September 17th, 2024

Why is garbage being moved from alleys to street fronts

By Letter to the Editor on March 12, 2021.

Neighbourhood by neighbourhood, the City is forcing all residents to front street waste pickup. Even in neighbourhoods that have had 50 years of problem-free alley pickup. Even where narrow streets are not designed for large trucks and are already choked by two-way traffic.
Changing for the sake of change? Such a radical change to a decades-old city service should only happen if residents demanded it, or if a comprehensive cost-benefits study made it a no-brainer. Not the case here. No cost-benefit study. No citizen support. No real justification at all!
But wait – the City says money will be saved. They point to a generic KPMG study that alludes to other municipalities, but did not examine Lethbridge specifics. Great! How much money will be saved? Where? And is it worth the costs residents are suffering in having front pick-up?
Because there are costs to residents. Citizens have identified problems such as inadequate yard access to get the bins to the front, physical incapacity (for many seniors or handicapped individuals), street side parking conflicts and large trucks choking up ultra-narrow streets or delaying traffic on major thoroughfares.
Plus, the bins sure look ugly.
How loud must we shout to be heard? Lethbridge residents have strongly opposed this change through vocal complaints, numerous letters to the editor, a presentation to Council by the London Road Neighborhood Association and a town hall meeting prompted by the first affected group (11th St S) – where City officials completely dismissed all concerns without providing any reasons or benefits for the change. All of our voices have fallen on deaf ears.
Recently the LTC requested a rollout schedule from the City so that residents about to lose their alley collection could prepare.
Our request was rejected. Does the City prefer to keep residents in the dark? Or is this a divide and conquer strategy to choke off large public backlash?
Please do not remain silent. The citizens of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan faced a similar City-led change to their waste collection, but they stood up for themselves and were able to get their Council to reverse the decision. It’s not too late here.
Gwen Chadsey
Lethbridge Transparency Council

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I do enjoy driving down my alley to park in my garage without dodging tubs. Most people in my neighbourhood used to store their tubs in the alley and not on their property.


A great letter Gwen, but, it will fall with the pile of other letters and actions by citizens on arrogant waste management ears they will tell you to read the bylaw The problem is the elected governance people City Council they gave full control of Waste Management to the “Engineer” as stated in Waste Bylaw 6146 under definitions, City Council gave full authority and “sole discretion” to Mr Hawkins the “Engineer”. The Council authority is only to pass rates and bylaw. You can see what action this Council takes on such as the London road request.
The “Engineer” reasons to move carts to the front street are weak and should be challenged along with others to a Municipal Inspection of the whole Waste program eg. theft of reduction of rebate loan payment fees to pay $935,000 MRF Loss etc. , I told you they were broke from the beginning of recycling program. Look forward to the Spearman’s and Council’s $19millionOrganic debocle coming up in May.


well if kpmg says it is better…wait, isn’t that the same corrupt company that helped launder criminal money, and shelter folk from rightfully paying their taxes on earnings to offshore havens? as if, the little guy loses everything they own to “proceeds of crime” laws, but not the likes of big corp…oops, do i digress, again.
as for garbage bins on the streets, seeming to be more a metaphor nowadays. wherever we place them for pick up, it still requires people to move ’em back to their property. maybe that is what the dogs that have been put out very late at night, or all night, even when it is wicked minuses out, are trying to tell us.


it is collusion to allow for bigger profits for developers by removing the need for alleys. they have already allowed then to narrow the streets so it is one way traffic when parking is allowed on bot sides of the streets. also they are allowing smaller lots by reducing the clearance between house (leading to greater risk of fire spreading)


And lot prices didn’t come down


I for one believe that an election this fall should sort out the real management. If the councilor/mayoral candidate is against front pick up then he/she may get my vote. I he/she is unsure or believes the Engineer then he will not get my vote.