September 9th, 2024

Enough of our politicians’ sound and fury

By Letter to the Editor on February 24, 2021.

I am getting tired of hearing the bleating made by critics such as Rachel Harder and Erin O’Toole who consistently, and also sometimes falsely, blame all the ills we experience in Canada on the current Federal government. Sometimes the problem is not the government’s doing. An example is the delay in delivering the Pfizer vaccine to Canada. They compound their silliness by even reverting to “name-calling” (a tactic often employed by children on the playground!) I have yet to hear from them what and how they would have done had they been in a position to do something about those ills! This applies equally to the other “Opposition” parties, who are guilty of the same actions as the Conservatives.
All I hear from them is what should have been done after the fact. Hindsight is always “perfect” but too often something must be done “on the spot.” If one were to research every decision for every possible outcome, decisions would always be made too late!
There is a solution for Mr. O’Toole, Ms. Harder and the other “leaders.” They have it in their power to end the “ineffectiveness” and “incompetence” of the current government. All they have to do is call for vote of non-confidence in the current government, and they can seek to become the new “perfect” government! Unless they are afraid of losing!
It seems that these critics are really more interested in making noise merely for an opportunity to get their picture in the newspaper or on television.
To quote the Bard, all I hear is “Sound and Fury, signifying nothing!”
Gene Balay

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John P Nightingale

Hear, hear!


I agree, I too have had enough of the “demands” of the opposition parties who offer no solutions other than more taxes, more spending.


I agree 100% Gene.


agreed. however, our system is a mess. there are so many impediments to democracy at this juncture, and our immature “competitive” approach to society and politics and economics is not serving us nearly as well as would benefit us most (lack of proportional rep that renders one’s vote to worth less than a vote, which in turn leads to runaway majority govts with not only less than 51% of the vote, but typically with less than 40% of the pop vote; lobbying, which gives a decided advantage to money interests over those of the greater good; party whipped elected reps, which creates ongoing disservice to constituents; as well, highly centralised party power; ongoing corruption and crony capitalism that has become second nature to the system and to the robotic voter; lack of real audits that have teeth; utter lack of oversight and enforcement of corruption in govt and govt circles, and soft to no legal retribution for those that rip us off, sow cynicism, and undermine the public trust as well as the public purse…). perhaps i will live long enough to see a society where public service is really that, rather than self service in the guise of public service, and when we seek the wise to lead, rather than the sly sociopath.

Dennis Bremner

and yet Gene you site the very thing the Liberals did screw up. The Pfizer delay is where we are on the list of buyers. Those higher on the list that do not have production of their own, did not experience delays and got their dosages! So where you appear on the list of dated signed contracts, determines who is cut off, who does not get their full load, and who gets nothing for X days/weeks. That’s common sense “business”!
The Liberals placated to a Canada/China Consortium to develop the vaccine from March through August of 2020 while in the midst of a huge fight with China.
So the Liberals put all their eggs in one basket for 6 months. While a country held the two Michaels, and were threatening everything but Genocide on Canada (…instead they picked the Uighurs!)
Then the Liberals spent untold money to secure a position in the lineup for other vaccines that has seen us drop to as low as 55th on the list of countries immunizing their citizens. When I say untold, I mean untold. You have no idea what this group of hamsters paid for this vaccine and what the final bill will be because they won’t release ANY portion of the contracts. Now one can say, no matter the cost, but that’s easy to say when you are 6 months late to the wedding, looking for a piece of wedding cake!
Now that 6 month screw up may seem unimportant to you, but to many of the LTC residents and other Canadians who died waiting for their shot, a shot that would have prevented “their death”, it is quite relevant and important would you not think?
I will speak on their, and their families behalf!
If, we had maintained top 7 as in G7, and not 40th-55th, we likely could have saved 3000-4000 people in Canada. So you won’t argue that number Gene, lets say, it was one person and that one person WAS YOU! The shipments of doses would/could have been larger, if not larger, “earlier for sure”. So on behalf of the many that died and would like to still be here, let me say this; “Gene, you are DEAD WRONG!”
So Gene, if you were one of the unfortunate that ARE DEAD because of this Liberal screw up, wouldn’t you like to know that the opposition were holding the screwee’s feet to the fire? This is not hindsight, this is a major screwup that the Liberals intend on minimizing every chance they get.
People like you and others remember 2 things, X immunized by March, everyone by end of Sept. The trouble is, those dates were created as a result of the screw up! So meeting those dates does not make you a hero, it makes you a zero to those that died while you placated to a Country who was already not cooperating!
The Liberals never had a Plan B, if was China or Bust for 6 long months….Well we ended up with Bust and people died because of it! Lucky you, you were spared, hopefully you get your “late shot” in time!
To those that did not make it, Canada owes you an apology, although I am sure that is not enough!

Last edited 3 years ago by Dennis Bremner

dennis, you and anyone else can have my doses, should they ever come available. i’ll give this at least 5 years but likely 10, before i feel confident enough. a year along, and not only covid free, but also flu free and cold free! never been a full year in my life without one or both of cold/flu. mask is working fine, and soon enough, it may even become sexy fashionable to get a wisp of nostril…or even some lip, from an immodest lady.