February 18th, 2025

Dealing with megalomania, standing up to a bully

By Lethbridge Herald on January 21, 2025.

Dear Editor,

Enough is enough. Over the last month we have been subject to taunts, threats, and attempts to belittle our Country by the “Mindless One.” Our leaders have been all over the spectrum on countering, or courting Trump. When neighbouring countries start being belligerent its not the time to rush and kiss the ring. It absolutely won’t work. It hasn’t worked in the past, and has a very low probability of working this time. He started threatening us over border security issues which, in reality, made absolutely no sense. There may be some very minor issues at our shared border but nothing that would warrant the threat of a 25 percent tariff  on our trade. This certainly isn’t about border security. This is about dealing with megalomania. This is about dealing with a bully.

Don’t you remember what your parents told you about bullying? If you don’t stand up to it, they will bully you forever. 

He is threatening his peaceful and friendly neighbours. He’s not going after China or Russia because he’s afraid of getting punched in the nose. He’s picking on the little guy. If we keep dancing around this guy like frightened children he will just keep poking us with a stick. Chamberlain did the same thing with Germany, and it dragged us into a global conflict. We should not be frightened of what this guy is threatening. We should be planning very carefully how we will defend ourselves and at precisely the right moment react in a way that will really hurt him politically. Doug Ford is right. After we cut off his hydro, oil, water and access to Canadian commodities, the cost of living for Americans will skyrocket, and he will be toast. He will learn then, that bulling doesn’t work for Canada, and it would be far better to be friends than adversaries. Yes, it may hurt us for awhile, but there is more dignity in living life on your feet, than on your knees.

You don’t deal with belligerent children by giving in to them, and this man is nothing but a big spoiled child.

Peter Burns


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Interesting that Trump believes , or at least purports to believe, that the Almighty saved him from an assassin’s bullet and a few hours later ridiculed a local pastor who, with Trump present , cried out for understanding the plight of illegal but upright citizens and those of the LGBTQ community. Trump’s first term was a comedy of insults and lies, the next four years will be considerably more bombastic behaviour , lying, bullying both at home and abroad. He is no Christian saved by an assassin’s bullet . The pastor by contrast, exemplifies the teaching of JC.


THIS>>>>….”but there is more dignity in living life on your feet, than on your knees.”


how about that, smitty? then again, perhaps ms smitty likes being on her knees before trump.




Trumps latest press conference re triggering 25% tariffs

Border Safety and illegals going from Canada to the U.S. (mythical or not is irrelevant as the U.S. has data)

The drug trade going from the Canada to the U.S. (Falkland, B.C. As an example). Prevention is better

If, these two are solved we shouldn’t have the tariff’s applied to Canadian Exports.
I will add a third. Pay up at NATO.
Simple and has zero to do with your missive. Support any leader in Canada that will apply the above three quickly.


The drug trade , though happening , is nothing like that coming north from Mexico or the guns
smuggled into Canada*. Agreed NATO contributions must be stepped up, our border more closely monitored , but it remains to be seen whether, even when implemented, Trump being the sycophant that he is, will not necessarily result into the lifting of sanctions.
* 20 kgs Fentanyl versus 9000 kgs from Mexico (CBC).


massive cocaine bust in toronto – came here via the usa.

Southern Albertan

It is interesting to note then, in listening to Bruce Heyman, former US ambassador to Canada, say, that the 25% tariff threat has nothing to do with with the border or NATO. Apparently, Trump is going to generate even more tax breaks yet to his billionaire and millionaire friends which is going to put a huge hole in his budget. Thus, he must, generate revenue from external sources, that being tariffs on foreign countries. Glaringly here, also, are the characteristics of an oligarchy, i.e. a dictatorial leader who has now allowed the powerful wealthy to control the American government. No wonder we have Elon Musk doing the “Heil Trump,” His, and their, salvation? Unreal.


there is a heck of a lot more “drugs” coming into canada from the usa than leaving here for the usa. for real.
how do you, far smarter than stupid, buy into a self serving, greedy grabbing freak? and, have a good look at the greedy grabbing, self serving egotists fawning all about trump – those already the world’s wealthiest, but still wanting ever more. these are the people you see as worthy of your deference?

