By Lethbridge Herald on January 28, 2021.
The Lethbridge Herald Jan. 23 2021 carried a front page, scathing commentary by Ms. Harder on the XL pipeline being the fault of Mr. Trudeau.
It seems Ms. Harder is woefully uninformed on the history of this pipeline.
She apparently does not do her homework before making her vitriolic pronouncements.
Mr. Harper in 2013 said to business people in New York “it’s a no brainer” and “we won’t take no for an answer.” Hubris abounded that day.
Well we all know what happened don’t we, all except Ms. Harder of course.
It was nixed by Obama in 2015 as not being in the “national interest.”
Do your homework Ms. Harder! Be informed! Facts count!
The blame game doesn’t work!
Josephine Aristone