September 16th, 2024

Time to take environment seriously

By Letter to the Editor on February 19, 2021.

The time has now come for Canadians to take their environmental responsibilities seriously. We must change our lifestyles in step with the rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere. The time for half measures like the carbon tax is over. Truly effective change starts at the grassroots and each person has a part to play, because all of us contribute to global warming.
We cannot blame someone else for the problem, rather we should ask ourselves how am I contributing to the problem or the solution? What am I doing to make things better?
Rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere are mostly caused by burning fossil fuels and cause global temperatures to rise. Weather patterns change and the evidence is all around us (massive forest fires for example). We personally are responsible for rising CO2 and can change our ways in order to reverse climate change.
The question is are we willing to change or work together towards this common goal? I hope so.
Where would we start? Having a public forum about rising CO2 and what we in Lethbridge are doing about it is a good start. The next step is a 10-year plan and a call to work together. We can accomplish much by working together.
P. Michael Beck

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Michael are you ready to rub two sticks together to heat your home during our latest ” Global Warming” Polar-Vortex?
Unbelievable that you can’t look-up at that big ball of gas in the sky and deduce that it might have a impact on our tiny little planet!
But NO keep looking down into your planet-warming-bible! That will give you all the human-fault answers you are looking for!


for once johnny i have to agree with you


j57 is baaaack…but none the wiser, it seems. while the writer makes sense, j57 does very well in his own right at screaming the nonsense of the self indulgent planet haters that are unable to understand the existence of gray areas.
while the writer is advocating change in terms of reduction and urging much needed cooperation, j57 can only understand that we either go all out in our rampant trashing of the planet approach, or, we return to the caveman days of “rubbing two sticks together.” and j57 and ilk continue to be stuck in that thoughtless pattern even as transitions are well under way that are not compromising our ability to stay warm.
worse still, j57 is not alone, as the absurdities continue all around us: ads that show trucks, suvs, crossovers, and other nonsense machinery routinely destroying the natural world – as though that is a right or even a necessity – bombard our sensibilities even as our planetary systems are being decimated. so ingrained is the belief that one has the right to do whatever, even if puts others at obvious risk, which environmental destruction does, that we have 2 rogue cops that feel they can break the law in order to ensure their selfish wants supersede decency. sadly, the official response to their abhorrent actions further underscores that some are above the law, and that selfish, antisocial behaviour is still the gold standard in our society. while the j57s, and the Jason Carriers and Keon Woronuks of the world are still aplenty, there are many others more the wiser and decent. with or without everyone on board, the decent approach forward is not only the new way, it is the way.


Back biff? Never went anywhere! Just needed a break from the mindless drivel from brainwashed climate-saver dip-s..ts like yourself. Hopefully during this latest cold-snap YOU were heating your home by rubbing two sticks together because if you used any kind of fossil-fuel to heat your home then you join the mass of hypocrites in your twisted movement!
Well biff! Will you tell us how you heat your home? Most likely NOT! Once a hypocrite always a hypocrite!
Oh and by the way just noticed you mentioned me 6 times in your comment.
Getting in to your head is so much fun! lol.


really, are you that thick?! did you not read what i wrote? to quote from my entry: “while the writer is advocating change in terms of reduction and urging much needed cooperation, j57 can only understand that we either go all out in our rampant trashing of the planet approach, or, we return to the caveman days of “rubbing two sticks together.” and j57 and ilk continue to be stuck in that thoughtless pattern even as transitions are well under way that are not compromising our ability to stay warm.”
sadly, j57, you have just underscored my contention. you may wish to look up some words so as to increase your ability to comprehend that which you slide your eyes across: comprehend; compromise; transition; reduction; cooperation; sustainable; selfish. stay tuned, and perhaps we can suggest other words for you to look up down the road.
btw: i just checked my energy bills…seems i am using natural gas, and also electricity! i had no idea! thanks j57! i am now enlightened! it is nice to know that we are not compromising our ability to stay warm as we transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy options.


Using Natural-gas and electricity? I rest my case against the hypocrite-queen!


there is absolutely no discussing anything with you – your entries that consistently demonstrate an apparent lack of ability to acknowledge what many others express, have you appear to be as dense as a black hole.


If you WOULD practice what what you preach I could and would take you serious! But that won’t happen any time soon!


Michael, I have some questions for you:
1) What told you that Canadians don’t take our environment seriously?
2) If the evidence for anthropogenic climate change is all around you, how about showing it to us rather than just making only claims?
3) Where did you get the evidence that rising CO2 levels are caused by our CO2. I have seen many claims to that effect but never saw the scientific evidence. Whenever I have asked so called experts, all I get is name calling instead of evidence. If you have it please provide it.
4) The only reasonable contribution I get from your letter is the proposal for a public forum. I have been trying for years now to get some professors and other so called experts that make these claims, to join in a public forum, and instead of claims defend the scientific evidence that support these claims. This has proven impossible to achieve. I hope you have a better luck .
The Climate dispute will never be resolved by spreading an ethical view supported by empty claims, posturing and pathological altruism. All that you need is scientific evidence that you can debate publicly and defend.


now, let me earn some minuses from the other side, too 🙂 i also am skeptical as to whether co2 is our biggest concern. moreover, i am quite positive co2 capture and limits is mostly a game that is primarily about enriching the usual cronies of the planet. to put it another way: pollution and environmental degradation are our greatest concerns. consequently, we cannot have unlimited wants and unlimited population – one or the other has to give. therefore, were we to discover the cleanest and utterly environmentally friendly source of energy available in the universe, our issues would not be solved, and perhaps would be made even worse. we need to reduce our wants and the fallout related to them: toxins, garbage, and environmental imbalance and degradation. all the carbon “control” we can muster will hardly make a dent in restoring health and balance to the planet.


Homines quod volunt credunt, Socrates.


Nice one!


do you think latin will resonate, given how difficult it is for too many to just understand thoughts expressed in english here? 🙂


Perhaps my Caesar to his Socrates is too much.

Better than addressing his assumption that anyone would take him and his group seriously at a ‘forum’ of professors and experts. I think one would have to understand science first.


indeed…:) i am finding it as much frustrating as curious that people are so attached to fossil fuels that they cannot accept transitioning to more sustainable approaches. one supposes the j57s, and “socrateases” of our village (what an ironic moniker – keeps asking for supporting info despite the volumes of it out there), would have been advocating to continue rubbing 2 sticks together ahead of the age of the fossil fuel, or continuing to flog horses to death as cars came into being, and of course: maintaining the flatness of the earth, and all the while denying otherwise whilst demanding references of proof of “roundness” despite there already existing volumes of overwhelming proof.
how many net minuses have i rung up here? pile on “common sense” lethbridge! 🙂


YOU need to lead by example biff! All your anti-fossil-fuel bibble-babble fools nobody! Only the weak-minded could ever take you seriously! You have all the qualifications for a politician in the Liberal Party.