September 8th, 2024

Morgan Wallen treated too harshly

By Letter to the Editor on February 19, 2021.

I realize that Morgan Wallen made a mistake and I know that he should pay. Losing his career is too hard of a punishment.
I really don’t think he meant to hurt anyone’s feelings as you see in his apology. I think nobody has the right to intervene in his personal life. I don’t think that he should be removed from Spotify Hot Country Song playlists.
My opinion is that he should pay a fine or help food banks.
I really love his songs and they bring out smiles in people.
Melissa Waldner

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Dennis Bremner

This is what happens when Social Media becomes Judge Jury and Executioner. Being Socially Acceptable and Politically Correct is a fulltime job, one which I will not, nor ever will, apply for! So, the standards are now set by Twitter, FB, etc etc. If you make a mistake like Morgan Wallen did, its not enough to be sorry, regretful, and ashamed of yourself for “losing it, in one moment of weakness”!
The only thing that is acceptable is if the Social Media Mob decides if its worth forgiving, and it never is! Social Media Mobs are no different than the groups who used to attend public hangings. I was not around when they did, but I can see where the first hanging, few attended. Then, those that did attend sat in a pub calling the rest of the beer swillers “girlie men” for not showing up. Soon the ranks swelled to a point where it became not only acceptable but a “Social Event” for women and children.
Once the Social Event became popular, the next stage was to hurl abuses, tomato’s and anything else you could wield to show your disdain. Those that were the “most p*ssed off”, stood out among the silent. The silent then became uncomfortable with their silence and soon emulated the loud people.
So, in a few hundred years, the hoard, has moved from Gallows Viewing to FB, Twitter etc. He who creates the most outrageous post condemning the guilty b*stard is the ripest tomato and is the standard that then must be exceeded by the silent ones.
Mob mentality prevails created by the strokes of a keyboard, the executioner pulls the lever, the neck snaps, a career ends!

Last edited 3 years ago by Dennis Bremner

” If you make a mistake like Morgan Wallen did, its not enough to be sorry, regretful, and ashamed of yourself for “losing it, in one moment of weakness”!”
You screw up, you’ve got to own it. How about addressing the racism, rather than whining about social media? Lame rant, Dennis.


not to worry- there are host of other ignoramuses ready to take his place…always room for one more in the country circles. fewer blacks accepted into that genre than there are whites accepted into the hip hop genre, and gentiles accepted into the media/entertainment genre in this grossly hypocritical world.