Fedup Conservative

When I was the Royal Bank Manager in Peace River my next door neighbour was an RCMP officer in charge of their drug squad. He had eight officers working under him. I wondered why there were so many of them and he told me they were in charge of northern B. C . also trying to keep drugs from entering Canada from the U.S. A. Alaska. I had never thought of that. The majority of them were headed for the oil camps in Fort McMurray it was a huge market for them.
You are absolutely right the recent bust in Montreal proves it , they came from Mexico to Canada through the U. S. A. So who does Trump think he’s fooling? Maybe he better wake up and look after his own country.

Fedup Conservative

What is so sickening to my senior friends and I is the number of mindless seniors who are willing to believe every lie they feed them, hurling their sarcastic comments at those of us who aren’t as stupid as them. When you ask them to give you a list of all the wonderful things they have done for them they can’t do it. The fact that they show no respect for their fellow man struggling to survive and our children and grandchildren’s future is very disturbing.


An American perspective:

“If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the sample size of one Trump presidency and his four years out of power, it’s that Trump is a bog-standard rich white guy whom the justice system is largely incapable of bringing to heel. He has powerful friends (oligarchs, Supreme Court justices), deep pockets, and a well-tempered ability to joust in the media. By now we’ve watched ol’ Donny “wriggle out of this one” on multiple occasions; he seems to thrive if you put him at the center of something he can deem to be a witch hunt—even when those hunters bag their quarry, as prosecutors did in his hush-money case.
But Trump has historically faltered when he’s been forced to contend with the actual pressure of the presidency and its myriad responsibilities (see also: the Covid-19 pandemic) because his ideas are bad and he doesn’t have a deep and abiding interest in public service to really make a sustained effort to confront, let alone solve, the biggest problems we face.”
“To get there, liberals need to get into the business of identifying the problems that real Americans face (which honestly, is something they could stand to relearn how to do) and more forcefully blame Trump for those problems’ continued existence. They need to raise a hue and cry over everything under the sun that’s broken, dysfunctional, or trending in the wrong direction; pile line items on Trump’s to-do list, wake him up early and keep him up late. Every day, get in front of cable news cameras and reporters’ notepads with a new problem for Trump to solve and fresh complaints about the work not done.”


Fedup Conservative

Just like stupid Albertans they gave him another chance, just like Danielle Smith and ignored our warnings and now they regret it. Which is why the NDP has obtained 86,000 new members.
I haven’t forgotten the comments of an 86 year old former University professor from Germany who stated. “ Every population in every county is made up of 67% of easy to fool people and that’s why guys like you and me can’t get them voted out. When Hitler was killing fellow Germans who refused to support him, like my best friend’s family living next door to us my father took us to Switzerland to hide out and we came to Canada in 1952. This ignorance allows dictators to become so powerful and allowed Jimmy Jones to get 918 people to commit suicide.”
Oilmen agree with us that Albertans have lost at least $1 trillion in oil royalties and corporate taxes thanks to their support of these Reformers and have destroyed our children’s future and they are so stupid they don’t care.
They are so stupid they can’t wait to give Pierre Poilievre a second chance at destroying jobs and destroying our Public Heath-care System like he tried to help Stephen Harper do.
Three of my best friends all worked for the Lougheed Government and lost their jobs under Klein, just like Smith is doing to Albertans. She even wants to destroy the jobs of our RCMP and Poilievre has promised to destroy the CBC and its 9,429 employees that’s how stupid they are. Are you dumb enough to support them? As much as I am not a fan of Trudeau he has been a saviour for Albertans and all the other provinces with his handling of the COVID Pandemic and latest oil industry crash in 2014 and we can’t ignore that. We know these Reformers wouldn’t have done it.

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