By Lethbridge Herald on January 21, 2025.
Dear Editor,
Enough is enough. Over the last month we have been subject to taunts, threats, and attempts to belittle our Country by the “Mindless One.” Our leaders have been all over the spectrum on countering, or courting Trump. When neighbouring countries start being belligerent its not the time to rush and kiss the ring. It absolutely won’t work. It hasn’t worked in the past, and has a very low probability of working this time. He started threatening us over border security issues which, in reality, made absolutely no sense. There may be some very minor issues at our shared border but nothing that would warrant the threat of a 25 percent tariff on our trade. This certainly isn’t about border security. This is about dealing with megalomania. This is about dealing with a bully.
Don’t you remember what your parents told you about bullying? If you don’t stand up to it, they will bully you forever.
He is threatening his peaceful and friendly neighbours. He’s not going after China or Russia because he’s afraid of getting punched in the nose. He’s picking on the little guy. If we keep dancing around this guy like frightened children he will just keep poking us with a stick. Chamberlain did the same thing with Germany, and it dragged us into a global conflict. We should not be frightened of what this guy is threatening. We should be planning very carefully how we will defend ourselves and at precisely the right moment react in a way that will really hurt him politically. Doug Ford is right. After we cut off his hydro, oil, water and access to Canadian commodities, the cost of living for Americans will skyrocket, and he will be toast. He will learn then, that bulling doesn’t work for Canada, and it would be far better to be friends than adversaries. Yes, it may hurt us for awhile, but there is more dignity in living life on your feet, than on your knees.
You don’t deal with belligerent children by giving in to them, and this man is nothing but a big spoiled child.
Peter Burns