March 14th, 2025

New housing project a great collaboration

By Lethbridge Herald on May 18, 2024.

Blaine Hyggen – Mayor of Lethbridge

I’m very pleased to begin this month by highlighting a wonderful collaboration between CONCEPT Investment Partners Ltd. (CIPL), Province of Alberta and the City of Lethbridge that will soon bring 50 new housing units to the city. 

 At The Edwards, located at 1730, 10 Avenue South (the former Seasons Lethbridge Retirement Community building), 37 of the units will be considered as affordable by the City’s definition (30 per cent or less of provincial income thresholds) with the others below market value.

We know housing is a major topic of concern, so council is also supporting this project with nearly $1.3 million in capital funding. The City’s capital funding allocation was conditional to the securement of matching provincial (CIPL was awarded $2,227,500 in funding from the Government of Alberta’s Affordable Housing Partnership Program) or federal funding for the project. No operational funding has been requested from the City of Lethbridge. 

  The property will be adapted for individuals aged 55+, with multiple options. The developer will begin taking applications in the next four to six weeks, with opening planned for late July or early August.

I have had dozens of questions in the past few weeks regarding the potential impact of the Alberta government’s proposed Bill 20, which would direct changes to the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) and the Municipal Government Act (MGA).\

As I have been telling them, there is a lot to unpack and we do not have all the answers yet regarding the potential impacts this could have on the City of Lethbridge.

City council had a number of important and topical items to discuss at our meeting earlier this week.

 One of them was to allocate $15,000 from council contingencies for a refreshed marketing and recruitment campaign in partnership with Alberta Health Services South Zone, Chinook Primary Care Network, Economic Development Lethbridge, and other community partners. The updated plan will add new initiatives reflecting our current situation, including advocating for physicians in specialty areas, and exploring additional areas for partnership. There will be a report back to council no later than July 2024.

 Council has approved updates to the encampment strategy, which will include a new outreach model, in partnership with Lethbridge Police Service and the Watch Program, to provide an enhanced service for the vulnerable population as well as the community at large. 

The Watch will be able to utilize existing resources and expand current scope with support from the City’s Community Social Development outreach specialists to provide an increased ability to adapt and respond to community needs in real time.

 With a direct tie-in to the 2023-2026 City of Lethbridge operating budget, approved in November 2022, property tax rates for 2024 have now been set and notices will soon be sent to property owners in the city. Council has approved this year’s tax rate bylaw, which sets the property tax rates to be imposed upon property within the City of Lethbridge.

 There were two recent opportunities (April 25 during the Community Conversation event at the ENMAX Centre, plus an online survey at Get Involved Lethbridge, and on May 2 during the Assets and Infrastructure Standing Policy Committee meeting at Lethbridge City Hall) for residents to provide additional feedback on the cycling lanes project. 

Following this process, council has directed Administration return to an SPC meeting in summer 2025 with an update on the downtown bike lane usage – then also return in summer 2026 with a report on bike lane usage, safety, and modifications to address other issues that may arise.

 The remaining work, to connect the 7 Avenue bike boulevard to the lanes in downtown Lethbridge, is scheduled to begin May 27 and will take about four weeks to complete.

 Last week, there was the formal announcement for Whoop-Up Days 2024, including the return of the parade! I am already starting to get excited. I’m also pleased to announce the return of the Mayor’s Community Barbecue, outside City Hall following the parade. I’ll have more details to share in the com

ing months.

 For those wanting to keep updated on the financial situation with Lethbridge and District Exhibition, I’d encourage to check the resource we have set up on Get Involved Lethbridge page.

 Another great news resource on an important topic can be found at The comprehensive, easy-to-navigate site page includes the full Water Conservation Plan and Strategy; the current situation under the Water Rationing Action Plan; southern Alberta reservoir levels; information on what the City is doing; links to the latest mountain snowpack levels and water supply outlook; answers to commonly asked questions, and the latest local news on water conservation issues. A ‘Water Conservation’ link can also be found at the top of the City’s main website ( 

Information will be updated on a regular basis to reflect local and provincial developments.

I want to thank all of the local schools I have recently visited in Lethbridge for being very welcoming. I’d also like to thank those several school groups we have hosted for tours at City Hall.

Congratulations this month to:

• Tanner McLachlan, the Lethbridge-born former LCI football tight end who was recently selected by the Cincinnati Bengals in the sixth round of the 2024 NFL Draft

• To Nolan Pilsner (fifth round to Swift Current), Damen Vandenberg (sixth round to Everett), Dawson Spence (11th round to the hometown Hurricanes) and Lincoln Eaves (12th round to Saskatoon), who are all local Golden Hawks U15 AAA hockey players selected in the WHL dDraft last week. Congratulations to you all and best of luck at your training camps this summer

 I will end this month with some sure signs that summer is coming. We have started to see the return of many parklets and patios across the city, BIRD is launching its e-scooters and e-bikes in Lethbridge – and there is a typical slightly rainy forecast for the Victoria Day May Long Weekend.

As always, be safe and kind to one another – and go Oilers go!

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Citi Zen

Wow! $15,000 for recruitment of new doctors. And $43 million for bicycle trails. Guess we know where their priorities are.


Yep try to ride those downtown trails daily. Rarely see anyone using them. However lots of people hunkered down behind the LSCO field and other parts of downtown. Priorities are bass ackwards. However we have a tax base we can milk to appease everyone.

[…] (UCP) assault on democracy, no local city councillors have publicly denounced it. Hoping to unpack its intricacies, Mayor Blaine Hyggen has read Bill 20 and highlighted many […]