February 22nd, 2025

Trying to block movie is blocking free speech

By Lethbridge Herald on June 25, 2019.

Many pro-life groups fought hard to get the movie “Unplanned” to be shown in Canada, writing letters, petitions, phone calls to government MPs and distributors, etc. and finally success! The Movie Mill in Lethbridge said yes, and now a petition has been launched to pressure them into not showing it.
There is no such thing as free speech in Canada if you’re pro-life. I am so disgusted with the pro-choice groups that refuse to allow free speech if it isn’t their speech. The movie hasn’t been seen by any of them, but because it is a pro-life message, the protests are on.
If you don’t want to see the movie; don’t. It costs money anyway. But don’t you dare stop those of us who do want to see the movie by having the opportunity taken away from us. There are no pictures of aborted babies to protest, no slogans telling you they die in pain. Nothing here to protest, folks. So back off and let us be pro-life, hidden away in the movie theatre. We deserve at least that.
Jill Skriver

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