September 7th, 2024


The opioid effect

By Lethbridge Herald on August 3rd, 2018

The opioid crisis: write about it, and the reaction you get can be surprisingly cruel. Supposedly normal, ordinary people will respond with statements essentially saying those who are addicted deserve to die — and the sooner, the better. Here’s a sample from a recent CBC story on fentanyl deaths: “Western society just gets dumber and ... Read More »

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It’s time to build the pipeline

By Lethbridge Herald on August 3rd, 2018

Thousands of Alberta bumper stickers state what so many Albertans pray on a daily basis: “please God, give us another oil boom, we promise not to piss it away this time.” Although this bumper sticker causes most people to chuckle, it’s much more than a funny quip. It communicates an urgent need. Why does Canada ... Read More »

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Toronto shooting needs answers

By Lethbridge Herald on July 28th, 2018

Latest tragedy further evidence that Toronto has a gun problem The thirst for answers to questions about Toronto’s Danforth tragedy is becoming overpowering. What drove the alleged shooter? How did someone with a well-known history of mental instability get a handgun? Was ideology involved in his actions? Journalists feel this thirst as much or more ... Read More »

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Discord over NATO spending

By Lethbridge Herald on July 10th, 2018

With an important meeting of NATO leaders just days away, the 69-year-old alliance is fraying at the edges. Beyond coping with international terrorism, Chinese expansionism and Russia’s global adventures, the alliance faces a significant threat from within. A dispute over spending among the 29 NATO states will likely dominate summit talks this coming week in ... Read More »

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Gov’t shouldn’t crack down on law-abiding firearms owners

By Lethbridge Herald on July 6th, 2018

Liberals’ new firearms legislation targets the wrong people Rachael Harder Canadians have until July 26 to sign the House of Commons e-petition opposing the Liberal government’s new firearms legislation. As the sponsor of this petition, it has been my pleasure to provide an official way for Canadians to register their opposition to this reckless legislation. ... Read More »

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Can we trust what we see?

By Lethbridge Herald on July 5th, 2018

In an era in which we’re warned to beware “fake news,” it seems technology has reached a point where we can no longer even trust our eyes. High-tech deception has reached new levels with the development of what’s called “deepfake” videos. According to an Associated Press story in Tuesday’s Herald, this new technology uses facial ... Read More »

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Legal marijuana reality still hazy

By Lethbridge Herald on July 4th, 2018

Many unknowns remain ahead of Cannabis Act rollout in October It was originally slated to come into force on Canada Day, but after much wrangling, Oct. 17, 2018, will go down in history as the day the recreational weed prohibition died in this country. With the passage of Bill C-45, it will be legal to ... Read More »

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Standing united in trade war

By Lethbridge Herald on July 3rd, 2018

There’s nothing like a mountain of adversity to get people pulling together. That’s a key learning we should take from last week’s meetings between federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau and his provincial counterparts and from hearings held by the special House of Commons committee on international trade. At the hearings, a parade of expert witnesses ... Read More »

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Our laws say we owe Khadr

By Lethbridge Herald on July 11th, 2017

The public outrage that has greeted the federal government’s $10.5-million payout to Omar Khadr is understandable but misplaced. It is understandable because many Canadians — based on a reasonable reading of events — consider Khadr to be a violent terrorist who reaped the bitter harvest of his own misdeeds after being captured by American forces ... Read More »

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Public input sought on assisted dying

By Lethbridge Herald on May 6th, 2016

The Liberal government recently introduced the Medical Assistance in Dying Act (Bill C-14) which would amend Canada’s Criminal code to allow medically-assisted dying for patients whose death is foreseeable given their medical condition. I am asking for your help as I prepare to vote on Bill C-14 when it makes its final appearance in the ... Read More »

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Veterans’ benefits tangled up in rules

By Lethbridge Herald on March 1st, 2016

Appearing before the Senate veterans affairs committee (last week), veterans ombudsman Guy Parent said veteran benefits have become too tangled up in complex and “byzantine” rules and too little focused on outcomes we want to achieve for our veterans. Unless that changes, he argued, “we will continue to disadvantage many of our veterans and their ... Read More »

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