By Letter to the Editor on January 13, 2021.
Jacob Van Zyl in his opinion piece from Saturday’s Herald (Dec. 19) asks the question if divine interference with a person’s hereditary profile is “impossible.” That is “David’s corrected DNA” being now devoid of original “sin.” This would be part of the “greatest of miracles,” a “cosmic event” according to the writer.
The only “cosmic” event associated with Christmas that I am aware of is the “Christmas Star” which can be seen on the solstice this year. A remarkable alignment of Jupiter and Saturn.
The Biblical story is oft repeated as a source of inspiration at this time of year and offers to many comfort, whilst to others a fairy tale without any basis in fact. Faith (“tradition/ritual”), as referenced in a further opinion piece from Saturday’s Herald concerning Paganism, suggests something “deeply personal,” bringing peace and hope in a topsy-turvy world.
Freedom of religion is sacrosanct — as is the freedom to reject such teachings.
Rather than a belief in the “control of millions of galaxies” and DNA manipulation by a divine entity, a belief in and respect for the earth makes considerably more sense to me.
The writer has his belief, I have mine.
John P. Nightingale