January 18th, 2025

Where is writer’s compassion for others?

By Letter to the Editor on April 28, 2021.

Editor: Paul Hinman calls himself a “Christian” yet his tired monologue reported in the Herald (23rd April) could not be further from the teachings of Jesus. Where is Hinman’s compassion for others? By his apparent open defiance of recommended public health actions, beholden only to a “higher power”, he and others contribute to increasing hospitalizations and ICU capacity. The “herd immunity” concept Hinman cites, did not work in Sweden and James Coates deserves to have the “book thrown at him” for his continuing violations of sound public health measures. And by the “book”, I do not mean the Bible , although the latter should be good reading material for both men. Treating others respectfully and with kindness is an oft repeated theme throughout both Testaments.
Hinman quotes John Locke and Adam Smith, confirming his personal belief that governments duties are indeed to “protect the life of citizens…….” but he nonetheless feels that those duties do not extend to medically recommended restrictions. (A “vast overreach”) That such so called “onerous” restrictions of movement and mask wearing, are enabled in order to protect citizens from increasing COVID exposure and consequences, seems to have been lost in the narrative. Surely, the Christian ethic embraces all efforts at protecting others from harm in society?
Yes, lockdowns can impact an individuals rights, economic well being and their ability to function normally but we are dealing with an unprecedented pandemic, the largest in a century and until vaccinations are applied universally, to at least 75 per cent of the population, COVID will continue to cast a devastating shadow over humanity. Consider: Increasing numbers in ICUs across the country, delayed cancer surgeries, fatalities from COVID in all ages and so called “Long Haulers.”
Continuing defiance of common sense measures openly displayed by the likes of Hinman, Coates et al, casts a dangerous pall on others, no matter their personal beliefs, something they (the people) most certainly do not deserve.
That being said, thankfully most religious congregations and non-believers alike are following health authorities advice. We must all do our part, lest the chain breaks, the virus triumphs and continues to pick apart our fragile humanity, all the while aided by selfish individuals around the globe defying health authorities concerted recommendations.
Hinman asks if the jailed pastor was “doing harm?” I would answer “Yes.”
John P Nightingale

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Fedup Conservative

Great comments John. These phony conservatives aren’t fooling many Albertans anymore. People have realized what they are all about. Deliberately trying to destroy what Lougheed stood for was a huge mistake.

Fedup Conservative

When Covid started taking over in the U.S an American relative was telling me that one of the Trump supporting Governors was telling people that they had nothing to worry about God Would Protect them.
I wonder what he’s telling them now that more than 570,000 have died.

Southern Albertan

Many of us are definitely familiar with, unfortunately, the modus operandi of some so-called ‘christians,’ : “sit in church piously on Sunday and screw thy neighbour Monday through Saturday.” Many of us who no longer ‘attend’ have joked about how instead of a cross on the wall behind the pulpit, there should be a dollar sign ($), after all, because it appears that money is worshipped more, than God. Certainly, the Kenney UCP open-pit coal mining fiasco is an example of not being one bit ‘christian,’ i.e.having care, consideration, respect and the better well-being of Albertans, as Jesus would do.


great entry – ty for this. i passed this on in this forum some days ago, but it applies here. while there are plenty that are stuck, or otherwise fooled and wholly bought into the disease rather than the cure, i feel there is a shift for the better afoot. not to worry that things can get worse on the way to getting better.
here is something from an obscure but mesmerising book i recently came across.
“The simple communal life, with members holding all things in common,
was the basic lifestyle that Jesus recommended. Those who had, gave all;
those who needed, got. It sounds more like communism than any other
governmental arrangement considered in societies thus far, although it does
not carry the load of anger at wealth itself that Marxism does. Its problem is
that it does not pander to human traits like territoriality and greed. Look
around the western world today and we see nuclear families defending their
territory and making sure their lives are secure. The closest lifestyle these
days to communal living that we see in normal society is enjoyed by the
homeless, as they share what little they have. This is a culturally Christian
society, not a Christ-like one.” Carla Lisbeth Rueckert


These are not the Conservatives of years gone by; they’re an extreme right wing version that uses the moniker to trip people up. What matters are their actions and there is nothing ‘conservative’ or prudent about them. As we’ve seen they are all about trashing the things and values that matter most to us: public education, health care, our parks, water and more.