September 11th, 2024

Public notices not the best place to start cutting back

By Letter to the Editor on November 28, 2020.

If the City is looking for areas where it can reduce expenditures, cutting back on public notices for zoning changes and development permits may not be the best place to begin.
To start with, the province requires municipalities to give notice of such public hearings. Second, a business requesting a bylaw change is responsible for the costs associated with such a public notice, not the City, so we wouldn’t be saving taxpayers any money, but we would be making it more difficult for them to get information about developments in their community.
Robert Tarleck

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Fedup Conservative

On another note I hope the Kenney supporters have read the results of the survey done by the Medicine Hat News that points out what losers they are. While they hurl their sarcastic comments at us for not being dumb enough to support him the intelligent Albertans have spoken.
They know this guy has betrayed them and they want him gone. The survey asked “If there was an election next week who would they support. They got 897 people to respond and 65% said they would vote for Notley and only 21% for Kenney. I bet they could conduct this survey anywhere in the province and the answer would be basically the same from what we are hearing, yet we still have these ignorant Albertans desperately trying to make up idiotic comments to defend Kenney while he treats them like morons.


The development department and the community planners would love nothing more than to bury some of their irregular activities. They already got plenty of help with that in “our” new bylaw 6300. When it is politically uncomfortable let’s bury it in the middle of a lengthy bylaw and get the blessing of the majority of elected councilors. Elected to serve, no less.