February 22nd, 2025

Obama’s support revived Liberal campaign

By Lethbridge Herald on November 22, 2019.

In support of “Didn’t Obama mingle in Canada’s election?” I think he meant meddle!

It was proven that Obama’s endorsement five days before the election had an immediate and huge upward effect on the polling of Justin Trudeau. Liberals were tanking and immediately after Obama’s endorsement, Obama’s comment was retweeted a few hundred thousand times, and media across Canada carried it, while demonizing Andrew Scheer. It revived the beleaguered Liberal campaign.

Obama definitely had a huge impact, it was totally inappropriate, and Canada will pay for it. What a corrupt government has been elected, and this skewed media is going after the UCP party now. They are still very supportive of the NDP, and have twisted any comment they can twist.

This next comment was made online, regarding the letter written re: Obama meddling in Canadian Politics. It said, “Many of us didn’t like Trudeau but know he did more for our oil industry than Harper ever did and oil executives know it.” What a blatant lie!

Under Harper four major pipelines were completed! TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, which connected Alberta to Texas; Alberta Clipper pipeline connected Alberta to Wisconsin; and two others. What Trudeau said about Harper not having one pipeline approved wasn’t true; these were fully built! As well, Trans-Mountain was in progress and had Harper pushed it through before regulations were satisfied, he would have been crucified! Trudeau’s new energy board slapped new upstream and downstream regulations on Canada East, causing them to withdraw their $1-billion investment in it. Then, pipeline killer Bill 69 was implemented, and when the Senate adopted every recommendation put forward from Alberta, Trudeau passed it without adopting any of them.

Then tanker ban Bill C-48 was passed, meaning we had no deep-water port for our oil. International tankers can still have access; only Alberta tankers are banned. Many reserves along the route have expressed anger they weren’t consulted, and had an Indigenous pipeline ready for approval, till Bill C-48 was passed. This has also effectively killed investment in our oil industry.

Jill Skriver


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