February 23rd, 2025

Albertans continue to refuse to accept economic reality

By Letter to the Editor on September 12, 2020.

Can you believe there are still ideologs (blind public policy economists) from the Reagan/Thatcher/Greenspan era that are trying to blame Alberta’s finances on COVID-19 and the oil “market?” Albertans refuse to accept reality after 50 years of Conservative political fantasy (bad financial thinking). Is it possible to believe the Conservatives can fix the problem they created?

The wake-up call is ignored, excused. Norway, with similar population, the same market, with the same start time, has a $1.5-trillion reserve; plus paying all public health care, pension funding, and all education kindergarten through university!

Please Albertans, take off your rose-coloured glasses and smell the skunk. This disaster is caused by listening to U.S. political propaganda, and corporate right-wing privatization. Puppy-like following the mandate of the one per cent elites. Why keep listening to the University of Chicago public policy experts like dizzy Izy, Klein/Love and Toews. “The Commies are coming, the Commies are coming,” generations of Kool-Aid drinking has removed self-sufficient thinking ability. Even children today are trying to wake up their parents. Non-thinking is too easy – we can just do what grandpa did. Carl Sagan called it the “Demon Haunted World.”

Today’s big news – Kenney “resets” cabinet; blames Trudeau (again), trusting a new Conservative leader to fix everything, justifies a giant step backwards by OKing coal mines in our drinking water. To quote Pogo: “We have met the enemy, it is us.” This is NOT creating jobs. This is profit taking for corporations and poisoning the population. Now we understand why Kenney wants to eliminate environmental assessment, and federal oversight. First you scare everyone about losing their jobs; then blame it all on Trudeau; then offer slavery to international corporations; pretending to be the job creator.

Don Ryane


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