July 26th, 2024

Golf courses can be safe

By Letter to the Editor on April 18, 2020.

I do not understand the logic of not allowing golf on fairways. I went to a city park and there were a fair number of people walking around the lake. They were doing a good job of social distancing; however, there were people every seven or eight feet apart.

If I am on the golf course, the spacing between group of golfers (four to a group) is 300-plus yards. Each group of four would maintain two metres between them. I am sure you see the irony in closing the golf course and leaving the park open. Further, our club put very strict rules in place for distancing, sanitizing, spacing along with monitoring. If you broke the rules you would be suspended for a month. We only want the golf course open, not the club house nor the pro shop or anything else.

I have been excessively careful and, with the exception of getting groceries, I have not left my house for seven weeks. I didn’t want to go walking in the park, because in my opinion there were too many people there.

It is very disappointing to have a bureaucrat have such a closed mind. Worse yet, our politicians go along with it. Here are some other observations I have made. Gas pump handle, no sanitization after use; grocery store self check-out touch key pad, no sanitation afterwards! There are many such examples of a higher risk of contamination than golfing where you touch nothing that another member touches – no flags so you don’t touch them, only you touch your golf balls and equipment (clubs, etc.) If a cart is needed, only a single rider with sterilization after use.

To hear a bureaucrat say, well, this is one of the hardships you must endure means I am not going to use common sense to evaluate this situation and see if there really is a higher risk of infection by using golf course fairways for people to go for a walk on and, while they’re at it, they can hit a golf ball.

Ken Knox


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well, when i play i am far off the fairway one side, and partner far off the other. consequently, it is fair to say that despite lengthy separation of myself and playing partner, no golf course is safe when i am playing.


Sorry but golf courses are not essential. I am sure that people with influence are trying to convince the decision makers to make them so. My appreciation to them for not bending under the pressure. I’m sure they would have to close the restrooms on the course if they were open so I’m sure the trees and shrubs are grateful too.


Golf courses are not essential! In fact they could be made essential quickly. Turn them all into “Tent cities” for the homeless with social distancing policies put in place while Covid-19 ramps down.


I agree with Ken. There are lots of places on a golf course to hide 6’ from anyone. Further in the case of some golfers 6’ isnt enough when they are firing their hosel rockets all over the golf course. My preference is 15-20’ behind anyone, and that’s on a good healthy spring or summer day. Have only seen one shot ever go backwards and that was Phil Nickelson and there are none of him anywhere near a golf course any of us locals would go. Smile.