October 11th, 2024

Guaranteed income needed here

By Letter to the Editor on January 13, 2021.

Mr. Neudorf:
There has been much bragging about Alberta’s resources, both natural and human. Albertans might be the most wasteful of both. Over 40 years ago, food banks were started in Edmonton. A recognition that a large part of our population was not able to participate in our economy.
Forty years later, the need for assistance has grown all across our province. As my representative in our legislature I want to see you and your party establish a Guaranteed Annual Income for all Albertans before the end of this session. Jobs are one thing, but if they do not provide enough livable income, they are a waste of time.
I support introduction of a provincial sales tax tied to a Guaranteed Annual Income, and a fairer income tax system.
D. Ryane


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Southern Albertan

Is it supposed, that now that the Kenney UCP are dropping severely in approval ratings, that they might, finally, decide to take suggestions such as this?