By Letter to the Editor on September 4, 2020.
Some wise man stated aptly “Wisdom has its limitations but folly has no such handicap.”
Here we are in the midst of a crisis that is 100 per cent in our control and yet we are waiting for a second or even third wave of infections. I am disappointed in all those people who believe that wearing a mask is violation of their rights. Right to what? Right to catch coronavirus and suffer or die and pass it on to your loved ones? Is that a right or stupidity?
Nations like Singapore, Australia and New Zealand acted promptly at the outset with cancellation of flights, mandatory quarantine of incoming travellers, masks, lockdowns and distancing. The number of cases in those countries were minuscule compared to the superpower, the USA.
In Canada the curve had flattened in most provinces by June but there was unexpected resurgence of infections that was undoubtedly the doing of our spoiled youth and young adults. Young people wake up! This is serious, so take some responsibility.
Not having parties or congregating in bars or beaches is not a calamity. Are you so overindulgent and narcissistic that while the whole world is reeling from the devastation caused by the coronavirus, millions of poor people in poor countries have lost jobs, been evicted from their houses, the governments are too poor to provide any financial support that could provide some food, leading to slow starvation, adequate medical care is nonexistent and you are disconcerted that you cannot party?
It is not just the young people who are being irresponsible. I notice in grocery stores that many people do not wear masks and do not bother with distancing. We wear masks to protect others. Is it too much to ask from so-called civilized humans? Civilization is underpinned by qualities like empathy for others, willingness to work toward a common goal, and know the difference between right and wrong.
Let us beat it, folks. It is a shame not to assert the power that we have, collectively, over this tiny invisible virus. Too much is at stake. If we do the right thing life can return to normal earlier.
In Canada we are lucky to have a compassionate and caring human as our prime minister, who has been working hard to ensure that Canadians are looked after. Let us count our blessings.
Ramma Sawhney