficult it is for people in Lethbridge to find a doctor or access services, if they’re able to at all. We all rely on strong and reliable health services, and we must maintain its integrity in Alberta. I look forward to working with the government to strengthen Alberta’s primary healthcare system and collaboratively implement policies like Family Health Teams.

And just like that, with the kids almost out of school, the summer is suddenly upon us! I hope you’re able to find some moments of relaxation these next few months and enjoy the sunny Lethbridge days to come. There is so much to do in our city this summer – from Canada Day to Whoop-Up Days, music festivals throughout the downtown, and so much more. In our region, we have tremendous tourism experiences within a short drive – Writing-On-Stone provincial park, Castle Parks hikes to explore, Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo Jump and so much more. Be sure to also check out Open Farm Days August 19-20, where you can experience a number of culinary events, purchase farm-gate products and meet our rural neighbours. More information at:

As always, if you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office by calling 403-329-4644 or by emailing We are always open by appointment and can provide some forms of notarizing and Commissioning services for no fee. Please call in advance!

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Other things that weren’t talked about much by either party was water pollution from coal mining, protecting parks, just energy transition, or the $200 million the UCP is giving to irrigators to expand acres in a basin without enough water now (and even less into the future). We all lose, again.


not talked about because no one cares Sophie….


Probably the most accurate comment I’ve ever read from you, JO.


Sad but undeniable Sophie…on a scale of 1-10 these topics register a 0 in the minds of most voters.


More blather from the west side whiner.
” Our movement in Lethbridge has grown”…are u kidding ! You los,,,here and Provincially t.Leth East saw thru the arrogance of your candidate and but for the ivory tower socialists at the Uni you’d be looking for work and Leth west might actually have an MLA who spent time in her constituency doing something other than the garden party tour and NOT answering constituent queries.

Enjoy the view from the outside looking in…you will never form a government again.


JustOffensive once again shows how JustObnoxious, JustOff-putting, JustOdious and JustObjectional he is.
Bottom line is he’s jealous Shannon won.
Just get lost!


Good morning lumpy…always nice to your intelligent reasoned response to any comment. Its rare to see a troll emerge from under the bridge long enough to crap out a message…..I hope the sun doesn’t cauae you too much discomfort. lol


Too bad you can’t come up with anything intelligent. Looks like basic spelling is a challenge for you, so that makes sense.
Going lame after getting zinged seems to be something you’re good at.


And hopefully we’ll be able to get past the mindsets in AB that think that voting for ANY Conservative party these days serves them well.
Many of us already know how much of our tax have been wasted by the UCP and their Overlords.
As much as their fanbase wants to harp on any spending by alternative parties: The UCP’s legacy of wasted tax (And lack of proper funding for programs that serve the greater good in order to inflate their so called “surplus”) is on the books for anyone that passed grade 8 math to see.
There will always be fools like JustObsolete who don’t actually serve a conversation with anything but rhetoric (demonstrating the worst of the modern populist movement).
But there is a growing understanding amongest the younger generations of what form of pioicies serve us better.
There also exists people amongest the older generations who understand what the difference between the UCP and a real Conservative is. – And that the real Conservative is long gone.
If that form of Conservative still existed this conversation might be different.
In any case: Thanks for being there Shannon! Keep plugging away.