January 20th, 2025

Trudeau showing his lack of competence

By Letter to the Editor on February 12, 2021.

It was easily foreseen that suddenly Canada is pulling vaccines from an entity that was designed to provide Vaccines to countries who could not afford to purchase them.
In fact, the signals have been sent by our illustrious Prime Minister for months. The only thing I do not understand about this Prime Minister is why he did not do his Mr. Dressup routine every time he came out of his residence to speak to the media? Why not come out in Punjabi dress heralding that Canada has nine doses of vaccine per person, then the next day, dress in Inuit garb and do it all over again?
The most predominant signal that the Liberals are “nothing but deck chairs on the Titanic” is the need to keep the contracts with Pharma’s secret.
Knowing the propensity to seek spotlight whenever the PM can, one would expect if the contracts were the gold standard of wisdom, he would be parading them around like a rooster who just got his daily grooming.”Coloured socks cannot save anyone”, only the vaccine can!
So it’s now a matter of picking the space in time where the least amount of incompetence is displayed to the public, for our election. Obviously the Moderna stall of vaccine caused the COVAX pull so Trudeau could try to demonstrate some agility in looking competent?
So the window of opportunity to “look like” you know what you are doing is closing. If he gets to April and vaccines start showing up in size and it looks like he can appear competent for a month or two, then it’s a summer election.
So the next step will to do a little cry and promise more of our taxpayer money to bribe you for your vote. No matter the direction, “incompetence is reining supreme”!
Dennis Bremner

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Southern Albertan

“We took our eye off the ball: How Canada lost its vaccine production capacity.”

John P Nightingale

No question Canada has dropped the ball. But to place the entire blame on our PM is incorrect. Currently, we have no capacity to produce our own vaccine supplies. Why?
Several lab initiatives shut down during the Harper years. Delays reinstating such labs are just that – “delays” and that is on Trudeau’s watch.
Overall, Canada has a “C”.
(A 68 year old sister in England has received her first shot and a scheduled for the second in three weeks)
Oh Canada…


I don’t think Mr. Trudeau is responsible for Canada’s failure to get vaccines so far. The people that voted for him should have asked themselves, before voting, if a “drama teacher” with expertise in “skiing” and “surfing” was the right person to lead Canada. Politicians don’t get elected by themselves. So we deserve Canada’s mediocre performance and scandals that have resulted from lack of maturity and judgement.

Fedup Conservative

Would you rather have these damn Reformers running the show. As much as the true conservatives in my world don’t like Trudeau they trust him more than fools like Erin O’Toole who is already promising to force his privatization of health care upon us like Klein, Harper and Kenney tried to do. It got Klein forced into early retirement and Harper defeated along with Scheer.


I guess … but was a mail clerk from Imperial Oil any better?


 if a “drama teacher” with expertise in “skiing” and “surfing”

This old hat shot at the pm was lame 8 years ago as it is now.
Who cares? What is the ‘perfect’ background? A bloody lawyer?

Last edited 3 years ago by h2ofield
Southern Albertan

Agreed….not that I would vote for the Trudeau Liberals, but not to forget that Justin was probably well-coached by his father, the wily, smart, Pierre. Don’t forget the genetics. And, Justin Trudeau is way better looking than Harper and O’Toole, which certainly helps in politics, like it, or not.

Fedup Conservative

What planet were you living on when Lawyer Peter Lougheed was running this province properly and when Lawyer Rachael Notley was following in his footsteps by increasing taxes and going to start increasing royalties back up to the Lougheed levels like we know has to be done to get us out of the mess these Reformers have put us in.


You are truly the definition of a broken record. It’s like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.


seems more a need to unload than it is a common sense letter. constantly on the war path about trudeau’s love of dress. trudeau is a fail for many reasons, but not because of our lack of pharm production.
beginning back in the mulroney years, at least, was the beginning of our current woes, and canada’s ultimate lack of production of most things. and yet, it was long before then that canada sold itself out as holder of its own destiny, allowing a bunch of lazy and sly and conniving slobs to fill their pockets selling us out to the usa and rendering us fully dependent on them. a virtual subsidiary of sundry and all things american, and innovator and creator and manufacturer of ever less things canadian. the 1980s laid the groundwork of the ultimate nail in the heart of our economy, when everybody jumped ship to china, that miracle of human rights. sorry, db, the heart of our economy along with our ability to produce much of anything homegrown began well before, and was furthered year over by every govt regardless of party name. according the logic of the letter, one may as well blame trudeau for all the pollution and towns left busted by big mining, and for the rape of our oceans, and for the massive theft of our resources.
the real question, as i see it, is why are people voting rather than destroying their ballots? that is the gentlest message we can send so as to demand real change: stop legitimising what has become illegitimate. our democracy is now an illusion, and the masses keep on getting less, and wealthiest ever the more, no matter which of tweedle dum and tweedle dee we elect.

Fedup Conservative

As much as the true conservatives in my world aren’t fans of Justin Trudeau they trust him a lot more than these phoney conservatives. We can all blame the horrific financial mess in Alberta on Reform Party policies, starting with Ralph Klein.
You would have to be a damn fool if you thought these manufactures could provide enough vaccine for the whole world in that short a time without problems cropping up.

While we hear that many countries haven’t received any at all my American relatives state that there are 30 states in the same boat as Alberta and are awaiting more.

Don’t forget we weren’t suppose to get any at all until March and I bet if Kenney was running this he would find it smart to start suing someone and put all our lives at risk by giving them an excuse to cancel all our shipments, after all he wasn’t smart enough to listen to what Joe Biden was telling him months ago, or what doctors were telling him about the covid problems as he?