September 15th, 2024

Did UCP voters know what they were doing?

By Letter to the Editor on April 21, 2021.

Editor: Did anyone in Alberta who voted for the UCP in the last election realize that they were voting in a dictatorship?
First they cut funding to the secondary education facilities across Alberta. Then they went after the public service workers. They reduced the number of teacher aides in classrooms.
Now they are arbitrarily changing the curriculum in the K-6 grades. How destructive are these decisions going to directly affect the generation most closely related to this appalling over-reach of power? The people making up the curriculum do not seem to want to involve the people closest to the situation.
There seems to be no involvement in communicating with the people their decisions affect.
The coal policy immediately comes to mind again. No consultation with the people of the province most affected. All the talking to local MLAS falls on deaf ears.
The health care system is another area that the health minister decided to slash and burn the system. Everyone can see the problems that that has caused with the COVID pandemic and the poor roll-out of the COVID vaccine. Another boondoggle.
On again, off again, closures of small businesses which are the lifeblood of most communities across Alberta. They just do not seem to be able to get things right on anything they purport that needs improving. Improving? More like destroying!
Those who voted for UCP trashed the NDP government we had, but things were a lot better thought out before they were implemented. The UCP have ministers in charge that do not have a clue as to what is the right thing to do in their particular portfolio.
It is definitely time for Albertans to wake up and realize the huge mistake they made in voting in the UCP party in the last election.
Bernard Tichler

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Did anyone who voted in the last election have any idea a world wide pandemic was coming. Doubt it.

Fedup Conservative

Maybe you would like to explain how a pandemic has anything to do with cutting taxes for the rich and destroying health care and education jobs and increasing University Tuition fees by 40%.
How does it effect deliberately trying to run doctors out of rural hospitals so you close down their health care services, put our water supply at risk of being polluted, and kicking out the RCMP so you can dump all the costs onto the backs of taxpayers.
We don’t see it happening in other provinces do we? Your lame attempt at finding an excuse to support these phony conservatives is laughable.


Are you saying the Pandemic corrupted the UCP party????

Southern Albertan

No, there could be many Albertans who regret voting for the Kenney UCP. We have friends and neighbours, who are lovely, the salt of the earth kind of people, who voted in good faith for the UCP, but now, actually say out loud, “That’s not what we voted for.” Unfortunately, the Kenney UCP are not an example of the once, more inclusive fiscal conservatism that my Alberta grandparents once voted for. Now, this Kenney UCP type of ultra right wing conservatism is more, toxic populist authoritarianism. Perhaps now, that the Kenney UCP are rating so low in voting intentions, more Alberta folks are coming to this realization. The ongoing bumbling, every day, by the Kenney UCP is not helpful for them either. A glaring example is their seeming hellbent march toward open-pit coal mining on/in our eastern slopes, let alone their horrible pandemic response, divvying up $billions of our money for corporate welfare and iffy pipelines, the K-6 curriculum fiasco, unwise cutting of postsecondary education….on and on….every day there’s some other bumblebus problem with this government.

Fedup Conservative

We are hearing the same thing from people who called us all sorts of names for not supporting him are now admitting that we were right and they wished they hadn’t.
My friends keep pointing out that anyone who deliberately tries to destroy what our hero Peter Lougheed created for us is certainly not a conservative, they should instead be praising him, like Notley did.

This Red Neck Has No Neck

Anyone who had followed Kenny as a member of Stephen Harper’s government, or knew anything of his shenanigans as a student in California at the Jesuit run University of San Francisco would have known exactly what they were voting for.

Fedup Conservative

Well said Tom and when those of us who did tried to warn other fellow seniors about what he was like we got called all sorts of names for not being as ignorant as them.
They aren’t calling us names anymore a lot of them have finally realized we were right.
Even his own party is asking him to retire.


right on. he is kind of a demagogue without a cause.